Break Into Another World

Chapter 1847: shelter

Even if Xu Ming was suppressed by the cosmic chains, his strength still reached the "half-rank sixth-order" without burning the divine body!

The Daoying World Lord is only at the level of the World Lord, and he has not even touched the threshold of the half-rank level - the difference in strength between him and Xu Ming can not be described as "the difference between clouds and mud"!

With Xu Ming's strength, it is naturally easy to kill the Daoying World Lord.

boom! !

One shot!

Endless power, destroying the sky and destroying the earth, instantly annihilating the void of billions of worlds. The weak Daoying World Lord was as powerless as a lone boat on the stormy sea in the face of the might of the raging waves.


At the moment when Xu Ming really showed his strength, Daoying World Master's face instantly turned pale - he knew very well that with his strength, I'm afraid even Xu Ming's move could not stop him!

"How... how can it be so strong!?" Daoying World Lord couldn't believe it.

Before, when the Daoying World Lord was angered by Xu Ming, although he was also terrified of Xu Ming's strength; but he thought that Xu Ming was at most a third-order strength! And now, Daoying World Master found that Xu Ming's strength was far beyond his imagination!

"No—" Daoying World Lord didn't want to die like this; almost without hesitation, he crushed a letter.

boom! !

The power of Xu Ming's spear remained undiminished; in an instant, it was in front of Daoying World Master.

"Die!" Xu Ming's eyes were ferocious, and he had no sympathy - this Shadow Realm Master dared to attack his own disciple, and he would die!

Of course, Xu Ming also noticed that the Daoying World Lord crushed a letter talisman, apparently asking for help.

"For help?" Xu Ming sneered in his heart, "Look at the Phoenix Chaos Realm, how many people can I save the people I want to kill?"

However at this moment...


An incomparably huge power suppresses time and space. Even Xu Ming's spear could hardly move forward at all.

At the same time, the figure of the Divine Phoenix World Lord appeared beside the Daoying World Lord without warning; with a wave of his hand, Xu Ming's spear was knocked back.

"Divine Phoenix World Lord?" Xu Ming's expression changed.

If anyone in the Divine Phoenix Chaos Realm could save the Daoying Realm Master from Xu Ming’s hands, it would undoubtedly be the Divine Phoenix Realm Master!

You must know that the Divine Phoenix Realm Master controls the entire endless chaos; within the scope of the Divine Phoenix Chaos Realm, he is an almost invincible existence! Even if a supreme powerhouse enters the Divine Phoenix Chaos Realm, he will be crushed by the Divine Phoenix Realm Lord.

Although Xu Ming's strength has reached the "half-rank sixth-order", but facing the Divine Phoenix World Lord in the endless chaos, especially near the place of origin, he seems a little weak! It is reasonable to be suppressed by the Divine Phoenix Realm Lord.

"Divine Phoenix World Lord!" Daoying World Lord even stepped forward and said.

Divine Phoenix World Lord waved his hand, interrupting Daoying World Lord's words; then, he turned his attention to Xu Ming.

Xu Ming's face darkened slightly: "Divine Phoenix World Lord, you must know the situation, right? You have to protect him?"

The Divine Phoenix Realm Lord nodded: "I know! But...Xu Ming, give me a face, let's end this matter!"

"So far?" Xu Ming's face sank suddenly, "Divine Phoenix Realm Lord, it's not that I don't give you face! If it is other things, even if Daoying Realm attacked me, I can give you face; but Now, Daoying World Lord has sold dozens of my disciples! They are sold as goods! - Divine Phoenix World Lord, tell me, how can I give you face?"

For the Divine Phoenix World Lord, Xu Ming is still very grateful!

After all, if it wasn't for the Divine Phoenix Realm Lord, Xu Ming wouldn't have the chance to go to the "Nine Heavens", let alone get those opportunities later!

But... Gratitude is one thing! Avenging the disciples is another matter!

