Break Into Another World

Chapter 1784: True Kun

After Zhang Mu left the Xuzhou battlefield, he was still in shock.

The virtual world battlefield is just a virtual world; after being slapped in the face on the virtual world battlefield and returning to reality, it is naturally impossible to have a slap on the face. But... Zhang Mu couldn't help but touch his face frequently after he left the battlefield of Void Universe. He always felt a hot slap on his face.

In fact, it wasn't that Zhang Mu had a slap on the face, but that he had already been beaten by Xu Ming's psychological shadow!

"Heh!" Xu Ming glanced at Zhang Mu in disdain, and then left - it's just a clown who dares to disturb my practice!

However, although Xu Ming was disturbed by Zhang Mu's cultivation, it was not entirely without benefits. At least, Xu Ming learned from Zhang Mu's mouth that the Tower of Mingwu and the Book of Truth; otherwise, Xu Ming would have to work behind closed doors for a long time, and he would not know about these two places until he was challenged by others.

"Let's go and challenge the 'Tower of Myself' first!" Xu Ming secretly said.

Just now, Xu Ming had already used his slap to ask for some information about these two places - as long as you pass the first three floors of the Tower of the Self, you will get three secret books! And these three secret manuals are all about the theoretical foundation of "real self", which is exactly what Xu Ming needs.

After Xu Ming left...

"Huh? Isn't this Zhang Mu?" A genius happened to pass by, "Why don't you look so good? Did you lose the battle in the virtual universe?"

Zhang Mu was startled and said, "No... No! I'm fine!"

He didn't dare to be known by others, and he was brutally beaten in the face by Xu Ming in the battlefield of the virtual universe. If other geniuses knew about this kind of thing, Zhang Mu would definitely become a laughing stock.

The Tower of Myself is not very far from the Void Battlefield.

It didn't take long for Xu Ming to arrive at the Tower of Mingwu.

It just so happened that there were quite a few geniuses near the Tower of My Self; Xu Ming's arrival naturally attracted some attention - after all, who made Xu Ming stand out in the screening battle, it was hard not to be noticed.

"Isn't this Xu Ming?"

"I didn't hear that Xu Ming failed to challenge the first floor of the 'Tower of Ming Self' before? Now he is going to challenge again?"

"The strength has been suppressed two hundred times, how can the challenge succeed!"

In fact, Xu Ming just came to the Tower of Mingwu for the first time.

However, among the geniuses, it was rumored that Xu Ming had once challenged the Tower of Myself, but he had never even crossed the first floor. In addition, Xu Ming had never appeared before, and these rumored words gradually seemed to become true.

Many geniuses believed that Xu Ming could not even make it to the first floor.

"I was just focusing on cultivation, and almost forgot to challenge Xu Ming on the battlefield of the virtual universe!"

"That's right! Xu Ming's strength has been suppressed by two hundred times! Even if he is the genius of the 'No. 1 in the Primordial All Things List', what's the use? - Two hundred times of suppression directly turned Xu Ming into a soft persimmon! "

"When Xu Ming's challenge to the Tower of Myself is over, I will challenge him! Give this soft persimmon a good squeeze!"

Obviously, there are many geniuses who regard Xu Ming as a soft persimmon.

However... the shadow of the famous tree, even if they regarded Xu Ming as a soft persimmon, they would not dare to challenge Xu Ming easily. I plan to take advantage of Xu Ming's challenge to the Tower of Myself, and first wait and see Xu Ming's strength.

If Xu Ming can't even make it to the first floor, I am afraid that most geniuses will challenge Xu Ming and earn points from Xu Ming.

And if Xu Ming made it past the second floor, then the geniuses who wanted to challenge him would have to weigh their chances first!

"Can Xu Ming get past the first floor?"

"It's hard to say... After all, the strength has been suppressed two hundred times! This suppression is too great!"

Xu Ming ignored the surrounding voices, took a step, stepped directly into the "Tower of the Self," and began to challenge.


As the scene in front of him shifted, Xu Ming appeared on the first floor of the Tower of the Self.

"Here...?" Xu Ming couldn't feel that there were too many abnormalities in the Tower of Myself, "It seems that the Tower of Myself is just a place to prove your strength! - Where is my opponent?"


Suddenly, Xu Ming felt that the entire continent under his feet trembled - this continent was even bigger than the God's Domain, as if the entire continent was rising rapidly!

"This is...?" Xu Ming was startled, his spiritual sense spread out, covering the entire continent.

In the next instant, Xu Ming's expression was stunned - he realized that the continent under his feet was not a continent at all, but a giant beast.

"Is this the 'True Kun'?"

When Xu Ming slapped Zhang Mu on the battlefield of the virtual universe, he already knew that the opponent on the first floor of the Tower of Mingwu was the incomparably huge "True Kun".

At that time, Xu Ming had no concept of "extremely huge". After all, at his level, "size" doesn't mean much anymore, only the strength of strength is the essence.

But now, when Xu Ming actually saw the size of the "True Kun", he couldn't help being shocked. Standing on Zhen Kun's body is even more exaggerated than an ant standing on a giant whale.

call out-

Xu Minglian walked away from Zhen Kun and pulled away from him.

"It is said... This real Kun is some kind of giant beast in the real universe! The real universe is extremely mysterious, and there are even some cultivation systems that are completely different from the virtual universe - for example, this real Kun is not like us at all. 'Comprehend the true self'; but its strength is extremely tyrannical, the level of cultivation is only equivalent to the realm of all things, but its strength is comparable to the 'half-step world master', equivalent to the strength of the middle and lower reaches of the heaven ranking!"


When the distance stretched to a certain extent, Xu Ming finally saw the whole picture of this real Kun - the real Kun has no scales on its body, it looks like a giant whale that has been magnified countless times; at the lower jaw~www.wuxiaspot. com~ There are also countless thick and long fleshy whiskers, and the length of each one has a "one world".

"Is this a very common real Kun in the real universe?" Xu Ming was a little shocked, "I don't know... what other exotic beasts in the real universe would be like?"

Xu Ming suddenly had a longing for the real universe.

Of course, no matter what... the real universe, Xu Ming had to go! There, is his ultimate battlefield!

Xu Ming madly increased his strength in the virtual universe, in order to go to the real universe—his wife Gu Hanmo and his daughter Xu Yin are all in the real universe!

"First kill this real Kun, let's break through the first floor!" Xu Ming secretly said.

This real Kun is actually just a trace of a spirit that has been refined. Even if it is killed, it will be reborn immediately. Of course, in terms of strength, it is only stronger than the normal real Kun.

"Try the strength of this giant beast from the real universe first!"


Xu Ming directly took out his spear, his might exploded, and he went straight to Zhen Kun.

And Zhen Kun's eyes that were comparable to a continent in God's Domain looked directly at Xu Ming.

call out-

An incomparably huge beard was whipped directly at Xu Ming.

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