Break Into Another World

Chapter 1893: passerby

"It's not impossible for me to rescue you..."

Xu Ming looked at Sheng Jie Banzun and suddenly laughed.

Sheng Jie Banzun looked at Xu Ming's slightly malicious eyes, and couldn't help but tremble slightly, but still said: "Please... tell me!"

Xu Ming continued, "You should know a lot of the demigods in the Stone Statue Forest, right?"

"Yes!" Life Tribulation Banzun continued, "Especially the Banzun who were suppressed by the cosmic chains below three stars, many want to make friends with me!"

Life Tribulation Half-Prince, after all, is an existence who has practiced "destruction", and has the ability to help others break the chains of the universe. His fame in the Stone Statue Forest is not small.

"That's good!" Xu Ming said again, "Go help me and gather all the demi-masters you know in the Stone Statue Forest!"

All gathered?

Shengjie Banzun couldn't help but be stunned: "I'm afraid there are tens of thousands..."

Tens of thousands, not many at all. After all, in the entire second quadrant, most of the "suppressed" are gathered in the stone statue forest, which is in the hundreds of millions! And tens of thousands are just a stream in the sea.

But even if there are not many, gathered together, it is a very terrifying force!

And, more importantly... Xu Ming asked him to gather all the great powers he knew. Obviously, he didn't call them to come over to make soy sauce, but most likely he planned to help them break the cosmic chains on their bodies!

Helping tens of thousands of powers break the chains of the universe at the same time? - Life and Tribulation Banzun feels terrified just thinking about it.

But he couldn't help but ask: "Senior Xu Ming, you want to..."

"Oh..." Xu Ming said indifferently, "Let them prepare treasures! No matter how many people come, I will break all the cosmic chains on them!"

"Hi-" Although Banzun Shengjie had expected it, he couldn't help but take a deep breath after hearing this.

"And you..." Xu Ming continued, "Do this well, I will help you break the cosmic chains on your body!"

"Yes! Yes! Yes!" Life Jie Banzun continued.

In the entire forest of stone statues, there are very few great powers capable of breaking the chains of the four-star universe; now there is one standing in front of him, how can he not seize the opportunity?

"Go! It will be..." Xu Ming thought about it and said, "Let's gather at the 'Jiuzhu Mountain'!"

There are three secret techniques for sinking into the sea: "Swallowing the Universe and Nine Castings", "Passing the Guest" and "Duanming".

Xu Ming planned to go to Yunyan Hall first to learn the secret skill of "Passing the Guest"; then, he went to Jiuzhu Mountain to practice "Swallowing the Universe Jiuzhu".

"'Duanxie' is to break the Dao directly with force, forcibly severing the chains of the universe! I don't know... What kind of secret skill is 'passenger'?"

Out of curiosity, after a while, Xu Ming arrived at the Yunyan Palace.

The Palace of Clouds and Mist is at the bottom of the Sunken Sea. Here the sea water confluence, criss-cross, misty, like clouds and smoke.

Xu Ming walked into the hall.

The inheritance formation of Cloud Mist Palace started instantly, and the inheritance information of the secret skill "Passer" flooded into Xu Ming's mind mightily.


Xu Ming just accepted the inheritance for a while, and then stopped immediately!

"This secret skill is not suitable for my cultivation!" Xu Ming simply chose to give up.

Passing by is also a very unique secret skill!

Different from breaking the Dao with force, the method of "passing off" to release the chains of the universe is to weaken his sense of existence in the universe!

Why weaken the sense of presence?

It's simple! As long as you start to practice "passing off", then you will no longer be able to go to the "real universe"!

And... the more profoundly the "passenger" cultivates, the lower his future achievements will be! For example - if you want to rely on "passenger" to release the chains of the two-star universe; then, the price you pay is that the highest cultivation base can only reach the median supreme, and you will never be able to step into the upper supreme! If you want to lift the Samsung universe chain, then it will be difficult to even become the median supreme in the future!

This is a secret technique to survive with a broken arm!

Weak yourself, destroy your potential! In this way, when the will of the universe sees that you have no potential, it will let you go and lift the suppression of the chains of the universe.

As for Xu Ming... If nothing else, just being unable to enter the real universe, this is absolutely unacceptable to him! - Gu Hanmo's real battlefield must be in the real universe!

What's more... the cosmic chain on Xu Ming's body is a nightmare! If Xu Ming really practiced "Passing the Guest", how would he have to weaken his sense of existence before he would be spared by the will of the universe?

Weak your sense of existence to the point where you can't even break through the cultivation base of the domain master realm?


This "passenger" may be the preferred secret skill for other semi-exalted powers; after all, those semi-exalted, they did not expect themselves to become the supreme supreme, and the price paid for cultivating "passenger" is naturally not worth mentioning. .

But for Xu Ming... the price is simply too high! It is impossible to practice at all!

Therefore, without even thinking about it, Xu Ming directly interrupted the inheritance of secret skills, left the Palace of Clouds and Mist, and went to the next stop - Jiuzhu Mountain!

"I don't know... Tunyu Jiuzhu, what kind of secret skill will it be?"

When Xu Ming went to practice "Passenger" and "Swallowing Yu Jiuzhu", he was not idle, and immediately started to help Xu Ming gather Banzun!

Xu Ming had promised as long as he gathered enough suppressed people; then, Xu Ming would help him break the four-star cosmic chain on his body.

"Brother Shengjie!" The great powers who received the message from Banzun Shengjie were all excited, thinking that Banzun Shengjie was going to help them remove the cosmic chains on their bodies. As a result, when Banzun Shengjie opened his mouth, they realized that it was not Banzun Shengjie who broke it himself, but Xu Ming!

"Xu Ming?"

Every one and a half of the great powers are full of doubts about this name.

Of course they knew that Xu Ming's cosmic chains were the most unfortunate and the worst nightmare. However, they didn't know that Xu Ming had already cultivated "Destruction" to the fourth level in a short period of time. !

"Isn't Xu Ming a nightmare-level cosmic chain? He can't protect himself! Is there a way to solve the cosmic chain on us?"

"Are you kidding us?"

"Definitely playing with us! How long has Xu Ming just entered the sinking sea? Could it be that he has become 'Destruction'? It's impossible!"

Destruction is definitely not so easy to cultivate!

Most of the half-respects can't even get started; otherwise, the status of life-calamity half-respects in the sinking sea can't be so high - the mere third-order cultivation base of half-respects is actually used by many half-respects of seventh-order and eighth-order. The powerhouses of the order are surrounded.

And now, after hearing that Xu Ming was going to help them lift the chains of the universe, all the half-honored people felt that they were being tricked! For a time, there were not many half-respects willing to go to Jiuzhu Mountain.

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