Break Into Another World

Chapter 1764: big thick legs

After saying goodbye to "Pick the Sky", Xu Ming and his party of five flew directly towards the depths of the Eternal Battlefield.

"What a coincidence!" Ye Juetian laughed, "I originally thought that I would have to stay in the city for many epochs before I could find a suitable teammate! Even after picking up the injury, I might not be able to find it! "

"It's a coincidence!" Xu Ming also laughed.

"By the way, Brother Xu Ming!" Ye Juetian said again, "I take the liberty to ask, how is your ranking in the Heavenly Ranking? Let's get to know each other so that we can fight side by side in the future!"

Eternal battlefield, isolated from the world of Yizhongtian.

It will naturally take some time for the news in the first layer of the world to reach the eternal battlefield.

Moreover, Ye Juetian and others are usually not in the "main city" of the second quadrant, but wandering in those battlefields where the time and space are highly disordered; the information about the world of the first layer is even more blocked.

Ye Juetian, Heiqiu and the others had never heard of Xu Ming's name; that's why they were curious as to where Xu Ming ranked on the list.

"Heavenly Ranking..." Xu Ming was startled, he couldn't help but secretly laugh in his heart - you must know that Xu Ming's ranking is no longer on the Heavenly Ranking, but on the Primordial All Things Ranking!

And it is the first in the list of ancient things!

However, Xu Ming knew that even if he revealed the ranking of "No. 1 in the Primordial All Things List", the other party probably wouldn't believe him unless he showed his strength. Moreover, if you really let a few people know their true strength, then I'm afraid they won't be able to be teammates well - the four of them will definitely serve themselves as if they were serving the Lord.

Xu Ming thought for a while, then said his original ranking on the list: "Six thousand!"

"Six thousand?" Ye Juetian could not help frowning slightly.

With a ranking of 6,000 in the Heavenly Ranking, this is certainly the top powerhouse in the world of the First Layer! But in the battlefield of eternity, it is really nothing!

The ancient battlefield, where is it?

It is a place where only the powerhouses who have been on the list are qualified to enter!

Moreover, many of the previous Heavenly Ranking Powerhouses, after entering the eternal battlefield, many still stay here! Those who have been in the battlefield for a long time, if they are measured by the "Heaven Ranking", their strength may be ranked in the top 30 of the Heavenly Ranking! - Moreover, there are a lot of powerhouses in the top 30 ranks of the Heavenly Ranking! Much!

In the eternal battlefield, if the strength level is below the "100 in the sky", then it is relatively weak!

Therefore, when Xu Ming said that he ranked sixth thousandth in the sky, Ye Jue couldn't help frowning slightly - this is too weak, isn't it?

The outspoken Bo Xuewei couldn't help but blurt out: "Ranking 6,000 in the Heavenly Ranking, you dare to enter the battlefield of the ages?"

Generally speaking, those who dare to enter the battlefield of eternity are at least in the top 1,000 rankings in the Heavenly Ranking.

Yue Han is rather cold and beautiful, but she doesn't speak; however, deep in her eyes, she is also slightly disgusted - after all, ranking 6,000 on the Heavenly Ranking List is really too weak!

On the other hand, it was Heiqiu, and it seemed that the old **** was there. He has been on the battlefield for too long, and he has seen many different teammates; therefore, even though Xu Ming's ranking in the sky is relatively low, he is still very calm.

"It's all right!" Ye Juetian was stunned for a moment, but he quickly recovered and smiled, "The rankings on the list may not necessarily indicate strength! Maybe, Brother Xu Ming is hiding his strength, but he is actually a great master. !"

Ye Juetian's joke was obviously to ease the awkward atmosphere. But Ye Juetian didn't know that his joke was really right - Xu Ming was indeed hiding his strength!

"Brother Xu Ming!" Ye Juetian said again, "To tell the truth, I have a top-level world master-level magic weapon called the 'Five Harmony Array'! It takes five people to join forces to exert its power!"

The reason why Ye Juetian insisted on forming a team of five was to motivate the "Five Combination Array".

The five-in-one formation that the five people jointly promoted, Ye Juetian would dare to fight even if he encountered the combat power of the five "number one in the sky"!

Of course... Eternal Battlefield brings together geniuses from the Eight Era! It can be said that the entire universe, the highest level of the realm of all things, is here! Therefore - although Ye Juetian has the "Five Combination Array" card, the other teams also have their own cards!

No matter which opponent you meet, don't take it lightly.

Ye Juetian continued: "Brother Xu Ming, although your ranking on the Heavenly Ranking is not high, but after entering the Array, your strength will definitely be comparable to the top 100 on the Heavenly Ranking, or even higher! - As we walk, I will follow you at the same time. Explain the five-in-one formation diagram!"

"Okay!" Xu Ming didn't say much, just said with a smile.

Xu Ming and Ye Juetian just met by chance; it is very likely that Xu Ming would not let them know his true strength until they parted.

The five walked all the way.

Ye Juetian also quickly explained to Xu Ming some of the essentials of the Wuhe Array, and experimented a little - after all, the leader of the Wuhe Array is Ye Juetian; Xu Ming is only an assistant, and he only needs to briefly You can cooperate.

Business is over.

Bo Xuewei flew to Xu Ming's side and said with a smile, "Xu Ming! Your luck is really good! If other teams knew that your strength was so weak, they would not necessarily accept you!"

Although, every team likes to find new teammates who have just come to the battlefield; but since they are looking for teammates, it must be "strength first"! The strength is too weak, and it will indeed be disliked by most teams.

Xu Ming was speechless and said, "How do you know that my strength is weak?"

Although Xu Ming didn't care much about other people's opinions, he still wanted to save face, right? Being so despised by a girl teammate, Xu Ming of course had to ask back.

Bo Xuewei said: "If you are not can you rank so low in the rankings?"

"I..." Xu Ming wanted to defend himself, but finally gave up.

Yue Han glanced at Xu Ming a little, shook his head, but still didn't speak.

The second quadrant main city.

When the one-armed man "picked the sky" and returned to the main city, he felt that the atmosphere in the city was a bit strange; it seemed that the powerhouses in the entire main city were discussing something.

Picking Tian couldn't help but wonder - what is it that can be discussed by so many strong people.

He walked into a tea house, listened to it, and quickly understood what was going on—the list of ancient things, updated!

If it was only a slight change in the Primordial All Things Ranking, the discussion in the main city would not have been so lively! What shocked Zhetian was that there was actually a strong man who directly climbed to the top of the Primordial All Things List!

What shocked Zhetian even more was that the powerhouse who is now ranked No. 1 in the "Immortal All Things List" is actually called Xu Ming!

"Could it be him?" Zhaitian was horrified, "Could it be that... the Xu Ming I met just now is the number one existence on the Primordial All Things Ranking!?"

Picking Tianlian tried to find a way to get the appearance image of "No. 1 in the Primordial All Things List".

"It's really him..." Zhaitian was completely shocked - he thought that Xu Ming joined Ye Juetian's team and hugged his thighs! Only now did he know that it turned out that Xu Ming was the real big thick leg!

"Brother Ye, I'm afraid I still don't know that Brother Xu Ming is actually the number one existence on the list of ancient things, right?"

Two updates are finished today, thank you!

(End of this chapter)

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