Break Into Another World

Chapter 1826: ask for help

"I'll let Senior Brother Jianyi come and tell you in person?"

The Sky Overlord looked a little scared.

However, Xu Ming didn't notice that there was a hint of viciousness hidden in the depths of Sky Overlord's eyes.

"Jianyi?" Xu Ming narrowed his eyes slightly.

Who is Jian Yi?

Xu Ming did not know him, and he had never been in contact with him.

However, the geniuses of the Eternal Palace, such as Zuowei and the Overlord of the Sky, wanted to kill Xu Ming, to be precise... not because Xu Ming asked about Xu Yin's news, but because of Jian Yi's orders!

If it wasn't for Jian Yi, even if Xu Ming couldn't find out about Xu Yin, the geniuses of the Eternal Palace wouldn't kill him!

Therefore, Xu Ming is also very curious about Jian Yi's identity!

Now, the overlord of the sky said that Senior Brother Jian Yi would come and talk to him in person, and Xu Ming was naturally happy.

Thinking about it, Xu Ming retracted his spear and said, "Okay, let me know this Jianyi for a while!"

The Sky Overlord took a few steps back cautiously and said, "Senior Brother Jianyi is not in the second-level world, nor in the ninth-level world, but in the real cosmos! Wait a moment, I'm going to mobilize the formation in Eternal City, and Brother Jianyi is in the real universe! build connection!"

"Okay!" Xu Ming nodded lightly, no doubt about him - Xu Ming did not doubt, but disdained doubt! After all, he has absolute confidence in his own strength; no matter what tricks the overlord of the sky plays, he will never try to get out of his palm.

"Okay! Wait a minute! I'll be able to contact Senior Brother Jianyi soon!" The Sky Overlord said, and flew towards the Eternal City.

All the geniuses of the Eternal Hall also said: "Senior Brother Cang Qiong, do you really want to contact Senior Brother Jian Yi?"

"There's no way..." The Sky Overlord said, "This matter is beyond our ability to deal with! Let Senior Brother Jian Yi do it himself! - Come with me too, and help me mobilize the communication formation, so fast Get in touch with Senior Brother Jianyi!"

The geniuses of the Eternal Hall of course know that contacting Senior Brother Jianyi, although the price is a bit high, is not cumbersome; it is not like what the Overlord of the Sky said, what kind of big formation needs to be motivated.

However, the geniuses of the Eternal Palace all understand why the Overlord of the Sky said this—he wanted to take the opportunity to bring all the geniuses of the Eternal Palace back to the Eternal City!

Therefore, Zuo Wei and other geniuses of the Eternal Hall all pretended to agree and followed the Overlord of the Sky into the city.

Seeing this scene, Xu Ming naturally became more and more suspicious. However, Xu Ming didn't bother to dismantle it, and he didn't bother to follow the Sky Overlord into the city. He just watched quietly, wanting to see what tricks they could play.

Soon, the geniuses of the Eternal Palace all returned to the Eternal City.

At this time, the overlord of the sky, who had been cowardly like a dog, suddenly regained his previous indomitable aura!

"Xu Ming!" The Sky Overlord shouted, "You are still too naive, you dare to let me go back to the city! Hahahaha! If you want to get the answer, go to your dreams! - Come on!"


The entire Eternal City suddenly raised a dense array of gorgeous formations.

The Sky Overlord continued to laugh and said: "Now, I am in the city, and I have the protection of the formation. Even if I am a half-honor, I will never try to attack! -Xu Ming, you are strong, but what can you do to me? You wait, you The revenge for hurting me will not be left like this!"

With that said, a deep black crystal ball appeared directly in the hands of the sky overlord.


With a slight force in the hands of the sky overlord, he directly crushed the crystal ball.

"This is..." Lu Tianhai was slightly startled, but remained calm.

"Heh!" Xu Ming looked at the actions of the overlord of the sky, "Please help!? I hope... your formation in the Eternal City will be able to support your helper under my attack! I also hope, you Your helper, can you be a little more powerful!"

The formation of the Eternal City seems to be impregnable, but it also has a major drawback, that is, after the formation is activated, the geniuses in the Eternal City cannot establish a void passage to leave the second-layer world and go to the third-layer world.

That is to say... Heaven's Overlord and the others seemed to have got into the solid turtle shell, but they were actually waiting for Xu Ming to "catch the turtle in the urn". Unless, their helpers can arrive before Xu Ming breaks the formation.

Of course, the overlord of the sky also understands his current situation! However, he didn't dare to tell the news about Xu Yin, so that was the only choice!

"Although Xu Ming is terrifying, Senior Brother Jian Yi is even more terrifying!" The Overlord of the Sky knows that in the Eternal Hall, any genius who dares to disobey Senior Brother Jian Yi will hardly end well!

The Sky Overlord dare not make Senior Brother Jian Yi unhappy.

"Xu Ming's strength is very strong!" The Sky Overlord looked at Xu Ming in the distance, and said with fear, "He hit me hard with a single shot. I am afraid his strength has reached the 'Ninth Rank of the World Lord'! Even if our Eternal Hall With so many talents teaming up, it is impossible to be Xu Ming's opponent!'s not impossible to deal with Xu Ming!"

The overlord of the sky has a distant vision.

The other geniuses of the Eternal Hall also nodded: "As long as we hold back Xu Ming and wait for the army to arrive, even if he has the strength of the 'ninth-rank world master', he will surely die!"

And Xu Ming became more and more curious: "Why in the end...they ran out of means in order to hide Xu Yin's news?"

From Xu Ming's point of view, he was just inquiring about Xu Yin's news! It's not a big deal at all! As long as they tell themselves, nothing will happen! -Why do you have to break your hands to hide Xu Yin's news?

Why bother?

But... the geniuses of the Eternal Hall, such as the Overlord of the Sky, the more you don't want to let yourself know, the more Xu Ming needs to know!

"Then blast away the great formation of Eternal City first! I don't believe it, I won't be able to find out the truth!"

boom! !

Xu Ming's spear turned into a ferocious dragon and forcibly blasted towards the great formation of the Eternal City.

The entire Eternal City trembled! Some formations even have signs of being uprooted!

"What!?" The Sky Overlord was startled; obviously, Xu Ming's strength was stronger than he expected, "Everyone defend the formation together, don't let Xu Ming break the formation! As long as the army arrives, Xu Ming will Must die!"

Saying that, the sky overlord took out another deep black crystal ball and crushed it directly.

boom! !

At this time Xu Ming's second shot arrived!

Although the geniuses of the Eternal Palace guarded the formation with all their strength, Xu Ming's repeated bombardment made the entire Eternal City tremble again and again! Even if the formation is heavy, it seems that it may be broken by Xu Ming at any time!

"Hold it up!" The Sky Overlord thought for a while, then took out a third deep black crystal ball, and crushed it directly. In such a short time, the Sky Overlord had already crushed three tokens of help.

At this time, the Double Heaven World.

Near a small town on the edge of Lotus Heart World, there are several virtual universe geniuses who are carefully hiding here.

They cautiously looked at the small town from a distance, with deep hatred and killing intent in their eyes.

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