Break Into Another World

Chapter 1776: I want to hit 10 million!

"And you... maybe there is a chance to get the 'Boundary Breaker Gun'!"

As soon as the voice of the figure in gray fell, the audience was shocked.

"Do we have a chance to get it?" The eyes of countless geniuses became extremely frenetic.

You know, even a blind man can see how extraordinary the Boundary Breaker is!

Such a treasure, even an ordinary Supreme, is probably not qualified to peep at it; but now, they have a chance to get it! -Although, it must be an extremely slim first-line opportunity! But it's also an opportunity! It's crazy enough!

"Boundary-breaking gun, but even the top beings in the supreme are trying to get it! If I can get it, then in addition to getting the treasure, I can definitely get the inheritance, right? Then... it is really equivalent to one step to the sky!"

"If you can control this treasure, its status in the entire universe is probably extremely high!"

"What is an opportunity? This is an opportunity! A great opportunity that will never be encountered in a lifetime of cultivation!"

"I must do my best for such an opportunity! Although it is almost impossible for me to get it, but... what if I get it?"

"Fight! If you don't fight, you can only be mediocre forever, until one day you die; but if you fight once, maybe you can soar to the sky!"

"If there is a chance to be extraordinary, who is willing to be ordinary? - Fight!"

One after another, they all looked at the figure in gray fiery.

For these geniuses with endless lifespans, they have really looked down on life and death! After all, in their long lives, any life they want to live has been passed a thousand times.

Every genius who came to the battlefield of eternity is tired of mediocrity! In order to become stronger, they are even willing to exchange their lives!

With such an opportunity in front of him, who is a genius who doesn't want to fight for it?

"Haha!" The gray-clothed figure laughed. The situation in front of him was not what he expected at all.

"But..." At this moment, the figure in gray groaned.

Every genius suddenly became nervous—obviously, the figure in gray was about to announce, how could he qualify for the Boundary Breaker Gun!

"However..." The figure in gray said with a grim smile, "There are too many of you!"

"Too many people?" At this moment, every genius didn't care about the grim smile of the figure in gray, but asked impatiently.

"Yes! There are too many people!" The gray-clothed figure continued, "I only need 10,000 talents for my assessment; but now you are more than a hundred times more than a hundred times! have to screen it!"


Immediately, all the geniuses became nervous again - only by being selected and becoming one of the 10,000 geniuses can they hope to get the Boundary Breaking Gun! And those who were eliminated in the screening no longer even have "hope"!

"I must be chosen!"

Each genius has a raging fighting spirit and a monstrous fighting spirit.

At this time, the figure in gray said again: "The screening rules are very fair - I will send you into an independent battle space, and you can choose the number of opponents yourself! Each opponent is the strength of an ordinary 'high-grade domain master'; Everyone has only one chance to challenge! The 10,000 geniuses who have successfully challenged and challenged the most are eligible to advance to the assessment; and if the challenge fails, or they are not ranked in the top 10,000, then… Jie Jie Jie Jie…”

The laughter of the figure in gray suddenly became gloomy.

Needless to say, those geniuses who did not advance to the assessment will definitely end up miserably.

"Oh?" After listening to Xu Ming, the corners of his mouth twitched slightly, "This challenge to the rules is really ruthless!"

Because everyone enters an independent challenge space, no one can know the "number of challenges" of other geniuses. Moreover, there is only one chance, so every genius must do his best and show his cards when he is challenged - after all, the strength of most geniuses is not much different! If you don't do your best, you can only be eliminated!

And the fate of being eliminated is very miserable!

Of course - Xu Ming doesn't have to do his best! He just needs to play casually, and that's it!

At this time, some geniuses couldn't help but think about the pros and cons - this is "one in a hundred", and it's just a chance to be assessed!

Is it really worth it to take your life to fight for a chance to be assessed?

One genius couldn't help but ask: "Can I not participate in the screening?"

"Okay!" The gray-clothed figure said with a grim smile.

"Huh..." Immediately, many geniuses breathed a sigh of relief and began to consider whether or not to participate.

But then, the figure in gray said again: "As long as you die, you don't have to participate in the screening!"

If I die, can I not participate in the screening? -Every genius understands that this is forcing them! Participate in the screening or die!

Moreover, the current situation is obviously "man is the knife and I am the fish"; anyone can see that with the means of the gray-clothed figure, it is possible to easily kill any genius on the field.

No way, all geniuses dare not take chances, but seriously consider their own strength.

A unicorn genius from the eighth quadrant frowned and thought hard: "My strength has reached the 'half-step world master peak', which is extremely close to the world master; if it is measured by the sky ~Should be able to rank in the top three of the Heavenly Ranking! And the strength of an ordinary high-rank Domain Master is equivalent to an ordinary Earthly Ranking genius..."

The strength gap between the Heaven Ranking and the Earth Ranking is still very obvious!

The unicorn genius continued to think: "With my strength, it shouldn't be a problem to challenge dozens of them! But...if others have all their cards, I'm afraid they can challenge more than me!"

The unicorn genius gritted his teeth: "Fight! When the time comes, I will challenge one hundred and fifty! If I have all the cards, I should be able to challenge successfully!"

Other geniuses are also pondering, it would be better to challenge a few at that time.

Those who can roam in the main continent of the Eternal Battlefield are not too weak; so generally speaking, they can challenge more than one hundred. Even those with strong strength, who are between the "No. 1 in the Heaven" and the "Immortal All Things List", plan to directly challenge 300 or even 500!

However, there is no genius who will reveal to others the number of challenges he has to challenge. After all, in the current situation, everyone is an opponent!

"Heh!" Xu Ming looked at the geniuses around him, and looked at others with skeptical eyebrows. Obviously, he was estimating the number of challenges from others, and he couldn't help laughing.

Obviously, each genius is calculating whether he has a chance to win the "screening battle".

Xu Ming sneered disdainfully, and thought to himself: "Isn't it just the number of challenges? What's the point of hiding it? I won't cover it up!"

Thinking of this, Xu Ming looked directly at the figure in gray, and said loudly, "I'll come first! I want to fight... 10 million!"

(End of this chapter)

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