Break Into Another World

Chapter 1891: do whatever you want


Life and Tribulation were thrown flying, and his eyes were full of disbelief: "How can I fail? I have already cultivated 'Destruction' to the peak of the second level, breaking through the third level, it should be a matter of course, how can I fail? What? Could it be that there is something wrong with my cultivation?"

There is a problem in cultivation, but you don't know it at all, this is a very scary thing! Especially... cultivating this secret technique of "going against the sky".

Suddenly, a look of horror appeared on the face of the half-respected life robbery: "No—"

He saw that in the depths of the surrounding void, the ferocious cosmic chains were winding towards him.

Life Tribulation Banzun suddenly turned pale - not only did he fail to cultivate, but he also violated the rules of the universe and was entangled in the chains of the universe!

"This is... a four-star cosmic chain!?" When he saw the star of the cosmic chain, Life Tribulation Banzun felt even more desperate!

Before, it was because he was suppressed by the cosmic chains that he practiced "breaking off", and successfully broke the cosmic chains. But at that time, the cosmic chain of life and calamity was only "two stars"; but now, it is "four stars"!

Four Star Universe Chains…

Outside the sinking abyss, although there is hope to break through, but the hope is very slim! Even if an almighty has the strength to break the four-star cosmic chain, I am afraid they will not dare to break it easily; after all, breaking the cosmic chain is something that violates the rules of the universe's operation. Suppressed by stronger cosmic chains!

"I..." Life Tribulation Banzun is full of despair and regret, "I shouldn't be greedy... If I wasn't greedy for treasures, I wouldn't stay in the sinking sea, and I wouldn't even try to vain after breaking the cosmic chains on my body. Cultivating the third level of 'Destruction'... In that case, I won't be suppressed by the chains of the four-star universe... Regret!"

It is a blessing to be able to break the cosmic chain once! And the half-respected life robber actually took the risk and practiced "destruction" to earn treasures... What is this not courting death?


But it's too late!

The same regrets as Banzun Shengjie, there is also the Banzun Kuimo-he originally thought that when Banzun Shengjie had practiced the third level of "Breaking and Destruction", he would help himself get rid of the three-star universe chain on his body; but he didn't expect , Life Tribulation Banzun not only did not practice, but put himself in!

This is good, who will help him to remove the Samsung Universe chain on him?

Xu Ming?

Kui Mo Banzun couldn't help but cast his eyes on Xu Ming, with anticipation in his eyes, but he didn't face forward - he was worried that even if he stepped forward, he would be humiliating himself, and Xu Ming would not be able to help him break the cosmos chain.

"I...I..." Sheng Jie Banzun was insanely remorseful; at this time, he saw Xu Ming's direction and the dozens of Banzun surrounding Xu Ming, and couldn't help roaring, "A bunch of idiots! If you look like this and present the treasure, Xu Ming will help you break the cosmic chains on your body? Too many cosmic chains are broken, which will offend the rules of the universe. Do you think that Xu Ming is not afraid, attracting stronger cosmic chains ?"

When Banzun Shengjie said this, all the great masters suddenly panicked in their hearts—yes! With so many powers, how many of them can break the chains of the universe?

"Haha..." But at this moment, Xu Ming laughed, "Well... I'm really not afraid!"

Yes, don't be afraid!

Offending the rules of the universe and attracting stronger chains of the universe?

But the problem is... Xu Ming's cosmic chain is already the strongest nightmare level! There is no stronger cosmic chain!

In this case, what is Xu Ming afraid of?

Regardless of whether he will offend the rules of the universe, anyway... the rules of the universe, there is no stronger means to suppress Xu Ming!

Xu Ming, you can do whatever you want!

"Aren't you afraid?" Shengjie Banzun was stunned for a moment, and then he reacted, "I almost forgot that you are a nightmare-level cosmic chain! Haha... You are indeed not afraid of anything, but you are also destined to die! And I, although I am now a four-star The cosmic chains are suppressed, but there is still great hope to break the suppression!"

Compared with Xu Ming, Sheng Jie Banzun felt that he saw a worse person, and his heart felt much more comfortable!

Xu Ming didn't pay attention to the half-zun, but looked at the other half-zuns around him: "Those who want to break the chains of the universe, please present treasures!"

Immediately, one after another, all the great powers scrambled to offer their treasures to Xu Ming, and then looked at Xu Ming eagerly.

Xu Ming counted the treasures a little, and said lightly, "Line up and get chopped!"

Immediately, one and a half-respected great powers, all honestly lined up in a line, and took turns to step forward. As for Xu Ming, he threw the Blade of Destruction one after another.


Space-time tremors!

On the back of time and space, the rules of the universe's operation appear.

Countless cosmic chains crisscrossed each other, showing their teeth and claws, and they were extremely angry. One after another cosmic chains, wanting to pounce on Xu Ming and suppress Xu Ming; but Xu Ming is already a nightmare-level cosmic chain, so... even if it is the rules of the universe, there is no way to take Xu Ming at this moment, and he can only watch it. Xu Ming cut off the chains of the Samsung universe.

Xu Ming, do whatever you want!

boom! boom! …

Time and space trembled, as if the anger of the universe was erupting.

The demigods who have just released the chains of the universe did not dare to stay here; for fear of being harmed by Chiyu - who knows whether the rules of the universe are unreasonable? If it is unreasonable and can't deal with Xu, how about dealing with them instead?

"Hahahahaha..." Xu Ming's heroic laughter resounded through the endless void, "The rules of the universe?"

At this moment, Xu Ming suddenly felt that the Nightmare-level Cosmic Chain was still beneficial - even the rules of the universe's operation were clearly not used to him, and he could not kill him.

Soon, dozens of demigods released the cosmic chains on their bodies and left in a hurry.

The Kui Mo Banzun looked at him from a distance - he looked envious, but he was really envious in his heart!

"Oh?" Xu Ming also noticed the demon half-lord in the distance. Looking at his "expected and shy" appearance, Xu Ming waved his hand and said, "Come here! Bring your treasures here!"

When Kui Mo Banzun heard this, he immediately ran towards Xu Ming like a dog hearing his master's call. The treasures are already prepared in hand, and he intends to give Xu Ming the opportunity to break the Samsung universe chain first, but it is not so easy to get! Of course, the half-lord of the devil must take good care of it!

However at this moment...


For some reason, a cosmic chain suddenly protruded from the back of time and space, directly suppressing the half-zun like Kui Mo.


In an instant, the cosmic chains on Kuimo Banzun's body were "upgraded"!

"I..." Kuimo Banzun looked at the cosmic chain on his body, from three-star to four-star, and suddenly wanted to cry without tears, "This... what is this!"

It was clearly Xu Ming who was provoking the rules of the universe, but the one who was injured was the half-grandfather?

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