Break Into Another World

Chapter 1903: who is it?

The sinking abyss is divided into eighteen levels; and the battle level is also divided into eighteen levels!

For example, Xu Ming has now passed the assessment of the fourth floor of the Sinking Abyss, and his battle rank is "fourth rank".

The higher the battle rank, the higher the status and authority in the "Sinking City".

And Zhan Xun... is equivalent to the currency in the sinking city, which can be exchanged for various treasures and secret skills! If you have enough battle merits, you can even ask the "Sinking Demon Lord" to help break the chains of the universe!

The battle level can only be improved by breaking through the sinking abyss.

And the battle honor can only be obtained in the "Abyss Battlefield".

After listening to Wan Puppet Demon Venerable's explanation, Xu Ming had a general understanding of the entire sinking abyss.

The Sinking Abyss is mainly divided into three areas: Sinking City, Abyss Battlefield, and the Sinking Abyss where Xu Ming is now.

"Starting from the fourth floor of the sinking abyss, no matter which direction you go, you will eventually reach the sinking city?" Xu Ming looked suspiciously at the Demon Venerable Ten Thousand Puppets.

"Yes! Yes!" Ten Thousand Puppet Demon Venerable nodded again and again, "The time and space of sinking into the abyss is very strange. It is obviously in different directions, but in the end, they will all return to the same destination!"

"Well..." Xu Ming thought about it carefully, and compared the "confessions" of the Wanpup Demon Venerable and the Qingyu Banzun, and found no flaws. Moreover, Xu Ming felt that in order to save his life, the other party really didn't need to deceive himself on this kind of thing.

"Predecessor... Senior, can we go?" Demon Venerable Wan Puppet said cautiously.

Xu Ming waved his hand: "Let's go!"

The two suddenly fled as if they were amnesty.

After sending the two away, Xu Ming was lost in thought: "War rank?—Since the higher the battle rank, the higher the status and authority in the Sinking City, then I will first raise the war rank in the Sinking Abyss!"

"Go to the next floor!"

The ghost armor warriors on the fifth floor have already reached the fifth-order half-respect. If you want to break through the fifth floor, I am afraid that you must be a very strong existence in the ninth-order half!

"Half-Prince who is qualified to be suppressed by the cosmic chains, it is generally not a problem to break through the fifth floor!" Xu Ming secretly said.

For example, Wan Puppet Demon Venerable, if he didn't deliberately stay on the fourth floor, with his strength, it would not be difficult to pass through the ninth floor and reach the "ninth-order battle rank".

For example, Wanzun's disciple Qingyu Banzun seems to be mediocre in strength, but it is because he is compared with Xu Ming; but in fact, with his strength, there is no problem in breaking through the fifth floor.

boom! boom! boom! …

Xu Ming swept past with a destructive attitude.

Fifth floor!

The sixth floor!

Seventh floor!

Soon, Xu Ming passed the ninth floor!

"It will be the tenth floor soon!" Xu Ming was slightly serious.

The enemies of the ninth floor are all half-ranked ninth-order existences! It needs to be the top strength among the lower-ranking supreme, just to be able to break through.

And the enemies on the tenth floor are all supreme powers!

Siege of a large group of Supreme!

It's scary to think about!

I'm must be at the "median supreme" level to be eligible to give it a try!

"This tenth floor, you can always let me test my strength, right?" Xu Ming secretly looked forward to it.

You must know that since he practiced "Swallowing the Universe and Nine Casts" and his strength has skyrocketed, Xu Ming has never really exploded his strength!

There is no way, the assessment of the first nine floors is too simple, the strongest enemy is only a half-rank ninth, and it can't stand Xu Ming's slap!

"Go to the next floor!"

Xu Ming continued to fall in the sinking abyss, and soon fell from the ninth floor to the tenth floor!


As Xu Ming expected, the ghost armored warriors on the tenth floor are indeed the strength of the supreme level!

As soon as Xu Ming arrived on the tenth floor, hundreds of ghost armored warriors with supreme strength rushed towards him; every ghost armored warrior was not even weaker than "Yuanzun"!


After Xu Ming entered the abyss of sinking, he drew his spear for the first time.

"Give me... break it!!"

The direction of the gun.

In an instant, a ghost armored warrior was instantly killed!

Kill the supreme level in one shot!

That is to say... if Xu Ming encounters Yuan Zun in the frontier of disorder, he can kill him in seconds with just one shot!

Of course, Xu Ming is afraid that it will be difficult to meet Yuan Zun in the frontier of disorder! After all, Yuan Zun is now hiding in his own virtual universe and does not dare to come out at all.

call out! call out! call out! call out! …

At the moment Xu Ming shot, thousands of ghost armored warriors also shot!

Thousands of salvos attacked Xu Ming from all directions, leaving him with nowhere to retreat.

"Oh!" Xu Ming smiled disdainfully. The powerful power of the heart and the world instantly blesses the divine body - Xu Ming has long reached the realm of "unity of mind and spirit"! The power of the heart world and the power of the divine body can be interchanged at any time.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! …

Thousands of salvos fell on Xu Ming like raindrops, but they only caused some ripples on Xu Ming's divine body, and did not cause any substantial damage at all.

"Unsurprisingly..." Xu Ming secretly said, "Ordinary low-level supreme strength can no longer pose any threat to me! Even thousands of salvos can't bring me any harm!"

An ordinary low-ranking supreme attack could not break Xu Ming's defense; but Xu Ming's attack could kill one with one shot! — The result is clear It was a one-sided massacre!

Not long after, Xu Ming continued to break through the tenth floor in a destructive manner!

"The eleventh floor!"

Starting from the tenth floor of the sinking abyss, you must have the strength of the "median supreme" level before you can go down. Therefore, from the tenth floor down, it is inaccessible and hardly anyone can be seen.

After all, the median supreme level is already the top level in the entire sinking abyss! In the entire abyss of sinking, very few people have reached this level of strength. And these few existences naturally won't soak in the sinking abyss, they are usually in sinking cities or abyss battlefields.

But at this time... the eleventh floor of the sinking abyss, but there is just a great power in the trial.

This is a great power that exudes endless majesty! Under the siege of thousands of ghost armored warriors, he seemed a little embarrassed, but he never lost.

The majestic look in his eyes is incomparably resolute: "My strength, at the mid-level supreme level, is also relatively top! I will definitely be able to pass the eleventh level and reach the 'eleventh-order battle rank'! Humph! Wait until I have it" Eleventh-order battle rank', I will have the right to buy that treasure; then, in the sinking abyss, I will be able to run amok!"

The mighty majesty was looking forward to it, but the battle became more and more calm.

But at this moment... a black hole suddenly appeared in the sky, which was the abyss hole from the tenth floor to the eleventh floor.

"Huh!?" Dangerous Majesty couldn't help but look puzzled, "Who came down from the tenth floor?"

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