Break Into Another World

Chapter 1796: Show your kun

[Book Title: Open Hanging and Breaking into Another World Chapter 1796 Show Your Kun (First Update) Author: Wang Bu Steal]

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Strongly recommended: The Tang Dynasty's Little Idlers Choose the Day to Remember the Eternal Night King, the Great Ruler of the Holy Ruins, the Xue Ying Lord, the Legend of the Eternal Dragon King

The Kun raised by Xu Ming actually only evolved into a real Kun? And listening to the meaning of Ximo, even among the real Kun, it is a relatively weak existence!

"Ximo, is this really the case?" Some genius couldn't help but ask, "Xu Ming's luck isn't that low, right?"

How the Kun evolves actually shows the strength of luck!

Although the geniuses guessed that Xu Mingyang's Kun would not be very strong, but when they heard that it was just an injured real Kun, they couldn't help but be a little bit in disbelief.

Xi Mo proudly said: "I have seen it with my own eyes, can it still be fake?"

Immediately, all the geniuses fell into silence; when they looked at Xu Ming, they also seemed more and more disdainful that it was just a wounded Zhen Kun. In this second round of "Qi Luck Assessment", Xu Ming was sure to lose!

Many geniuses even laughed wildly in their hearts: "What's the use of strong strength? If you want to get a real chance, it's not just about strength! Luck is more important!"

Obviously, in the eyes of all the geniuses, Xu Ming is a genius who has exhausted his temper, and it is not a cause for concern!

One genius after another, one after another returns.

In a short time, all the hundred geniuses from the second round of assessments arrived.

"Since everyone is here, prepare to start the assessment!" The figure in gray pointed to the center of the arena and said, "Show your Kun!"

Show your kun!

All the geniuses, you look at me, I look at you, no one dares to stand up first.

After a stalemate for a while, a figure suddenly took a step forward and it was Zhang Mu!

Zhang Mu, whose performance in the screening battle was not outstanding, entered the first round of assessment with the "ten thousandth" ranking.

However, what was unexpected was that Zhang Mu came out behind in the first round of assessment; among the 10,000 talents, he was promoted to the second round of assessment with the "top 100" ranking.

And now, in the second round of "Air Luck Assessment", Zhang Muyang's Kun has grown quite well again!

From Zhang Mu's point of view, it seems that he has begun to...the time has come!

"Yes! My luck and chance are definitely here!"

Thinking like this, Zhang Mu threw his kun catching cage directly into the arena.

The gazes of all the geniuses immediately turned to Zhang Mu's kun catching cage.

"How dare you stand up first? It seems that he must have some strength!"

"Maybe you just think you have strength?"

"Look! We'll see the difference soon!"

At this time, Zhang Mu manipulated his divine power, opened the Kun-catching cage, and shouted, "Come out!"

"Hoo woo" An extremely low roar came from the catching kun cage.

At the exit of the kun cage, a void passage was torn apart. A bone claws slowly protruded from the other end of the void passage.


Immediately afterwards, this bone claws tore the void channel even more.

"It's Gu Kun!" Suddenly a genius exclaimed.

"Zhang Mu's Kun actually evolved into a bone Kun!?"

Bone Kun, like Tiger Kun, Shark, etc., are of the same rank; however, Bone Kun is definitely the leader in this rank! If you really fight, even two sharks are not necessarily against a skull!

As soon as Zhang Mu's bone kun came out, many geniuses fell into consternation; they couldn't help but calculate whether they had a chance of winning compared to Zhang Mu.

Some geniuses are even more ugly, and their Kun is impossible to be the opponent of Gu Kun!


Finally, Zhang Mu's bone kun completely crawled out of the kun catching cage. It is entrenched in the center of the arena, majestic, as if declaring war on all sides.

"I'm coming!" Xi Mo seemed a little unconvinced, and threw his kun cage into the arena.

"Hoo!" "Hoo!" "Hoo!"…

One tiger kun and three real kuns emerged one after another from the kun catching cage. Four-headed Kun appeared at once, and in terms of momentum, it was barely able to compete with the one-headed Kun!

call out! call out! call out! …

Next, the geniuses stopped screeching and threw the kun cages into the arena one after another.

Tiger Kun, Shark Kun, Bear Kun, Lion Kun, Bone Kun... All of the "second-order Kun" with tyrannical momentum appeared in the arena.

Some "Second-Order Kun" also brought a first-rank True Kun younger brother.

For a time, in the arena, dragons roared and tigers roared, and the power was monstrous.

Of course, there are also some geniuses who are miserable. The Kun that they raised is not up to the mark, and only evolved into the real Kun. Obviously, the success of this second round of "air luck assessment" has nothing to do with them.


The entire arena fell silent.

Even the gigantic Kun of Long Yin and Hu Xiao's momentum was stagnant.

"Devouring the Kun!"

This is a giant Kun that is much bigger than the "Second-Order Kun", and its aura is extremely ferocious. It is the swallowing Kun that the geniuses have seen on the third floor of the Tower of Myself!

This is also a "third-order Kun"!


"Whose swallowed Kun?"

"You know, even the second-order kun like tiger kun, shark kun, bear kun, lion kun, bone kun can only give sacrifices to swallow kun!"

"One devoured Kun, maybe it can directly suppress the audience!"

"This swallowing Kun belongs to Jin Fei!"

Immediately, all the geniuses looked at Jin Fei with awe.

But at this moment, another tyrannical breath appeared in the arena.

"Another devoured Kun!"

"Terrible! This devouring Kun is from Fu Lei!"

There was a second "third-order kun", and the geniuses were a little fortunate , then, the two swallowing Kun will restrict each other, but instead give other geniuses a chance.

Every genius has shown his Kun. Only Xu Ming was left, and he hadn't thrown the kun cage into the arena.

"Xu Ming, where's your Kun?"

"Show your Kun, Xu Ming!"

"Could it be that your Kun is too **** to take out? Haha!"

"Xu Ming, don't admit defeat! Otherwise, it will be boring!"

Seeing that Xu Ming was dawdling and unwilling to show the Kun, the geniuses naturally thought that Xu Ming's Kun was "unable to take out". Some geniuses thought that Xu Ming was definitely finished, and even dared to mock Xu Ming.

Bright Kun?

Of course it's going to be bright!

Xu Ming's expression was still indifferent, and he was not affected by these mocking voices in the slightest.

"Go!" Xu Ming finally threw the kun cage into the arena.

Xu Ming's Kun-catching cage opened.

All the geniuses stared with wide-eyed eyes. Although they had already heard Xi Mo say that Xu Ming's Kun was only a real Kun, and he was seriously injured, so he was at the bottom of the "First-Order Kun". However, without seeing Xu Ming's Kun with his own eyes, the geniuses must still be a little nervous.


A roar that was somewhat "out of breath" came from inside the catching kun cage. Immediately afterwards, a real kun with scars all over its body crawled out of the kun catching cage. 2k novel reading network

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