Break Into Another World

Chapter 1781: Talent limits imagination

"Hahahaha... I've transformed into a 'real me'!"

"My strength, I am afraid I can challenge the Primordial All Things List? - When I return to the world of First Layer, I will also be listed on the Primordial All Things List!"

"It's too strong! This is a great opportunity! After years of hard work, I can't break through; now, it has changed in one go!"

The existence of "Mingme Tower" and "True Me Book Pavilion" is not a secret. Soon, almost all geniuses discovered these two places, and got the chance, and their strength increased rapidly.

Many geniuses have broken through to "the true self of God" in one fell swoop. Even those who haven't broken through to the "real self of the gods" have made a lot of progress; the distance to breakthrough is also just around the corner.


There is also a genius who did not discover the "Pagoda of Mingwu" and "Book of True Self", this genius is Xu Ming!

You know, as long as you pass the first floor of the "Tower of Ming and Self", you will leave your name and ranking on the tower. The higher the ranking, the better the performance in the tower!

The other nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine geniuses left their names on the pagoda; only the name "Xu Ming" did not appear on the pagoda.

"Why didn't Xu Ming come to break the 'Tower of Ming Self'?"

"The Tower of Mingwu is quite conspicuous in the ancient city! Xu Ming shouldn't have found the Tower of Mingwu for so long!"

"Xu Ming must have found the Tower of Myself!"

"Found it? But why, he didn't leave a name on the Tower of Myself?"

"There is only one possibility, and that is—Xu Ming couldn't even break through the first floor of the 'Pagoda of Ming Self'! Then, before other geniuses discovered it, he stayed away from the Pagoda of Ming Self!"

"Yes! It is very likely! Xu Ming's strength has been suppressed two hundred times. Even if he is the powerhouse of the second quadrant 'Pagoda Ranking No. 1', it is very likely that he will even be on the first floor of the 'Tower of Ming Self'. I can’t even break through—I’m afraid right now, Xu Ming is hiding in a corner to practice hard work, trying to break through the first floor!”

"Haha! If Xu Ming can't make it to the first floor, then his chance to come to the ancient city is really a waste!"

There are some geniuses whose "true self" grade has changed and their strength has skyrocketed. Their self-confidence is rapidly expanding, and they are even thinking about whether to challenge Xu Ming - after all, Xu Ming's strength has been suppressed two hundred times, so there is nothing to fear; In addition, Xu Ming's current strength is likely to have no progress, I am afraid it is when Xu Ming is the weakest!

It is obviously the best time to challenge Xu Ming now!

"What about the number one on the Primordial All Things Ranking? I'll challenge it!" A gloomy young man with a hooked nose sneered, "Although there is some suspicion of incompetence, but speaking out, I have also defeated the number one on the Primordial All Things List. It exists! Haha…”

Xu Ming's strength, naturally, cannot be without progress.

At this time, Xu Ming was shrouded in a mysterious world constructed from countless characters. He is immersed in this mysterious world, but his mind is unprecedentedly peaceful; his understanding of the "true self" is also unprecedentedly clear.

"It turns out that my 'real me' still has so many flaws! No wonder... No wonder I'm only a 'real me first-order'! If I can make up for these flaws, it will be enough to set foot on the 'real second-tier'!"

"Yes! Yes! Yes! From nothing, as it should be!"

"That's right! This kind of cultivation is right!"

In Xu Ming's heart, inspiration continued to burst out, improving his understanding of the "real self".

"If I continue to practice like this, within a few years, I will be able to break through to the second level of the true self! In 10,000 years, it will definitely not be a problem to step into the third level of the true self; The conditions of the flower's are not impossible!"

Once the "Flower of True Self" is successfully condensed, it will be a powerhouse in the domain master realm!

Of course, even if Xu Ming could condense the "Flower of True Self", he probably wouldn't dare to break through the Domain Master easily. After all, once he cultivated beyond the realm of all things, he would have to rescue Huang Zhizun because of the entanglement of cause and effect!

Xu Ming didn't want to rescue Huang Zhizun so early! He also wants to let Huang Zhizun shut down for a while longer!

When Xu Ming has accumulated enough 22-level hanging points to enslave Huang Zhizun, it will not be too late to save Huang Zhizun.

"Huh?" Suddenly, Xu Ming's brows furrowed sharply—he was at the critical moment of cultivation, but received a challenge message, interrupting his cultivation thoughts.

"What!? How dare you challenge me!?" Xu Ming laughed angrily, "You think I'm easy to bully because my strength has been suppressed two hundred times?"

What angered Xu Ming the most was that not only was he interrupted by his cultivation thoughts, but according to the rules, he had to fight! If he does not fight within a year, he will be sentenced to lose directly!

"Dare to influence my cultivation!?" Xu Ming, who was sitting cross-legged on the futon, stood up with a "swoosh" and was furious. He looked at the challenger, Zhang Mu.

"Zhang Mu? Among the 10,000 talents who entered the assessment, he should be considered the bottom of the list, right? - Even he dares to challenge me?"

Xu Ming felt, what is "a tiger falling and Pingyang being bullied by a dog".

However, tiger, wherever he goes, he is always a "tiger"! How can any cat or dog be bullied?

"Humph! Looking for a pump!" Xu Ming felt a faint itching in his palm.

In the ancient city, it is impossible to take the lives of other geniuses.

Like the virtual battlefield, it is also an illusory battlefield; death in it will not have any effect at all.

But... even if Xu Ming couldn't kill Zhang Mu, he had to teach Zhang Mu to be a good man!

how to teach?

Teach with a slap!


Xu Ming angrily left the followed the directions and headed to the Void Battlefield.

The virtual battlefield is an illusory battlefield.

When approaching a certain range of the virtual universe battlefield, they will directly enter the battlefield; it is difficult for other geniuses to know who is fighting in the virtual universe battlefield.

In the virtual universe battlefield.

Zhang Muzheng was waiting nervously.

"Xu Ming is going to fight so quickly!" This was somewhat unexpected to Zhang Mu—he thought that Xu Ming, whose strength was suppressed by 200 times, would not dare to fight; he did not expect that Xu Ming was ready to fight just after the challenge was issued!

"Could it be... Xu Ming's strength has been suppressed two hundred times, and he still has the confidence to defeat me?" Zhang Mu shook his head again and again, "Impossible! Impossible! If Xu Ming is really strong, how could he not challenge the Tower of Myself? He didn't Challenge the Tower of Myself, it must be because of lack of strength!"

Thinking of this, Zhang Mu suddenly regained his confidence.

However, how could Zhang Mu think that Xu Ming's talent is so strong that he can directly understand the Tao from the artistic conception of "True Self Characters" without relying on the "Real Self Character Classics"!

Really, Xu Ming and Zhang Mu, the talents of the two are completely different!

Talent limited Zhang Mu's imagination, so that he couldn't imagine how defying Xu Ming's talent was!

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