Break Into Another World

Chapter 1848: turtle

The Lord of the Divine Phoenix Realm sounded like a bell, and his momentum was like thunder.

His will is the will of the entire endless chaos.

Within the scope of the Divine Phoenix Chaos Realm, the Lord of the Divine Phoenix Realm is a bit more tyrannical than the ordinary Supreme Realm existence!


The Divine Phoenix World Lord captured Xu Ming with one hand, as if the entire endless chaos was oppressing Xu Ming.

"Ha!" A disdainful smile appeared on the face of the Divine Phoenix Realm Master—he really couldn't think of how Xu Ming could escape!

At the same time, the Divine Phoenix Realm Master was also a little surprised: "I didn't expect that the Heart Punishing Arrow Formation was actually in Xu Ming's hands! I don't know... Another supreme divine weapon 'the tower of immortality' that Huang Zhizun relied on back then would be able to Not in his hands!"

Ever since he took control of the Divine Phoenix Chaos Realm, the Divine Phoenix Realm Master’s greatest wish was to obtain the “Immortal Tower” and the “Heart Punishing Arrow Formation”! To be precise, the value of these two treasures is not even weaker than the entire endless chaos.

"Capture without a hand, accept punishment?"

Xu Ming laughed - greed is greed! Why do you have to say it so politely?

However, although Xu Ming seemed relaxed, his heart was actually a little dignified - the moment the Divine Phoenix Realm Lord made his move, Xu Ming felt its tyrannical power! This power even surpasses Yuan Zun!

"This is the power of the virtual universe controller?" Xu Ming was secretly shocked.

Although, this power can only be exerted within the scope of the virtual universe under his control; however, it is really tyrannical!

"I heard that within the scope of the virtual universe, the controller of the virtual universe is almost absolutely invincible; even if the existence of the Supreme Realm comes, they will be expelled... No wonder!" Xu Ming deeply felt the majesty of this power.

In front of him, Xu Ming was alone facing this incomparably majestic force!

Hard to carry?

Even the real existence of the Supreme Realm will be suppressed by this power! How could Xu Ming be qualified to face this force head-on? I'm afraid... with just one face-to-face, Xu Ming will be crushed by this force! Even if the "infinite avatar" hang is turned on, I am afraid that even the avatars will be annihilated together.

Xu Ming's eyes were slightly cold: "The Divine Phoenix World Lord... This is a dead hand as soon as he comes up!"

Originally, Xu Ming was actually somewhat grateful to the Divine Phoenix World Lord! But I didn't expect that when the Divine Phoenix Realm Master saw the "Heart Punishing Arrow Formation", he would immediately kill him!

Obviously, the Divine Phoenix Realm's care and training for Xu Ming were only appearances; when there was a real conflict of interest, the Divine Phoenix Realm would choose interests without hesitation—in this way, Xu Ming's concern for the Divine Phoenix Realm was The trace of gratitude from the Lord was naturally gone.

"You are unkind, don't blame me for being unjust!" Xu Ming sneered in his heart.

Originally, Xu Ming felt a little guilty that he was about to rescue Huang Zhizun. After all, as long as Huang Zhizun is rescued, then Huang Zhizun will definitely have the trump card to "recover lost ground" and regain control of the Divine Phoenix Chaos Realm; at that time, the Divine Phoenix Realm Master, the controller of the virtual universe, will definitely fall. The altar, the scenery is gone.

And now, since the Divine Phoenix Realm Lord was so merciless when he made his move, Xu Ming had nothing to feel guilty about!

From the moment when the Divine Phoenix Realm Lord made his move, Xu Ming and him had already renounced justice!

At the same time, Xu Ming quickly thought about how to deal with this slap? -escape? It is not a problem to escape back to the "independent space" by Xu Ming's means; Moreover, even if he had escaped back to the "independent space" now, Xu Ming would have to find a way to enter the endless chaos and the land of origin before he could save the Supreme Phoenix; at that time, he would probably be blocked by the Divine Phoenix Realm Lord again.

Therefore, fleeing can only cope with the immediate crisis, and it is of little significance!

"If you don't escape, then you can only..." Xu Ming thought about it, and made a decision in an instant, "The Tower of Immortality... Now!"


The Tower of Immortality, exuding eternal light, appeared beside Xu Ming without warning—the Tower of Immortality and the Arrow Array of Punishing Hearts, these two supreme divine weapons, both possessed the property of traveling through time and space; although Xu Ming did not carry it with him. , but with just one thought, the two magic weapons will appear at once.

like now!

As soon as the Immortal Tower appeared, Xu Ming got into the tower without hesitation.

boom! boom! boom! boom! …

The endless power was crushed and landed on the Immortal Tower, smashing the entire Immortal Tower, like falling leaves in the storm. But... it didn't damage the Tower of Immortality in the slightest, let alone Xu Ming who was hiding inside the Tower of Immortality!

"Haha!" Xu Ming watched leisurely in the Tower of Immortality - this is the Supreme Divine Weapon! What is the concept of Supreme Divine Soldier? This is the supreme weapon, much harder than the supreme divine body!

Although the Divine Phoenix Realm Master can use the power of the entire endless chaos to harm the existence of the Supreme Realm, it is a fool's dream to want to destroy the Supreme Divine Weapon!

"This is... the tower of immortality!"

The instant the Tower of Immortality appeared, the Divine Phoenix Realm Master recognized it, both surprised and stunned: "Xu Ming, this kid, quietly, has taken control of the two supreme divine weapons!"

What makes the Divine Phoenix World Lord even more depressed is that Xu Ming is now hiding in the Tower of It is like a tortoise indented in a tortoise shell!

How jealous of the Divine Phoenix World Lord, he wanted to **** these two treasures from Xu Ming's hands! But now, the Divine Phoenix Realm Lord has the feeling that "a dog can't bite a hedgehog."

"Hahahaha..." Xu Ming's laughter came from the Tower of Immortality, "Want to kill me!? - Divine Phoenix World Lord, kill whatever you want, frown even if I lose!"

“I…” The Divine Phoenix Realm Lord wanted to vomit blood—you hid in the Supreme Divine Armament, and I’m still killing you!

But...don't kill him, just let Xu Ming go?

how is this possible!

Seeing the Tower of Immortality is so close to the Heart Punishing Arrow Array, it’s no wonder that the Divine Phoenix Realm Master doesn’t want to get it!

"Humph! Ripple World!"

The Divine Phoenix Realm snorted coldly, and manipulated the power of the entire endless chaos, forming layers upon layers of endless ripples in time and space; the ripples continuously impacted the tower of immortality, as if he wanted to infiltrate the power into immortality. Inside the tower, kill Xu Ming.

"This move is quite interesting!" Xu Ming's voice resounded from within the Tower of Immortality again, "But... with so much power infiltrating in, it's hard to kill an ant, and you want to kill me?"

"Xu Ming! Stop being rampant!" The Divine Phoenix Realm snorted coldly, "The Divine Phoenix Chaos Realm is my territory! Don't think that if you hide in the Supreme Divine Weapon, I can't do anything about you! Hmph! !"

The Divine Phoenix Realm snorted coldly, and sent the order out: The entire Divine Phoenix Chaos Realm, all the realm masters and the realm masters of the Hundred Thousand Domains, assemble quickly!

One more today.

I'm in debt... I'm really in debt... I seem to owe 7 chapters. Brothers, help me to see if I have made a mistake.

Starting tomorrow, I have to work hard... If I don't work hard, I can't...

Go to rest first. Thanks for the support.

(End of this chapter)

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