Break Into Another World

Chapter 1748: The real me

Xu Ming really can't figure it out - what kind of power is it that makes these powerhouses who were still very happy with him suddenly so scared that they can't even say a word?


Seriously, Brother Ming doesn't care!

It's just the world of the first layer! The strongest is only the cultivation of the realm of all things! No matter what kind of power you have, can you still go to heaven in front of Brother Ming?

Xu Ming just wanted to find out what happened.

The powerhouses who visited Xu Ming were all scattered. However, they did not leave Silver Light City too far, but hid around Silver Light City, as if preparing to watch something lively.

Soon, City Lord Yinguang got the news and knew what was going on; as soon as he gritted his teeth, he went straight to the Wu family manor where Xu Ming was.

"Brother Xu Ming!" As soon as he entered the manor, City Lord Yinguang said, "I'm the one who got you involved!"

"How do you say?" Xu Ming didn't care and said with a smile.

"It's about Long Daotian!" said the Lord of Yinguang City.

"Long Daotian?" Xu Ming couldn't help but wonder, "Isn't he the one who made the list? What happened to him?"

The list of people is really not qualified to be regarded by Xu Ming at all.

Don't say it's a human ranking, even if it is a power ranking player, Xu Ming can kill it in one move!

City Lord Yinguang continued: "Although Long Daotian is only an expert on the Human Ranking List, he never imagined that behind him, there is a super presence - the top ten on the Earth Ranking List, Mo Jiangran!"

The top ten on the list?

Xu Ming suddenly became interested.

Almost all those who can make it to the Earth Ranking are in the realm of "Extraordinary Rank 3", and their strength has reached the level of "Superior Domain Master"! On the other hand, the top ten on the Earth Ranking 100% had reached the limit of the high-rank domain masters—perhaps even stronger than the top-grade domain masters such as Yi Tao domain masters that Xu Ming encountered in the Border of Chaos!

This is the strength close to the realm of the realm!

And it is - with the cultivation of the realm of all things, close to the strength of the realm of the world!

How could Xu Ming not be interested in such an opponent?

City Lord Yinguang observed Xu Ming's expression, and seeing that Xu Ming was not afraid at all, but also faintly excited, he couldn't help but say, "Brother Xu Ming, you probably don't know the strength of the top ten in the Earth Ranking?"

"Heh!" Xu Ming naturally knew the worries of the Silver Light City Lord, so he smiled without saying a word.

"Also..." The City Master of Silver Light saw that Xu Ming didn't take it seriously, and said, "This Mo Jiangran is not an ordinary top ten!"

"Oh?" The top ten on the list are divided into "ordinary" and "uncommon"?

City Lord Yinguang said: "Mo Jiangran, with the realm of 'Second Rank of True Self', is in the top ten on the Earth Ranking List!"

"The real me is second-tier?" Xu Ming is really strange - Xu Ming knows the difference in strength between "real me second-tier" and "real me third-tier"! What means does this Mo Jiangran have to use the realm of "Second Rank of True Self" to overwhelm many "Second Rank of True Self"?

City Lord Yinguang continued: "It is said that what Mo Jiangran has realized is... the true self of the emperor!"

The emperor is really me!

"Hi—" Even Xu Ming couldn't help but be shocked.

City Lord Yinguang continued: "And... Mo Jiangran's last shot was countless epochs ago; no one knows whether his strength has made a new breakthrough after so many years! With his talent , It is very likely that I have stepped into the realm of the 'real third-order'!"

I'm really third-order!

And it's "Tier 3 of the Emperor's True Self"!

what does that mean? —Meaning, Mo Jiangran is suspected of being a powerhouse in the sky! Even if it's not a powerhouse in the sky, at least it's the "top ten" on the land list!

In the eyes of City Lord Yinguang, whether it is the "Top Ten on the Earth Ranking" or "The Powerhouse in the Heavenly Ranking", Xu Ming is not something that Xu Ming can provoke!

However, after City Lord Yinguang spoke for a long time, Xu Ming just said lightly, "Oh..."

Moreover, Xu Ming's interest seems to be getting stronger and stronger - is the emperor's real me third-order?

I really want to see and see, what is the difference between the third-order emperor and the true self!

"Brother Xu Ming, I suggest that when it's time to lower your head, lower your head!" City Lord Yinguang said the same words as County Lord Youlong, "According to the information I got, Mo Jiangran seems to have said that as long as you go to Yun Hecheng, kneel down three times to apologize, and then submit to him; then, he can let go of the past! Otherwise...otherwise..."

"Otherwise what?" Xu Ming sneered.

"Otherwise... no matter where you escape to the first layer of the world, Mo Jiangran will personally come to enslave you, turn you into a soul slave, and completely lose yourself..."

"Ha!" Xu Ming couldn't help laughing, "This Mo Jiangran is really arrogant!"

City Lord Yinguang said: "He does have arrogant strength!"

Suspected to be a powerhouse! It's normal to be arrogant!

It's a pity... Mo Jiangran met Brother Ming!

"City Lord Yinguang!" Xu Ming laughed, "Send me the word, just say - I'm very interested in the strength of Mo Jiangran, who is suspected of being a powerhouse in the sky!"


City Lord Yinguang was so frightened that his face turned pale: "I...I dare not pass it on..."

Spread this word out?

How many lives does City Lord Yinguang have enough for him to die?

Outside Silver Light City.

All the great powers gathered together quietly.

"The silver light has passed! Xu Ming should already know what happened!" Princess Youlong said, "You said, will Xu Ming be willing to surrender?"

"It's not a question of whether you want to be soft or not! It' have to be soft! After all, Mo Jiangran is suspected of being a powerhouse in the sky!" A powerhouse sighed Tianbang, the representative The pinnacle of the entire first layer of the world!

Even if it is just a "suspected list of heaven", it has a fatal deterrent to other geniuses in the world of the first layer of heaven!

"No..." An old man wearing a karma robe, with a strong look of awe in his eyes, "It's no longer 'suspected'..."

Not suspected! ?

As soon as these words came out, the powerhouses were shocked and silent!

The old man in Taoist robe continued: "Mo Jiangran's realm has actually broken through to the third level of the emperor's true self! It's just that he has never made a move, so he has not been included in the list of heaven! With his strength, once he makes a move, he will definitely On the list!"

"Hi-" The audience was full of shocked voices.

Suspected Tianbang is already a deadly deterrent! What's more, are you sure it's a list?

"Xu Ming should make a wise decision, right?"

"Not bad! No matter how strong Xu Ming is, he can't be the 'Tier 3 Emperor's True Self'; after all, the 'Tier 3 Emperor's True Self' has a special aura, and once he makes a move, this aura cannot be concealed! And when Xu Ming shot, there was no such breath at all!"

"Tier 3 of the emperor's true self... Being able to smell that special aura will have some benefits for our cultivation!"

"Indeed... Now, let's see if Xu Ming will be stupid!"

at this time…

Xu Ming's voice roared in the Silver Light City: "Everyone outside the Silver Light City, help me spread the word, just say that I am very interested in Mo Jiangran's strength!"

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