Break Into Another World

Chapter 1851: Median Supreme

"That is…"

The Divine Phoenix Realm Lord was shocked and angry: "The source of the Divine Phoenix is ​​in turmoil!"

For the Divine Phoenix Realm Master, the most important and most dangerous place in the entire endless chaos is undoubtedly the source of the Divine Phoenix! Here, Huang Zhizun, the "original owner" who suppressed the Divine Phoenix Chaos Realm!

Once Huang Zhizun breaks free from the suppression, then it is hard to say who is in charge of the Divine Phoenix Chaos Realm!

"Who is making trouble at the source of the Divine Phoenix!?"

The Divine Phoenix Realm Master Lian looked at the source of the Divine Phoenix.

Seeing this, he was stunned: "Xu... Xu Ming?"

The Divine Phoenix Realm Master couldn't help but look at the Tower of Immortality and Xu Ming in the source of the Divine Phoenix, with a big face of "confused".

"Isn't Xu Ming in the Tower of Immortality? Why did he appear in the Origin of the Divine Phoenix?" The patrons of the Divine Phoenix Realm didn't think much of it, they threw down the Tower of Immortality without hesitation, and attacked the Origin of the Divine Phoenix - Divine Phoenix. If there is a problem with the source, then he will be miserable! Absolutely not to be missed!

"Xu Ming!" The Divine Phoenix World Lord roared, and the entire endless chaos shook together, "Stop it for me!!"

"Stop?" Xu Ming, who was controlling the Heart Punishing Arrow formation and destroying the suppression formation, couldn't help sneering - stop? is it possible? Whether it was because of the Divine Phoenix Realm Master or because of himself, Xu Ming had to rescue the Supreme Phoenix.

"Xu Ming!" The Divine Phoenix Realm Lord shouted again, "Do you know who this person is suppressed by the source of the Divine Phoenix?"

"Of course I do! Huang Supreme!" Xu Ming said with a smile.

"Now that you know, you still dare to release Huang Zhizun?" The Divine Phoenix Realm Lord continued, "Do you think that once Huang Zhizun gets out of trouble, I will be the only one who suffers?—Even if it's you, it will definitely not end well!"

"Really?" Xu Ming shook his head and smiled.

Seeing this, the Divine Phoenix Realm continued: "What's the matter, we can discuss it in the long run! I can promise you that I will let you go immediately; and, I will never deal with you again!"

Even Lao Jian couldn't help but say: "Xu Ming, if you have anything to say, stop and talk! If Huang Zhizun is released, the consequences will be irreversible!"

"No!" Xu Ming continued to go his own way, and before the arrival of the Divine Phoenix Realm Master, he continued to destroy the entire suppression formation of the source of the Divine Phoenix.

Huang Zhizun, who was suppressed, also took out all kinds of trump cards at this moment and broke free from the seal.

boom! boom! boom! …

The repression formation continued to shake. Every time it was shaken, the Divine Phoenix Realm Lord's heart trembled fiercely.



In the sky above the source of the Divine Phoenix, a giant golden palm covering the sky instantly condensed. In the golden giant palm, there are endless deep inscriptions; endless power, from the entire endless chaos, is condensed into this giant palm.

Immediately, this giant palm containing the secret of the suppression seal was snapped and instantly integrated into the suppression formation. The repression formation, which was destroyed a lot, suddenly recovered a little.

"Oh?" Xu Ming sneered, didn't care too much, and continued to break through the formation.

The speed of breaking the formation is obviously much faster than the repair speed of the Divine Phoenix World Lord!

"Damn it!" The Divine Phoenix Realm Master gritted his teeth—he could only hope that before he arrived, Xu Ming would not be able to break through the suppression formation.


Another giant golden palm covering the sky was condensed and snapped again to repair the suppression formation.

"It's really abhorrent!" The Divine Phoenix Realm Lord's eyes turned red, "If he hadn't been at the source of the Divine Phoenix and let me cast a rat, I would have killed him directly!"

After all, the distance between the Divine Phoenix World Lord and Xu Ming was still far away. If he attacked Xu Ming here, Xu Ming would probably dodge; at that time, the Divine Phoenix Realm's attack, which contained the power of the endless chaos, not only failed to kill Xu Ming, but destroyed his own arrangement. Suppressing the big formation, that would be funny!

Therefore, although the Divine Phoenix Realm Lord was angry, he did not dare to attack Xu Ming easily.

Xu Ming, on the other hand, completely ignored the clamor of the Divine Phoenix Realm Master and broke through the formation on his own.

"I said Huang Zhizun! Can you be more aggressive?" Xu Ming sneered, "I've helped you break through so many formation nodes, yet you still can't break through the formation?—You saw it too, Divine Phoenix. The Boundary Master is killing him, and when he arrives, if you still can't break out of the formation, then wait for you to be suppressed here forever!"

"I..." Huang Zhizun couldn't help but feel depressed - he was actually scolded by Xu Ming as "not good enough"! ?

Of course, Huang Zhizun also saw the rapidly approaching Divine Phoenix Realm Lord. As soon as he gritted his teeth, he directly burned the divine body, and his hole cards were broken. As Xu Ming said, if he can't take the opportunity to break out this time, he will probably be suppressed here forever!

In the depths of Xu Ming's eyes, a faint smile flickered indistinctly. First, grind the strength of Huang Zhizun, so that when he is enslaved, he can spend less time on hanging up.

Huang Zhizun naturally would not have thought that what Xu Ming was thinking was how to enslave him at a lower cost!

call out-

Soon, the Divine Phoenix Realm hurriedly arrived: "Xu Ming, you die for me!!"

Having arrived near Xu Ming, the Divine Phoenix Realm Master was naturally not worried that his attack would "accidentally injure" the suppression formation.

But right now...

boom! !

The entire source of the Divine Phoenix suddenly vibrated violently; it was as if a boiling pot was about to explode.

"Broken!" The Divine Phoenix Realm Lord's face changed suddenly, "The suppression formation... is broken!"

Sure enough, a figure with red flames burning all over his body instantly burst out from the bottom of the source of the Divine Phoenix.

"The Supreme Phoenix..." The eyes of the Divine Phoenix Realm were filled with endless horror.

"Divine Phoenix Realm Lord, very good! Very good!" Huang Zhizun looked at Divine Phoenix Realm Lord, and sneered - all the anger accumulated by the suppression of the Endless Era was in this sneer of Huang Zhizun.

"But..." Huang Zhizun said again, "I also want to thank you! If it wasn't for the tempering you brought me, I wouldn't have broken through to the 'median supreme' so quickly!"

"Middle Supremacy!?" The fear in the eyes of the Divine Phoenix Realm became more intense, but then it turned into a sneer, "Mean Supremacy, so what?—Humph! Now this virtual world The universe is completely under my control; let alone the middle-ranking supreme, even if the upper-ranking supreme is close, what can I do?"

"What are you doing?" Huang Zhizun suddenly laughed, "Divine Phoenix Realm Lord, do you think that this virtual universe was created by you? Do you think... I, the pioneer of the virtual universe, want to take back the virtual universe. Will it be difficult to take control?"

The Divine Phoenix Realm Lord’s expression changed—obviously, he also understood that what the Supreme Phoenix said was true.

Huang Zhizun continued to sneer: "Divine Phoenix Realm Lord, if I had not been hurt too badly, I would only have one breath left; do you think that you will have the opportunity to occupy this virtual universe? - Today, between you and me, Let's end the hatred accumulated in this endless era!"

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