Break Into Another World

Chapter 1894: last step

For a time, there were not many half-respects willing to go to Jiuzhu Mountain.

"This..." Life Jie Banzun was a little helpless - you must know that he was still boasting in front of Xu Ming before, saying that the number of Banzun he could gather would be tens of thousands!

Isn't that slapping yourself in the face?

months later.

Next to Jiuzhu Mountain.

Life Tribulation Banzun came here with hundreds of Banzun great powers.

Hundreds, seems like a lot. But you must know... Shengjie Banzun used to boast that there would be tens of thousands of Banzun; but now, there are only a few hundred, and it looks like three or two big cats and kittens.

This made Shengjie Banzun feel very dull, and at the same time, he couldn't help worrying, whether Xu Ming would help him break the four-star universe chain - after all, this time, Shengjie Banzun was really ineffective.

"Life robbery!" Suddenly, a slender, red-haired strong man shouted - Chihe Banzun, a ninth-rank semi-zun, who was also suppressed by the chains of the four-star universe.

Generally speaking, being suppressed by the chains of the four-star universe, you need to enter the sinking abyss to break it; however, Chihe Banzun is relatively timid and does not dare to enter the sinking abyss, so he has been staying in the stone statue forest.

Whenever there is a chance to break the chain of the four-star universe, Chihe Banzun will fight for it—for example, this time.

"Sheng Jie, what about the Xu Ming you said? Why is there no one?" Chihe Banzun asked.

"Should still be cultivating in Jiuzhu Mountain!" Shengjie Banzun said.

"Humph!" Chihe Banzun snorted coldly, and said, "I hope that Xu Ming is as you said, and has the strength to break the chains of the four-star universe, otherwise... dare to waste my time, fool me here, I insist on him nice!"

Sheng Jie Banzun heard the words, and said in fear: "Be careful! Senior Xu Ming's strength is beyond doubt!"

Life Tribulation Banzun has seen Xu Ming's strength, so he does not dare to have the slightest doubt and disrespect towards Xu Ming - whether he can break the four-star universe chain, he is counting on Xu Ming!

Inside Jiuzhu Mountain.

Xu Ming has almost completely accepted the inheritance of the secret technique "Swallowing Nine Castings".

"This secret skill..."

Even Xu Ming was a little shocked by the secret technique of "Swallowing Yu Jiuzhu"!

It is different from the two secret skills of "Destruction" and "Passing the Guest"! - "Breaking off" is to break the law with force and forcibly break the cosmic chain; "passenger" is to reduce one's sense of existence in the universe in order to escape from the suppression of the cosmic chain.

And "Swallow Yu Jiuzhu"...very cruel!

Yes! Very cruel!

It is also the most difficult to practice.

What "Swallowing Nine Casts" cultivates is to directly swallow the power of the rules of the universe! !

Devour the power of rules to grow your own heart world! When the heart world grows to a certain level, even the cosmic chain can be swallowed directly!

If you swallow all the chains of the universe, what are you afraid of?

Of course, the cultivation of Tunyu Jiuzhu is extremely difficult, and the process of cultivation is extremely dangerous - after all, swallowing the power of rules is a challenge to the rules of the universe! If you are not careful, it may lead to the suppression of a stronger cosmic chain!

Therefore, among the three secret techniques of the Sunken Sea, the power of "Swallowing the Universe Nine Casting" is the least! To be precise... There is almost no power, and he will practice "Swallow Yu Jiuzhu"!

Swallow Yu?

Can't swallow it! Can't swallow it!


Xu Ming found out that this "Swallowing Yu Jiuzhu" can be said to be very suitable for him!

Cultivating the world of mind? - Xu Ming's major was originally the mind force school, and he has reached the realm of "mind and spirit united" between mind force and divine body.

Challenging the rules of the universe? - The cosmic chains on Xu Ming's body are already nightmare-level, and there is no stronger cosmic chain!


There is no stronger cosmic chain that can suppress Xu Ming, so what else should Xu Ming be afraid of? - If you are provocative, you will be provocative. It seems that the universe has nothing to do with him!

So Xu Ming resolutely practiced "Swallow Yu Jiuzhu"!

"The almighty who created this secret skill is simply against the sky!" Xu Ming had already felt the sky-defying power of this secret skill just by cultivating it; then, what kind of sky-defying the creator of the secret skill should be?

"I'm afraid the level of this secret skill has already exceeded the supreme level!?" Xu Ming couldn't help thinking.

Above the Supreme level, it is the "Boundary-Breaking Level"!

For example, Xu Ming's practice "Breaking the World" is a world-breaking practice!

At this time, Xiaohang's voice sounded: "Tunyu Jiuzhu, it's not even the breaking level!"

"Not at the world-breaking level?" Xu Ming couldn't help but stunned - the secret technique that swallows the power of the universe's operating rules is not even at the world-breaking level?

At the same time, Xu Ming couldn't help being secretly shocked by the power of "Breaking the World"! - "Swallowing the Universe Nine Cast" is not a world-breaking exercise, but "Breaking the World" is!

So, when Xu Ming has truly mastered "Breaking the World", how powerful will it be?


Xiaohang said again: "Although it's not the world-breaking level, it is close to the world-breaking level! This "Swallowing Universe Nine Cast" is definitely created by the top power in the real universe! But... it's a pity!"

Xiaohang didn't continue to say "what a pity", and Xu Ming didn't pay attention either.

In fact, Xiaohang wants to say that it is a pity for the creator of this secret skill—that creator had hoped to take the "last step" of this practice; but unfortunately, in the end, it was still a little short!

Of course, Xu Ming didn't know about all this!

Xu Ming only knew—this secret skill is really awesome!

"Try it!"

Xu Ming directly tested the "Tunyu Boom!" in Jiuzhu Mountain.

Xu Ming's inner world was instantly stimulated, and his divine body had a mighty feeling like the sky - Xu Ming was facing the heaven and the earth, as if one sky was facing another sky.

"Swallow Yu..."


Xu Ming activated the secret technique.

Immediately, an incomparably powerful attraction erupted from Xu Ming's mind, engulfing the ubiquitous rules of the universe.


The invisible power directly pulled the power of the rules and sucked it into Xu Ming's heart world.

The rules of the universe's operation want to retreat!

However, being caught by Xu Ming's invisible hand, how could he retreat if he wanted to?

In a short time, waves of the power of rules were sucked into Xu Ming's mind.

In the heart world, the mighty mental power condenses into a giant hammer that shakes the sky. Whenever the power of rules is sucked in, the Heaven Shaking Hammer slams it down!

"Tunyu nine castings, the first casting... casting foundation!"

boom! boom! boom! boom! …

The power of rules is constantly being attracted, and it is constantly being forged and turned into the foundation of Xu Mingxin's world.

"No!" Xu Ming frowned slightly, "It's too slow to devour the power of rules to practice 'Swallowing Nine Casts'!"

Xu Ming discovered that if you want to quickly improve the "Swallowing Universe Nine Cast", I am afraid that you still have to swallow the cosmic chain!

"Half of life, you should have found a lot of great powers for me, right? I will go out first and find those great powers to cast the cosmic chains!"

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