Break Into Another World

Chapter 1835: Son, you are here!

"Supreme Realm Powerhouse!?"

The black and red twins are not the powerhouses of "Destiny", but from other territories of the disordered frontier.

And Yuan Zun, in "Despairing Heaven", is only a relatively common and low-key Supreme Being; therefore, the black and red two nobles do not recognize Yuan Zun, nor do they know the relationship between Yuan Zun and Xu Ming.

However, when the black and red duo saw Yuan Zun walking aggressively and shouting Xu Ming's name, they immediately misunderstood, thinking that Yuan Zun was Xu Ming's helper.

"This kid, there is actually a Supreme Realm powerhouse standing behind him..." The black and red twins looked at each other and were secretly depressed, "When the main hall sent us here, they didn't even tell us such important information. !"

Even if the black and red duo join forces, they can even match the existence of the ninth-order half-lord; however, the two know how big the gap between them and the supreme is!

They knew that if the supreme being in front of him wanted to protect Xu Ming, then the two of them would never hope to kill Xu Ming today!

Between the lights and flint, the black and red twins did not think that the supreme being in front of him was not Xu Ming's helper, but Xu Ming's enemy.

"Humph!" Hei Banzun snorted coldly in his heart, and sent a voice transmission to Hong Banzun, saying, "The person we are going to kill in the Black Tribulation Hall has not been able to survive! What about the supreme powerhouse? Let's meet him. !"

"Yes!" Hong Banzun also said, "If he knows the appearance, then forget it! If he does not know the appearance, then don't blame our Black Tribulation Hall for being rude!"

"Go!" The black and red twins looked at each other, and then flew to Yuanzun in unison.

"Huh?" Yuan Zun, who was flying over, couldn't help but sank slightly.

"Where are the two semi-respected seventh-order powerhouses?" Yuan Zun couldn't help but be a little puzzled.

You must know that Yuan Zun is very clear about the grievances between Xu Ming and the Temple of Death! -Before, when Xu Ming had not entered Jiuzhongtian, and before Yuan Zun had reached the Heavenly Realm of Destiny, Xu Ming had a conflict with the Temple of Destiny because of "Wuyuan", and killed Juejue. There are many geniuses in the Temple of Life.

So just now, when Yuan Zun saw Banzun Jueyun, he knew that Banzun Jueyun was here to seek revenge for Xu Ming.

However, Yuan Zun then saw that Jueyun Banzun was beaten away by these two semi-exalted seventh-order powerhouses before he could make a move!

"These two semi-respected seventh-rank powerhouses beat Jueyun Banzun away. It seems that they should be Xu Ming's helpers!" Yuan Zun secretly said, "They flew towards me, I am afraid they want me to give They save Xu Ming's life with their own face!"

The Black and Red Shuangzun mistakenly thought that Yuan Zun was Xu Ming's helper, and Yuan Zun mistakenly thought that the Black and Red Shuangzun was Xu Ming's helper.

"This Xu Ming is a bit of a skill!" Yuan Zun narrowed his eyes slightly, "You can actually invite two and a half seventh-order powerhouses to protect him! Humph! Even so, so what? - Two and a half venerables Seventh-order, in my eyes, is still not enough to see!"

Thinking of this, Yuan Zun's eyes became a little more cruel. I secretly said in my heart: I will also teach these two half-honors a lesson when I look back!

Soon, the black and red twins greeted Yuan Zun.

"Dare to ask what this supreme being is called?" Hei Banzun said coldly.

"Yuan Zun!" Yuan Zun's expression sank slightly, "Aren't you from 'Destiny Heaven'?"

If it is a half-zun of "Destiny Heaven", generally speaking, it is impossible not to know the name of "Yuanzun".

"We are members of the Black Tribulation Hall!" Hei Banzun said directly, "Yuanzun, I respect you as a supreme powerhouse, but... please give us the Black Tribulation Hall a face!"

Black Tribulation Hall?

Hearing these three words, Yuan Zun couldn't help but secretly startled - the Hall of Black Tribulation, but the top forces in the entire second quadrant, and even the entire disordered frontier!

However, although Yuan Zun was surprised, he didn't really care. After all, a strong dragon does not overwhelm the snakes; no matter how strong the Black Tribulation Hall is, it is not a force of "Destiny Heaven"; and Yuan Zun, as a strong person in the Supreme Realm, will not be frightened by the word "Black Tribulation Hall". live.

"I didn't expect that Xu Ming still has such a relationship..." Yuan Zun thought to himself, "Could it be... is it a chance to make friends in Jiuzhongtian?"

Although he was surprised in his heart, on his face, Yuan Zun still maintained the arrogance of the Supreme Realm powerhouse: "Why should I give you the face of the Black Tribulation Hall?"

"What do you mean... are you going to be the enemy of our Black Tribulation Hall?" Hei Banzun said coldly.

"It can't be said to be an enemy!" Yuan Zun said lightly, and then pointed to Xu Ming, "But... on his issue, there is no discussion!"

Yuan Zun means: I want to deal with Xu Ming! If you want to protect him, there is no need to discuss it!

However, when the Black and Red Shuangzun heard it, they mistakenly thought: If you want to deal with Xu Ming, there is no need to discuss!

"Yuanzun!" Hei Banzun suddenly shouted coldly, "You have to think clearly, what will happen if you are an enemy of our Black Tribulation Hall!"

"Huh?!" Yuan Zun's face suddenly sank, "You threaten me?"

Snapped! Snapped!

Yuan Zun slapped the two slaps directly, and turned over the black and red twins: "Just the two of you, dare to threaten me!?"

"You..." The black and red twins are angry and powerless - the strength of the Supreme Realm powerhouse is far beyond them, and it is definitely not something they can deal with!

" wait for me!" The black and red twins put down their harsh words and fled in embarrassment.

"This..." Xu Ming was a little stunned, "Why did you fight again... And you beat these black and red twins away..."

Xu Ming was a little speechless - didn't these three parties all come to kill him? Why did the dog bite the dog and bite so hard?


At this time, Yuan Zun leisurely stepped towards Xu Ming - the surrounding time and space were already under his control; he no longer worried that Xu Ming would use "time pause" as last time to escape.

Xu Ming looked at Yuan Zun and suddenly smiled: "Son, you are here!"

Before, when Yuan Zun was blocking Xu Ming, he boasted to Haikou: "If you can escape into Jiuzhongtian, I can call you father all right!"

Then Xu Ming really ran into Jiuzhongtian in front of Yuan Zun.

Now, Xu Ming came out of Jiuzhongtian, but he still remembered clearly what Yuan Zun said at the time - there is a supreme being who calls himself Dad, Xu Ming feels that it is difficult to accept it.

When Yuan Zun heard Xu Ming's words, he almost vomited blood - of course he also remembered the Haikou that he had boasted about.

"Just taking advantage of words!" Yuan Zun snorted coldly and said, "Now, the two half-zuns who protected you have run away, I want to see who else can protect you!"

"Protect me?" Xu Ming said speechlessly, "Did you have any misunderstanding just now? - The black and red twins who were driven away by you are here to kill me!"

"Kill you?" Yuan Zun was taken aback.

"Yeah!" Xu Ming said, "I offended people in the Jiuzhongtian world. No, as soon as I came out, a killer came to me!"

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