Break Into Another World

Chapter 1831: truth (below)

"I'll go shopping at Xu Yin's place now!"

Jian Yi cut off the communication and walked out of the room.

The sky of the Eternal Hall is completely shrouded in the formation, overflowing with endless brilliance; time and space are divided into order by these brilliance. Every wave interprets the most essential beauty and mystery of the universe.

Jian Yi looked up.

It seems that because he was infected by this flawless beauty, the corners of his mouth could not help but slightly twitch, and a smile appeared on his face.

However, when he smiled, there were still two bright red palm prints hanging on his face, which always seemed a little weird.

"How did these two slaps do it?" Jian Yi couldn't believe it. "Also, these two palm prints can't be erased!"

Looking for Xu Yin with two palm prints on his face?

Jian Yi secretly shook his head: "This is too ugly!"

With one gritted tooth and one ruthless heart, Jian Yi directly annihilated the divine body on his face; This time, the two palm prints were finally eliminated.

"Xu Ming! Xu Ming!" Jian Yi gritted his teeth, thinking about **** Xu Ming.

As he walked, Jian Yi was approaching the residence of "Xu Yin" before he knew it.

"Humph! Don't think about it for now, then turn around and clean up Xu Ming! I don't believe it, what kind of waves can come out of a mere worm in the virtual universe?"

Thinking, Jian Yi put on a warm smile on his face and walked towards Xu Yin's residence.

"Xu Yin..." Jian Yi thought to himself, "There are many women with extraordinary talent in the Eternal Palace, but none of them can be compared with Xu Yin! Moreover... Xu Yin's physique is special, if he can be compared with Xu Yin My combination will be of great benefit to my cultivation!"


What makes Jianyi angry is that he pursues Xu Yin hard, but Xu Yin has always been tepid towards him. According to this situation, if he wants to succeed, he really doesn't know how long it will take.

"Humph! It's just a woman! As long as I work hard, I will succeed sooner or later! At that time... I will vent all the anger I have endured on her on her!"

Jian Yi thought fiercely in his heart, but the smile on his face became warmer, and knocked on Xu Yin's door.

Benedict! Tuk Tuk!

The door opens.

Today's Xu Yin, who is moving and moving, is not the little baby that Xu Ming had seen when he was born.

"Senior Brother Jianyi, is there something wrong?" Xu Yin's voice was very similar to that of her mother Yin Ran. There are also seven or eight similarities in appearance.

"Xu Yin." Jian Yi smiled softly, "Senior brother just got two Tai Chi fish from heaven and earth, I invite you to eat together tonight, okay?"

"This..." Xu Yin frowned slightly, "I'm sorry, brother, I still have something to do!"

"You said that last time too!" Jian Yi frowned slightly, but he still maintained a warm smile, "Are you so busy?"

"Wait later, there will be a chance!" Xu Yin politely declined with a smile.

"Just eat..." Jian Yi was still stalking, but at this moment...

Snapped! !

A crisp slap, from out of nowhere, landed directly on Jian Yi's face. The bright red palm prints were particularly striking on his face.

"Uh..." Xu Yin was taken aback for a moment.

"This..." Jian Yi was also stunned, and at the same time he didn't have the face to continue stalking, so he had to say, "Then I'll invite you again next time!"

Having said that, he shyly left.

"Huh... I'm finally leaving!" Xu Yin breathed a sigh of relief.

How could Xu Yin not know what Jian Yi meant to her?

To tell the truth, the conditions of Jianyi are at the forefront in the entire Eternal Hall, and even the entire real universe; for female monks, it is definitely the best choice for mate selection. But for some reason, every time Xu Yin sees Jian Yi, he always has a natural feeling of rejection in his heart.

Jian Yi, for example, has invited Xu Yin many times. However, Xu Yin never gave him the opportunity to invite him alone; even if he did, there were many other people present.

There is not even a chance to be alone, let alone pursue Xu Yin.

No chance at all!

And this is exactly what makes Jian Yi depressed!


Jian Yi has a guess - Xu Yin is from the virtual universe. Could it be that she already has someone she likes in the virtual universe?

After all, in Jian Yi's view, apart from this reason, he couldn't think of any other reason that would make Xu Yin reject him again and again!

With such speculation, and Jianyi's high status in the Eternal Palace, he ordered those geniuses who entered the Eternal Palace of Jiuzhongtian to report to him secretly once they found someone looking for Xu Yin!

Sure enough, Jian Yi guessed right, someone will come to inquire about Xu Yin's news! And Jian Yi, without even thinking about it, directly issued the order to kill.

However, what Jian Yi can't guess is that the person who asked about Xu Yin's news was not a "favorite person", but... Xu Yin's father!

"That's how it is!"

Double world.

The overlord of the sky finally couldn't bear Xu Ming's coercion. Under Xu Ming's repeated questioning, he finally sent a voice transmission to Xu Ming in private, quietly saying what he knew.

"But..." The Sky Overlord said again, "These are just my guesses! Senior Brother Jianyi has never said what the real situation is, and I can't be 100% sure; however, this guess should be far from the truth. The truth is not far away!"

"Well..." Xu Ming nodded silently - he naturally had his own judgment.

"If that's the case... this Jianyi is really not a good thing!" Xu Ming snorted coldly, "Such a thing, you want to pursue my Xu Ming's daughter? Fortunately, my daughter's eyes are like torches, and she looks at people. It's very accurate, and I don't give him a chance to get close!"

While Xu Ming was secretly rejoicing, he was also secretly proud—such eyesight deserves to be my Xu Ming's daughter!

"Xu Ming, I know, I've already said it! You promised to let me go!" The Sky Overlord said again.

"Don't worry! I won't kill you!" Xu Ming said lightly.

As for the genius of the Eternal Palace, Xu Ming didn't really want to kill him. After all, killing the genius of the Eternal Hall is equivalent to killing the daughter's classmate; in the future, when the father and daughter recognize each other, there may be some twists and turns.

Before, Xu Ming was worried that his daughter Xu Yin would be in danger, and he couldn't bear it, so he wanted to kill the geniuses of the Eternal Palace. Now that the truth is revealed, Xu Ming naturally has no reason to continue killing them - after all, like the overlords of the sky, they are only forced to accept Jian Yi's orders!

Even if Xu Ming wants to kill, he must kill Jian Yi first! Instead of killing these "knives" controlled by Jianyi first.

"Xu Ming, can I ask, why are you looking for Xu Yin because...?" The Sky Overlord secretly said. He asked this question, firstly because of curiosity, and secondly... If he finds out Xu Ming's, if he is punished by Jianyi in the future, he can use it to make up for his mistakes.

Xu Ming didn't answer, but gave the sky overlord a cold look: "Ask what you should ask, don't ask if you shouldn't!"

How could Xu Ming casually tell others about Xu Yin being his daughter?

"Yes! Yes!" The Vault of Heaven overlord agreed quickly, and didn't ask any more questions, but he secretly guessed that Xu Ming might be Xu Yin's "favorite person".

If Xu Ming knew what Sky Overlord was thinking, he would not have slapped him to death.

But now, Xu Ming didn't care about the overlord of the sky, but looked at the tens of thousands of true cosmic geniuses he had captured—the three slaps just now cost him 300 points of level 22 hanging points. Of course, Xu Ming would have to get back ten times, a hundred times the cost of hanging points.

In front of him, Xu Ming has a chance to make a fortune!

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