Break Into Another World

Chapter 1750: 1 knife to massacre the city! ?

"Mo Jiangran, here we are!"

At the moment Mo Jiangran appeared, all the powerhouses present immediately confirmed that Mo Jiangran was definitely on the Heaven Ranking level!

With such power, the level of the Earth Ranking is completely two levels; even, even in the Heaven Ranking, Mo Jiangran's strength is not weak!

"Mo Jiangran hasn't made a move for hundreds of millions of epochs. Unexpectedly, his strength has changed so much!" The powerhouses from the Taikoo Pavilion were all a little surprised - he was also at the top level, but he had a faint feeling that he should not be Mo Jiangran's opponent!

"Xu Ming!?" Mo Jiangran said in a deep voice. The whole piece of time and space hummed together.

His gaze had already fallen on Xu Ming, and a sneer sneered at the corner of his mouth: "I heard that you are very interested in my strength?"

Xu Ming, who was sitting cross-legged by the lake, stood up indifferently—it has to be said that Mo Jiangran's strength did put some pressure on him, and Xu Ming should take it seriously.

Mo Jiangran sneered disdainfully, and his voice gradually became extremely indifferent: "Just because of you, are you also interested in matching my strength? - However, I am retreating in billions of years, and I really need a test stone!"

Mo Jiangran didn't treat Xu Ming as an opponent at all, he could only be regarded as a "testing stone".

However, the powerhouses present felt normal when they heard it - after all, Xu Ming was only a top-ranked player on the ranking list at best, so how could he match the opponents of the powerhouse on that day?

"That's not right!" Suddenly, Mo Jiangran sneered again, "You are still not qualified to be my knife test stone! Hmm... The people in the entire Silver Light City combined are barely qualified to test my knife!"

What's the meaning! ?

City Lord Yinguang couldn't help but be stunned. Immediately, infinite horror appeared on his face - the people in the entire Silver Light City combined, barely qualified to try a knife?

"Mo Jiangran wants to... wipe out Yinguang City!?" The City Lord of Yinguang was extremely terrified.

In Yinguang City, some knowledgeable powerhouses also realized the deep meaning of Mo Jiangran's words! They didn't feel at all that Mo Jiangran was bragging; they had heard too much about the terrifying strength of the Tianbang powerhouse! There are indeed some powerhouses on the Heavenly Ranking List. In order to establish their prestige, they will choose to slaughter the city with a single sword or slaughter the city with a single sword!

Obviously, Mo Jiangran also wants to do the feat of "slaughtering the city with one knife"!

"Escape!!" The experts who were aware of the danger fled towards the outside of Yinguang City one after another.


It's too late!

At this moment, time and space seem to have become still! The powerhouses who wanted to escape from Silver Light City seemed to be frozen in time and space.

And in the direction of Mo Jiangran, a golden sword light as huge as the sky and the earth is crushing the Yinguang City like the sky and the ground!

At this moment, the fleeing masters in Yinguang City just realized that it was not that they were frozen in time and space, but that Mo Jiangran's knife light was too fast! In comparison, their escape speed became as slow as a turtle crawling.

"Can't escape!"

"It's over!"

"It's all Xu Ming's fault! How dare you provoke the powerhouses without strength? It's better now, not only will he be finished alone, but the entire Yinguang City will be buried with him!"

Desperate curses resounded throughout the Silver Light City.

The powerhouses outside Yinguang City were fascinated by this vast and splendid sword light at this time!

"This knife light..."

In this sword light, they felt the special breath of "the essence of the true self". This kind of breath will only be revealed when the "Emperor's Rank 3" powerhouse takes action.

"Just with this knife, Mo Jiangran is not weak in the list of heaven, right?"

"Xu Ming is dead! Not to mention the top 500 on the Earth Ranking, even if it is the top 10 on the Earth Ranking, you will have to suffer under this knife!"

"If you can see this knife, it's not a waste of time!"

"Indeed! I feel the 'essential meaning of the true self', and my own 'realm of self' seems to be slightly improved!"

The emperor is really at the third level, and once he makes a move, it is like an emperor on a tour! Others who have not reached the emperor's level have the hope of having an epiphany and benefiting from it.

Obviously, Mo Jiangran made this knife, and many strong people got the harvest.

As for whether Silver Light City will be destroyed... No strong person will care about this issue!

Even, in the eyes of some indifferent powerhouses—Silver Light City can be slaughtered with one knife, which is the honor of Silver Light City.

In the face of this vast sword light, even Xu Ming had a solemn expression: "Is this the strength of a powerhouse in the sky? It's really powerful! But... it doesn't seem to be much stronger than me!"

If Xu Ming opened the "attribute modification" link and temporarily modified his cultivation to the peak of Nirvana Realm; plus his realm and other plug-ins, his strength was comparable to the "Top Grade Domain Master Peak"!

As for Mo Jiangran, although he is stronger than the top-rank domain master peak, he has obviously not reached the level of the world master, and is at most a "half-step world master". Even if he is stronger than Xu Ming, he is still limited, and the gap is far from "two levels".

Moreover... the peak of the top-rank domain master is not all Xu Ming's strength! Xu Ming has a lot of level 21 hanging points. If he directly changes his cultivation base to the domain master level, his strength can even directly enter the "world master realm"! Even if the ink will be crushed, it will not be a problem!


Xu Ming was a little unwilling to waste the 21-level hanging point on Mo Jiangran.

"Take him and try it first!" Xu Ming secretly said.

With Xu Ming's strength, it is not difficult to take the next blow; even if he suffers some injuries, he has practiced Divine Phoenix Immortality, and he can recover in an instant.


A spear shadow as huge as a pillar of the directly angrily blasted towards the monstrous sword energy, and the two collided outside the Silver Light City.

The shadow of the gun directly tore the sword air, like a mountain dividing a river into two.

The knife gas that was divided into two directly swiped the edge of Silver Light City; wherever it went, everything turned into nothingness.

As for Xu Ming's spear shadow, it dissipated directly—obviously, there was still some gap between the two.

But even so, Xu Ming's ability to fend off Mo Jiangran's sword energy is still shocking!

"Xu Ming actually blocked it?"

"How is that possible!? This sword qi, even the top ten on the Earth Ranking, can't be blocked!"

"Xu Ming's strength...seems to be very close to the sky!"


"Huh!?" Even Mo Jiangran was slightly stern at this time, "You can actually block me!? Your strength is enough to rank in the top three in the Yunhe Prefecture Ranking!"

Top three on the list!

What a high rating!

"But it's a pity, your achievements in this life will stop here, right?" Mo Jiangran sneered disdainfully, "I can't feel the slightest breath of the emperor's true self in you; therefore, you understand the true self , is definitely not an emperor! Then, you can only stop on the list for the rest of your life, and you can't step into the list!"

"And..." Mo Jiangran's eyes had a gloomy look, "Also, you offended me! Your life should stop here! — not bad, not bad! The top three on the earth list are also worthy of me to deal with you seriously! "

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