Break Into Another World

Chapter 1843: offend?

When all this happened, Xu Ming was still in nine days and did not come out.

When Xu Ming returned to the Divine Phoenix Chaos Realm, the matter had already spread within the Divine Phoenix Chaos Realm!

In the entire Divine Phoenix Chaos Realm, all the great powers above the realm of domain masters have already known about this. Under the domain master, they only occasionally hear about things; they can only know part of the news, but they cannot know the truth of the matter.

And the most rumored rumors are: Xu Ming offended the Daoying world master, and even his disciples suffered.

"Divine Phoenix Chaos Realm!"

Xu Ming stood in the border of disorder, looking at the virtual universe in front of him.

The disordered frontier, the chaos of time and space, is vast and endless.

It took Xu Ming more than 800 years to rush back from the Heavenly Realm to the Divine Phoenix Chaos Realm.

"I'm back!" Xu Ming sneered in his heart as he flew towards the Divine Phoenix Chaos Realm, "Huang Zhizun, wait for me!"

At the beginning, when Xu Ming returned to the last chaotic era, he was bitten by Huang Zhizun. Huang Zhizun left a karmic entanglement on him: once Xu Ming's cultivation reached the Destruction Realm, he must find a way to rescue Huang Zhizun within 10,000 years; otherwise, the causal entanglement broke out and Xu Ming would die. Even if there is a means of rebirth to be resurrected, they will die again and again.

Now, Xu Ming has only broken through for more than 800 years, and he has returned to the Divine Phoenix Chaos Realm, but he is not in a hurry to find Huang Zhizun.

"The hanging point in my hand should be enough to enslave Huang Zhizun!" Xu Ming secretly said, "Even if it's not enslaved enough, with my current strength, it's definitely not difficult to protect myself in front of Huang Zhizun!"

Against Huang Zhizun, Xu Ming was sure to win.


Xu Ming directly entered the Divine Phoenix Chaos Realm, and came to the frontier realm, the Starfall Realm.

call out-

Xu Ming's figure quickly shuttled through the endless chaos.

Today, even if Xu Ming is suppressed, his strength is still at the "half-honor" level. For him, the endless chaos is no longer an ocean, but a small pond - just like before, when Yuan Zun invaded the Divine Phoenix Chaos Realm, Jian Lao once slashed half of the endless chaos with one sword; now, Xu Ming It's easy to do this.

"Once, the land of a domain was so vast to me! But's almost just one step to cross the land of a domain!" Xu Ming sighed a little.


Just as Xu Ming was about to cross the Starfall Domain and enter the depths of the endless chaos, suddenly, his brows slightly wrinkled.

"That's... the Lin family?"

Within the range of Xu Ming's spiritual sense, he saw that his disciple Lin Lan's family "Lin Family" was being besieged by other forces.

"What's going on?" Now that he had seen it, Xu Ming naturally wanted to go over to see what happened. Anyway, for him, it's just a "step by step".

Hua Hongmen.

It was the power of the Lin family.

Huahongmen is composed of many families such as the Lin family, the Zhao family, and the Liu family.

Originally, the Lin family did not have much advantage among many families. However, since Xu Ming made a strong appearance as "Master Lin Lan" and destroyed the power of the Temple of Despair; even the Lin family's status in Huahong Sect has risen.

Even soon, the real power of the entire Rainbow Huamen was under the control of the Lin family.

But the good times didn't last long... Soon, rumors spread in the endless chaos, saying that Xu Ming had offended the Daoying World Master, and even Lin Lan was dead.

As a result, the major families of Huahong Sect began to squeeze the Lin family and demanded that they hand over their real power! Today, the major families even directly broke into the Lin family, with the intention of taking the opportunity to carve up the Lin family.

"Patriarch Lin, let's honestly hand over the treasure of inheritance of our Huahong Sect! You also know that with the current situation of your Lin family, you are no longer qualified to continue to manage the treasure of inheritance!"

Facing the persecution of the great powers, the Lin family master felt bitter in his heart—controlling the treasure of inheritance would be of great benefit to the entire Lin family, so how could he be willing to hand it over? But now, it is obviously impossible to not pay.

"I..." Patriarch Lin was about to give in.

Suddenly, a vast coercion came. The entire Rainbow Huamen was overwhelmed with pressure.

"This is…?"

All the people looked up.

In the endless chaos, a seemingly ordinary figure appeared extremely stalwart. At this moment, this figure is looking down at the entire Rainbow Huamen indifferently.

"Xu Ming!?"

"What's wrong with Xu Ming..."

The great powers of Honghuamen were all trembling in their hearts—they heard that Xu Ming had offended the Daoying World Master, so they came to deal with the Lin family; now that Xu Ming appeared, they were naturally very guilty.

"You?" Xu Ming said indifferently, "The Lin family is my disciple Lin Lan's family. How dare you come to besiege the Lin family?"

Seeing the Lin family being besieged, Xu Ming's first reaction was that his face was dull.

Although, the relationship between Xu Ming and the Lin family was not necessarily that good. However, to a certain extent, besieging the Lin family means not giving Xu Ming face, or even hitting Xu Ming's face - Xu Ming's face is only good-looking!

"Senior Xu Ming!" It was the head of the Lin family who spoke, "Senior Xu Ming, don't you know that Lin Lan may have been... dead!"

"What!?" Xu Ming was startled, "What did you say!?"

Lin Patriarch continued: "We heard that you offended Daoying World Lord and fled everywhere; and your disciples suffered, it is said that they were all killed by Daoying World Lord!"

"What!?" Xu Ming became more and more unbelievable, his aura suddenly gloomy, cold as ice.

Of course, at the same time, Xu Ming was more suspicious.

"Have I offended Daoying World Lord? When did I offend Daoying World Lord?"

You must know that even Xu Ming himself did not know that he had offended the Master of the Shadow World.

Xu Ming hurriedly sent a message to Lin Lan and the other disciples, but there was no reply.

Suddenly, Xu Ming's face became more and more ugly: "Could it be... Really something happened?"

Xu Ming sent a message to but did not reply.

"What happened?" Xu Ming knew that he had to go to the place of origin immediately to find out!

"Daoying World Lord!" Xu Ming's eyes burned with anger, "I hope the rumors are false, you didn't touch my disciple! Otherwise..."

How could Xu Ming's disciple be bullied? Not to mention being killed!

"Humph!" Xu Ming snorted coldly, "I just came back from the border of disorder, I don't know anything about the situation you mentioned! But... this Lin family is my disciple's family; no matter what my disciple is now Under the circumstances, whoever dares to touch the Lin family can give it a try!"


Saying that, Xu Ming burst out with a monstrous murderous aura, heading straight for the place of origin.

Updated today.

(End of this chapter)

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