The Divine Phoenix Realm Master didn't speak. Obviously, he also felt that he was a little bit wrong! Thinking from another perspective, if he encountered a situation like Xu Ming, he would probably react more violently than Xu Ming!


The Divine Phoenix World Lord and the Daoying World Lord have a very close relationship, so it is naturally impossible to watch Xu Ming kill the Daoying World Lord!

Thinking of this, the Divine Phoenix Realm Lord lowered his voice: "Let's do this first!"

It seems that the Divine Phoenix World Lord is the Baoding Daoying World Lord!

"You..." Xu Ming looked at the Divine Phoenix Realm Lord, finally sighed helplessly, and turned to leave.

The corner of Daoying Realm's mouth couldn't help evoking a sneer, and he was extremely proud: "In the Divine Phoenix Chaos Realm, you still want to kill me..."

However, Daoying World Lord was thinking proudly, and suddenly there was infinite panic in his eyes.

call out! call out! call out! call out! …

Countless black arrows appeared without warning, and instantly pierced through the body of the Shadow Realm Lord. The speed was so fast that even the Divine Phoenix Realm Master did not react at all!

These black arrows are exactly Xu Ming's supreme divine weapon "Heart Punishment Arrow Formation"!

From Huang Zhizun, Xu Ming obtained two supreme divine weapons - the Tower of Immortality and the Arrow Array!

Xu Ming did not carry these two supreme weapons with him, but hid them in the "independent space".

However, the Supreme Divine Weapon can penetrate time and space. As long as you are within the same virtual universe, you can summon it in an instant!

The Heart Punishing Arrow Formation appeared without warning!

The Divine Phoenix Realm did not expect that Xu Ming actually possessed the supreme divine weapon; if he didn't pay attention, the Daoying Realm would be shot through by countless Daoying Heart Arrows - you must know that Xu Ming's strength is better than that of Daoying Realm. He has advanced several levels, and now he is attacking with the help of the Supreme Divine Weapon, which is simply bullying!

Under this wave of sneak attacks by Xu Ming, the Daoying World Lord naturally couldn't die any longer!

Daoying World Lord, die!

The person Xu Ming wants to kill, even the Divine Phoenix Realm Lord, the controller of this virtual universe, will never be able to keep it!

"You..." The Divine Phoenix World Lord looked at Xu Ming, and in his eyes, there was no grief over the death of the Daoying World Lord, but only anger and greed.

Anger is that Xu Ming actually killed the Daoying World Lord in front of him—this is undoubtedly a face-slap to the Divine Phoenix World Lord!

And the greedy one is... At the moment when the Heart Punishing Arrow Formation appeared, the Divine Phoenix Realm recognized this supreme divine weapon—the Tower of Immortality, the Heart Punishing Arrow Formation, but the two treasures he had only dreamed of getting!

And at this moment… In the heart of the Divine Phoenix Realm Lord, greed is far greater than anger!

Of Divine Phoenix World Lord will not show "greed" easily, but shouted confidently: "Xu Ming, how dare you kill Daoying World Lord in front of me? Did you take me seriously? - I tried so hard to train you, but you are so rebellious! I am very disappointed in you!"


Even though the Divine Phoenix Realm Master had already concealed his "greed" well, Xu Ming was still aware of it—I'm afraid... the disappointment was fake, and it was true that he wanted to **** Xu Ming's Heart Punishing Arrow Formation, right?

"Xu Ming!" The Divine Phoenix Realm Lord shouted, "Quickly capture and accept the punishment. Perhaps, this Realm Lord can let go of the past and forgive you! Otherwise... I will kill you here today, which is considered a death sentence. An explanation from the master of the movie world!"

Let me explain to my brothers: In reality, there are a lot of work transfers in the past few days, and I am really busy, so the updates are late and few every day... and I owe you 4 chapters in total, and I will make up for it! Emphasize three times. The total number of chapters is the same, just a few days later.


(End of this chapter)

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