Break Into Another World

Chapter 1867: declare war

"Give him another 10,000 slaps!"

The entire Baijian Mountain Range was silent.

Offending the domain master's direct disciple, not only did he not repent, but he also went all the way to the dark...

What is this operation?

This is a killing operation!

Goddess Xuewei really cried - you want to die, I don't want to die yet! We Chibaizong still don't want to die!

"Sect Master Xuewei!" Lord Baijian shouted, "You still don't stop him!"

Only then did Goddess Xuewei react, and she even went forward to persuade Senior Phoenix Servant. But at this time, Goddess Xuewei was horrified to find that she couldn't move!

A domineering but gentle force silently suppressed her, making her unable to move or even speak.

Goddess Xuewei was immediately startled and frightened.

Xu Ming's voice resounded in the mind of Goddess Xuewei: "Don't panic, it's not a big problem!"

"It's not a big problem..." Goddess Xuewei is not only stunned or stunned - is this a big problem? So what is the problem!

God Lord Baijian naturally didn't know that Goddess Xuewei did not speak because she was suppressed; he thought that Goddess Xuewei's attitude was supporting Xu Ming and Huang Zhizun.

"Okay!" Hundred Swords God Lord hummed, "Sect Master Xuewei, it turns out that all this is your intention! It seems... your Chibai Sect really has hard wings! You dare to challenge the majesty of the Domain Master! "

Goddess Xuewei was full of tears, but she was speechless.

In the end, all the sadness in Goddess Xuewei's heart was condensed into two words: "Hit..."

It's a real pit!

I've seen a pit! Never seen such a pit!

"Brother Kuangkui, don't panic!" Baijian Divine Master said again, "They are just trying to use their words, and they don't dare to slap you so much!"


As soon as Baijian Divine Master finished speaking, another bright red palm print appeared on Kuang Kui's face.

"You..." Kuang Kui looked at the Lord of Hundred Swords with tears in his eyes - is this what you mean by "they dare not"? Also, can you say a few words less? When you didn't speak just now, he didn't hit me yet!

Immediately afterwards, Kuang Kui's gaze was slapped in another direction.

Snapped! Snapped! Snapped! Snapped! …

Applause came and went.

For the level of Nirvana, 10,000 slaps are just a matter of lightning and flint.

After the draw, Huang Zhizun looked at the Lord of Hundred Swords with disdain, and sneered: "Don't you dare?"

"This..." God Lord Hundred Swords suddenly shut up.

"Let's go! Go back!" At this time, Xu Ming said lightly.

Xu Ming came to participate in the Hundred Sects Association, in fact, he came here specifically to do things! Now that things are getting bigger, Xu Ming can of course go back contentedly.

"Go back..." Goddess Xuewei really didn't know how to face the "hometown elders" of Chibai Sect after returning.

Xu Ming got up and left.

Goddess Xuewei was suppressed by the tyrannical force, so she could only follow Xu Ming to get up and leave.

Huang Zhizun was holding Kuang Kui's neck and followed closely behind.

The great masters such as God Master Baijian did not dare to do anything casually, so they could only watch Xu Ming and the others leave the Baijian Mountains.

"You... where are you taking me!?" Kuang Kui exclaimed in horror.

"Brother Kuangkui, don't panic!" Baijian Divine Master shouted, "They dare not really take you away!"

When Kuang Kui heard this, he felt a lot of relief.

But in the next instant, Kuang Kui saw in horror that the Baijian Mountain Range was rapidly shrinking in his field of vision; within a few breaths, he completely disappeared from his field of vision.

"I..." Kuang Kui's mood is desperate - is this called "don't dare to really catch me"?

Kuang Kui really saw that Xu Ming and Huang Zhizun really wanted to take him back.

Of course, Kuang Kui was also a little puzzled and couldn't help asking, "You two...why are you arresting me?"

From Kuang Kui's point of view, Xu Ming and Huang Zhizun arrested him, which seemed to be of no benefit at all, and would also attract revenge from his master.

"Oh... just grab it and play!" Xu Ming replied lightly.

"Grab and play..." Kuang Kui was speechless.

"Grab and play..." Goddess Xuewei cried silently - do you know how high the price of "hold and play" is?

Red White Sect.

The core elders such as the Qingzhuo elders all waited with their heads raised.

After all, the Hundred Sects Association is directly related to the future of their Chibai Sect. These core elders who live and die together with Chibai Sect can't help but be nervous.

"Sect Master went to the Hundred Sects Association, I don't know how the situation is now..."

"Elder Yan, don't worry too much! Senior Xu Ming and Senior Huangpu are both extremely powerful beings in the Nirvana Realm; with the two of them in control, our Chibai Sect is even stronger than when the old Sect Master was there! Certainly There will be no problem!" Elder Qingzhuo said. However, in his tone, he couldn't hide his anxiety.

"Hope everything goes well!"


Elder Xia Xiao, who was in the Chibai Sect, naturally felt the tense atmosphere of the Chibai Sect.

However, Xia Xiao himself was not nervous at all. After all, he didn't have any feelings for Chibai Sect at all; the reason why he joined Chibai Sect was purely because he coveted Goddess Xuewei.

"Humph!" Xia Xiao thought angrily, "I really don't know how Goddess Xuewei invited Xu Ming and Huang servants..."

Xia Xiao originally thought that Goddess Xuewei would stop at all costs, please come forward and go to the Hundred Sects Association. However, Xu Ming and Huang Zhizun's actions directly destroyed his thoughts.

"It's abominable!" Xia Xiao thought bitterly.

call out-

Suddenly, a strange wave entered the Chibai Sect.

"Is there a message?" Xia Xiao couldn't help but wonder, "What is the message, why is there such a big movement?"

You know, the general communication fluctuations are quiet. But this time, the communication was huge, and it was obviously sent directly to the entire Chibai Sect.


With a muffled sound, this communication exploded in Chibaizong.

The Chibai Sect all heard the content of the communication.

"I, the peerless sect master! I declare war on Chibai sect here!"

declare war?

Xia Xiao was taken aback.

The Qingzhuo elders and others were even more stunned—the Peerless Sect was a sect with similar power to the Chibai Sect; the exchanges were not very close, but there was no hatred. Why is it good to declare war?

call out-

Before the elders had recovered from their daze, another huge wave of news came.

Again, the message was sent directly to the entire Chibai Sect!

"I, Sect Master of Jinhong Sect! Declare war on Chibai Sect here!"

"What!?" The turbid elders and others became more and more shocked - Jin Hongzong also declared war?

Immediately after…

Another wave of communication.

"A declaration of war again?" Chi Baizong couldn't help thinking.

That's right!

Declare war again!

"I, the Master of Heavenly Fierce Sect! Declare war on Chibai Sect here!"

"I, God Lord of Hundred Swords! Declare war on Chibai Sect here!"

One after another, the summons came without exception, every message was to declare war on Chibaizong.

Moreover, these sects that declared war are all those sects that participated in the Hundred Sect Association!

Chibaizong was completely stunned—what happened? Why did each sect declare war on Chibai Sect one after another?

"Could it be... what happened to the Sect Master in the Hundred Sects Association!?"

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