Break Into Another World

Chapter 1774: The elephant is invisible

"What's wrong?"

"What is your father-in-law doing?"

"He seems... to use us as a sacrifice of some kind!?"

Millions of powerhouses are panicking!

In fact, the power that is shaking time and space is too terrifying, and it is obviously not something they can resist!

"Hurry up and stop the father-in-law Taihao!"

"Yeah! Stop him! He's probably going to use us as a sacrifice of some kind!"

Immediately, the million powerhouses no longer dealt with Xu Ming, but turned their heads and launched an attack on Gong Taihao.

call out! call out! call out! call out! …

The overwhelming attack slammed into Gong Taihao. However, there seems to be an invisible wall around Gong Taihao. No matter how many attacks come, it will disappear when he is a certain distance from Gong Taihao.

And Gong Taihao's sacrifice is still going on!

Xu Ming didn't do anything, just squinted and watched: "This gentleman, Tai Hao, is really extraordinary! I don't know... what his identity is!"

However, Xu Ming was not flustered.

Anyway, Xu Ming has an "immortal mark" hanging on it. Moreover, he has already left "space coordinates" in the First World and the Eternal Battlefield; even if he really falls here, Xu Ming can be resurrected immediately, and then spend some cost to send it over.

No matter what his father-in-law's identity is, or what his cards are... Xu Ming is invincible!

Moreover, Xu Ming was really curious, what would his father-in-law Taihao sacrifice after spending so much effort.

"Look first!" Xu Ming secretly said.


Suddenly, the indestructible space of the Eternal Battlefield was directly "boomed" out of a huge black hole.

On the other end of the black hole, an extremely ferocious and **** terrifying breath came: "Who... is calling me with a sacrifice?"

Under the oppression of this ferocious and terrifying atmosphere, almost no one of the top powerhouses in the million-day list can keep calm - this is a kind of fear that comes from the deepest part of the soul!

"It's me!" Gong Taihao said to the black hole, "I heard that one genius of 'the true self of the gods' and ten thousand geniuses of the true self of the emperor can make sacrifices to you! This time, I will, Prepared a 'real self' and millions of 'real self'!"

"I feel it!" On the other side of the black hole, a terrifying breath said, "You sacrificed to me because you want a chance to inherit?"

"Yes!" Mrs. Hao continued.

"Yes! But it's just an opportunity for inheritance. How much inheritance you can receive and how far you can go depends on your own chance!" On the other side of the black hole, he said again.

"I see!"

"Very well, then come on!" said a hideous voice.

At the same time, the black hole gradually rotated, and there was a terrifying gravitational force. Some of the weaker ones were sucked into the black hole one after another.

Even Xu Ming felt that the gravity was gradually increasing on him; if he didn't resist, he would soon be sucked away.

Xu Ming thought for a while: "Let's go and have a look!"

Just now, Xu Ming communicated with Xiaohang privately - the master of the black hole is indeed very strong; however, Xiaohang is stronger!

In any case, Xu Ming has the "immortal imprint" hanging on this trump card.

Just as Xu Ming was about to follow the gravitational force and enter the black hole, a vision suddenly appeared!

"Gong Taihao!" An angry shout seemed to resound from every corner of the world at the same time. This rage was so domineering that even Xu Ming's divine body was shaken for a while.

Xu Ming was shocked: "Just a sound made my body churn?"

You know, Xu Ming has come into contact with the Supreme Realm powerhouse "Yuan Zun". But there is no doubt that the master of this angry shout is probably much stronger than Yuan Zun!

The angry shouts from nowhere continued: "Master Taihao, you are really cruel! You are willing to reincarnate and rebuild, and take a big risk to fight for this chance!"

"Master Taihao! Stop it! Such a treasure, you can't peep at it!" This was another voice, which sounded a bit enchanting; but undoubtedly, it was on the same level as the domineering roar.

"Master Taihao, it's time to turn back! As long as you are willing to turn back, I will guarantee you to restore the strength of your peak period!" This voice sounded a little sincere.

"Hahahahaha..." Grandpa Taihao laughed loudly, "Stop it? Keep me back to my peak strength? - Hahahaha, I paid such a high price, even at the risk of falling, for this, that's not what it is! A piece of heavy treasure, I have to decide! If you have the ability, you will come to the battlefield of the ages!"

In the eternal battlefield, only the cultivation base below the realm of all things can enter - this is the rule of the universe!

Even the existence of the Supreme Realm cannot violate the rules of the universe.

"Damn! Do you really think I dare not come in!?" The domineering voice sounded again.

Immediately afterwards, Xu Ming saw a scene that shocked him beyond belief—I saw an incomparably huge palm suddenly appear above the dome, beyond the endless horizon.

The size of this palm can no longer be described in words! If you insist on saying it, there are only four words to describe it: the elephant is invisible!

too big!

Incredibly big!

You must know that the main continent of the Eternal Battlefield where Xu Ming is currently located is comparable in size to a virtual universe!

And now, Xu Ming feels that the entire main continent is probably about the size of the "thumb" of this palm! In other words... this palm is much bigger than a virtual universe!

Just one palm is already so huge, so what kind of "elephant invisible" existence should the owner of the palm be?

Xu Ming couldn't imagine it!

But Xu Ming knew—that was the pinnacle of existence in the Supreme Realm!

"I don't know... Is the owner of this palm strong, or Han Mo?" Xu Ming couldn't judge.

At the same time, Xu Ming looked at Gong Taihao and secretly said: "Gong Taihao was reincarnated and rebuilt? Then his previous life, I am afraid that the owner of the palm is the same level of existence?"

That level is the real peak existence of the universe!


The invisible palm of the elephant was directly pressed, and it seemed to crush the entire main continent directly.

However, at this time, a golden chain with the same "invisible elephant" appeared without warning and caught the invisible palm of the elephant! —The golden chain is composed of countless secret patterns that Xu Ming cannot understand! This is the rule chain of the universe!

Any power that violates the rules, even if it is the pinnacle of the Supreme Being, must be bound by the chain of rules!

"No—" The domineering voice roared, but to no avail—his invisible palm was dragged away by the rules and chains; the battlefield of eternity was not a place he could invade.

"Hahahaha... a bunch of idiots!" Gong Taihao's sneer sounded, mocking the invisible existence of the elephants outside the dome.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! …

At this time, the million powerhouses from the Eight Great Dimension were sucked into the black hole one after another. Xu Ming did not resist, and followed this gravitational force into the black hole.

"Hahahaha! I want this opportunity!" Grandpa Taihao laughed and got into the black hole.

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