Break Into Another World

Chapter 1905: sunken city

Genius remember the address of this site in one second: (top Chinese), the fastest update! No ads! Sinking into the abyss, gathering the most heaven-defying geniuses in the entire disordered frontier and all virtual universes! Because they are too heaven-defying, these geniuses have even been suppressed by the rules of the universe!


It is almost impossible to appear among these top-notch demigods whose strength is comparable to that of the "superior supreme"!

It may take dozens or hundreds of eras before there will be a half-honored person who can rival the upper-ranking supreme!

Therefore, when Lei Qiong Banzun found out that Xu Ming was likely to be a battle rank above the "thirteenth rank", he was so shocked!

"In today's era, in the sinking abyss, no one has reached the 'thirteenth rank' battle rank! Could it be..." Lei Qiong Banzun suddenly realized something and looked at Xu Ming in horror, "Could it be... he is the most talented person in this era. The most heaven-defying half-honor!?"

However, Lei Qiong Banzun did not find out that Xu Ming was not a "Half-Prince" at all, but only a "Nirvana Realm"!


In the panic of Lei Qiong Banzun, Xu Ming passed the assessment of the twelfth floor of the sinking abyss and went directly to the thirteenth floor.

At this time, the assessment of Lei Qiong Banzun also began!

"Run!" Lei Qiong Banzun did not dare to be surrounded by ghost armored warriors on the twelfth floor. Once surrounded, he might not even be able to escape! Therefore, while the assessment had just started, Banzun Lei Qiong chose a random direction, ran away, and gave up the assessment - the assessment of the twelfth floor is not something that the current Banzun Lei Qiong can challenge!

After escaping, Lei Qiong Banzun still couldn't calm down for a long time: "The number one powerhouse in the abyss... has been replaced!"

The sinking abyss, the thirteenth floor.

"Sure enough, the opponents on the thirteenth floor are all at the mid-level supreme level!"

What Xu Ming is facing now is the siege of hundreds of thousands of people at the mid-level supreme level!

Every ghost armored warrior here is not much weaker than Lei Qiong Banzun. It can be said... even if all the geniuses besieged Xu Ming in the entire sinking abyss, it would not be as difficult as the assessment on the thirteenth floor!

Even Xu Ming felt a lot of pressure.

"This is only the thirteenth floor... The difficulty of the assessment is already so terrifying!" Xu Ming was secretly shocked, "This sinking abyss, but there are eighteen floors! What kind of strength should the next five floors have? , can you pass?"


"This thirteenth floor assessment can actually make me continue to be seriously injured..." Although Xu Ming practiced Divine Phoenix Immortality, even if he was seriously injured, he could recover in an instant, but Xu Ming still felt the pressure - the thirteenth floor was already So difficult, what about the fourteenth floor?

"Forget it! After challenging the thirteenth floor, we will not continue to challenge!" Xu Ming secretly said.

Although, the higher the battle rank, the better; but since you have already felt the pressure, there is no need to continue going down. Moreover... the "thirteenth rank" battle rank, Xu Ming estimated, should already be the highest in the sinking abyss!

"When you pass this assessment, let's go to the Sinking City first!"

The time and space of the sinking abyss is strangely distorted.

The end of the distortion of time and space, all gathered in one place. Here, is the sinking city.

In the entire disordered frontier, the most heaven-defying half-respects are gathered in the sinking city, lingering under the suppression of the cosmic chains.

Xu Ming walked out from the thirteenth floor of the sinking abyss, and when he reached the gate of the sinking city, a "battle order" flew out from the city gate and arrived in his hands.

"War order?" Xu Ming couldn't help but startled slightly.

He has only heard that the higher the battle rank, the greater the authority in the sinking abyss. As for the specific permissions, I didn't pay much attention to it.

Xu Ming instantly refined the battle order, and was able to sense the inside of the battle order, which contained a simple but lofty will: Thirteen!

Thirteen means that Xu Ming is a "thirteenth-order" battle rank!

If this battle level is known to other great masters, I am afraid that they will directly kneel and lick Xu Ming! After all... In the entire Sinking City, there are very few battle ranks above the tenth rank, let alone the thirteenth rank!

Xu Ming put away the battle order and prepared to enter the city.

But at this moment, a somewhat yin and yang voice resounded in Xu Ming's ear: "Another ignorant person has come to our Sinking City!"

It was a blond half-zun who spoke. He saw that Xu Ming's momentum was not very strong, and he had just obtained the battle order, obviously he was the first time in the sinking city, so he couldn't help laughing.

Blonde Banzun continued, as if he was talking to himself, and he seemed to be deliberately telling Xu Ming: "The outside world thinks that if you enter the abyss of sinking, you will be able to break the cosmic chain! But I don't think about it, the cosmic chain is so easy to break. Is it? How many of those who entered the abyss of perdition can leave alive?"

As the blond half-honored said, he glanced arrogantly at Xu Ming, sneered, and walked away.

Xu Ming didn't take the blond half-respect to heart, he didn't say much, and he also entered the city.


As soon as he entered the Sunken City, Xu Ming felt an extremely depressing After all, almost all of the demigods in the Sunken City entered the Abyss of Sinking in despair; Don't be depressing!

Xu Ming watched while watching the flowers.

In the city, many great experts were chatting.

"I heard... Banzun Yegu has cultivated 'Destruction' to the fifth level, and he can break the chain of the five-star universe!"

"Can break the five-star cosmic chain, so what?" Immediately, there was a voice next to him, "Yegu Banzun? Does he dare to help people break the cosmic chain unscrupulously?"

"Also... Although he can break the five-star cosmic chain, it is estimated that he will not be able to use it a few times, let alone help me to break it..." The previous voice said again, "If you want to break the cosmic chain, you still have to put your hope in the fallen devil! "

"Yeah! You can only save enough battle credits, and then ask the fallen demon master to make a move..."

Zhan Xun?

Fallen Demon Lord?

As far as Xu Ming knows, as long as you bring enough war honors, go to find the fallen devil; then, the fallen devil will help break the cosmic chain.

Fallen Demon Lord, this is the power to build the Stone Statue Forest with one hand, what an incredible existence! As long as he is willing to take action and break the chains of the universe, it is naturally easy.

It is precisely because of this that the semi-powerful people in the sinking city will not hesitate to enter the abyss battlefield and try their best to win the merits; the reason is to ask the sinking devil to take action!

Xu Ming didn't say a word, shuttled through the sinking city, and continued to listen to some other small talk.

"Have you heard? This time in the abyss battlefield, our second quadrant, I am afraid we will fight with the eighth quadrant!"

"Quadrant eight? Are you sure?"

"There are quite a few top powerhouses in the eighth quadrant! But that's fine... The more powerhouses there are, the higher the battle honors will be!"

"Haha... Then it depends on whether you have the strength to get the battle honor!"

(End of this chapter)

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