Break Into Another World

Chapter 1854: enslavement supreme


Huang Zhizun's divine sense, like a giant palm covering the sky, enveloped the entire endless chaos.

The endless vastness of the Divine Phoenix Chaos Realm seemed to be in his hold.

Huang Zhizun was a little excited: "The virtual universe that belongs to me... I'm finally going to return!"

On this day, Huang Zhizun has been waiting for countless epochs! And now, regaining control of the virtual universe is within easy reach.

"Hahahahaha..." Huang Zhizun laughed and began to refine and control the endless chaos.

But Elder Jian, Palace Master Wendao, and Realm Master Qingluan all showed despair on their faces.

"It's over!"


"Escape? Can you escape?"

Huang Zhizun was originally the pioneer of the Divine Phoenix Chaos Realm, and he was also the supreme cultivation base; it was not difficult at all to refine the Divine Phoenix Chaos Realm! Moreover, once he regained control of the Divine Phoenix Chaos Realm, the endless power of chaos that he could use would definitely be far more terrifying than the Divine Phoenix Realm Lord!

At that time, the common demigods and world masters, such as Old Jian, Palace Master Wendao, and Boundary Master Qingluan, would not have any resistance at all.

"Huh?" Xu Ming's expression also changed.

Refine the Divine Phoenix Chaos Realm? - Brother Ming, are you ready?

If Huang Zhizun is successfully refined, then, if Xu Ming wants to enslave Huang Zhizun, wouldn't he have to pay a huge price? Even, the level 22 hanging point may not be able to enslave Huang Zhizun, and the level 23 hanging point is required; however, Xu Ming does not have a level 23 hanging point!

So now, how could Xu Ming allow Huang Zhizun to refine the virtual universe?

Certainly not allowed!

"Forced Slavery" hangs, open!

"To enslave the Supreme Phoenix, you need 100,000 points of level 22 hanging points, are you sure?" Xiaohang's voice sounded.

At the same time, the number of required 22-level hanging points is still beating and rising; obviously, the longer the time drags on, the higher the cost of enslaving the Supreme Phoenix!

"Can't wait!" Xu Ming decisively chose slavery!


A vast and invisible special wave came, and instantly enveloped Huang Zhizun.

In Huang Zhizun's eyes, there was a flash of panic at first, then instantly turned into struggle, and then immediately became confused. After a few short breaths, Huang Zhizun's eyes have become extremely pious, and he is looking at Xu Ming respectfully, bowing and shouting: "Master!"

Owner! ?

Elder Jian, Palace Master Wendao, and Realm Master Qingluan were all dumbfounded.

Huang Zhizun called Xu Ming... Master?

"how can that be!?"

Everyone couldn't believe it.

However, the fact is in front of them, and they can't help not believe it!

Everyone was terrified! - They can't imagine what kind of cards Xu Ming has! First, he killed the Divine Phoenix Realm in one move, and then instantly enslaved the Supreme Phoenix!

"Master!" Huang Zhizun flew to Xu Ming with a very respectful attitude.

"Yeah!" Xu Ming replied indifferently - this is the supreme being he managed to enslave after spending 100,000 points on level 22 hanging points! And it's still a median supreme!

With 100,000 points and 22-level hanging points, it was changed to a median supreme, which was a great deal!

"Huang Zun!" Xu Ming ordered, "You take control of this virtual universe first!"

"I..." Huang Zhizun lowered his head in shame, "I can't control..."

"Can't control it?" Xu Ming was startled.

Huang Zhizun said: "Only a soul that is not enslaved can control the virtual universe! And I... is already a servant of your great master, so I cannot control the virtual universe!"

"That's actually the case?" Xu Ming was secretly shocked - he didn't know, this was actually part of the rules of the universe.

"Then now... who will control the Divine Phoenix Chaos Realm?" Xu Ming couldn't help but be speechless.

If you want to control the virtual universe, it is not about strength, but about cultivation! You must have a cultivation level above the world master! - As for Xu Ming, his cultivation was still in the Nirvana Realm, and he was unable to control the Divine Phoenix Chaos Realm.

And Huang Zhizun, because he was enslaved by Xu Ming, was also unable to control the Divine Phoenix Chaos Realm under the constraints of the rules of the universe.

Could it be that... Xu Ming worked so hard to lay down the "Jiangshan" and just throw it away?



At this time, Elder Jian, Palace Master Wendao, and Realm Master Qingluan also realized that now is the perfect opportunity to escape!

call out! call out! call out! call out! …

The great powers turned into streamers and fled in all directions—the Divine Phoenix Chaos Realm, they were no longer ready to stay! They are going to roam the chaotic territory and find a suitable virtual universe to take root.

With their half-respect and world master's cultivation base, it is not difficult to find another virtual universe to settle down.

Xu Ming thought about it for a while, and shouted through voice transmission, "Elder Jian!"

"Oh?" Jian Lao stopped, and his eyes fell on Xu Ming through endless time and space.

Jian Lao still trusts Xu Ming very much, and also believes that Xu Ming will not do anything to him.

In the same way, Xu Ming also trusted Jian Lao more - when the Divine Phoenix Realm Lord had done something against him, Jian Lao was the only one who stopped him; although he did not succeed in blocking it later, at least Xu Ming saw it in his eyes.

"Old Sword!" Xu Ming said directly, "This Divine Phoenix Chaos Realm, it's up to you to refine and control it!"

Jian Lao was startled: "It's up to me?"

"Yes!" Xu Ming said.

To be honest, apart from Jian Lao, Xu Ming couldn't find a more suitable candidate.

Divine Phoenix Chaos Realm let the sword be refined by the old, better than being refined by others, right?

"Ah?" Jian Lao didn't expect such a good thing to fall on his head, and he couldn't help but feel a little stunned.

Xu Ming said again: "The other realm masters, don't leave, just stay in the Divine Phoenix Chaos Realm! As for the grievances between you and the Supreme Phoenix, this is the end!"

Huang Zhizun, just Xu Ming's servant, has almost completely lost himself. Everything is based on Xu Ming's will, and he is extremely loyal! - Xu Ming said, "The grievances end here", Huang Zhizun will never go to trouble those world masters.

"Yes!" Huang Zhizun said respectfully.

Palace Master Wendao, Boundary Master Qingluan and other powerful people all looked at each other and quickly made a decision: "Okay!"

Anyway, from now on, the Divine Phoenix Chaos Realm is under the control of Jian Lao, what should they worry about?

"Elder Jian, please!" Xu Ming said lightly.

Jian Lao's spiritual sense, covering the entire endless chaos, began to refine.

Xu Ming took Huang Zhizun and took a step to directly enter the "independent space" - the reason why Xu Ming is willing to hand over the Divine Phoenix Chaos Realm to Jian Lao, in addition to trust, there are other considerations.

For example, Jian Lao absolutely cannot enter the "independent space".

For example, after Huang Zhizun's strength is restored, he will be able to deal with Jian Lao in the Divine Phoenix Chaos Realm.

Another example... With the number of hanging points Xu Ming has now, he can even expand the "independent space" to be bigger than the Divine Phoenix Chaos Realm! At that time, the "independent space" would be equivalent to directly wrapping the entire Divine Phoenix Chaos Realm; if Jian Lao had wrong intentions, Xu Ming would be able to delineate an area in the independent space in minutes and lock the entire Divine Phoenix Chaos Realm inside. Completely isolated from the outside world.

Back in the independent space, Xu Ming stopped thinking about Jian Lao, he looked at Huang Zhizun: "You have seen the cosmic chain on me! Is there a way to get rid of the cosmic chain?"

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