Break Into Another World

Chapter 1907: How hard iron

"It's just a picture..."

On the picture scroll, there are endless billions of worlds, and life thrives, and Xu Ming can still understand; as long as he has enough power levels, he can create such a world. But... the entire picture scroll has a faint interpretation of the operating rules of the entire universe, which is incredible!

"A painting that interprets the entire universe?"

What a means! ?

At the same time, Xu Ming couldn't help but think: "What kind of existence should the person who created this picture scroll exist?"

High-ranking Supreme?

Xu Ming's own strength level has reached the highest level now; he doesn't think that the highest level can create such a picture scroll.

"Could it be that there is a stronger existence above the Supreme Supreme?"

Xu Ming is almost certain—absolutely!

People like Gu Hanmo and the Fallen Demon Lord must have already reached that stronger level!

Only when Xu Ming reaches that level can he go to the real universe and help Gu Hanmo.

"This picture contains almost the complete rules of how the universe works! Comprehension of the picture should be of some benefit to me!"

Thinking about it, Xu Ming set up a warning barrier around him and began to comprehend.

"The rules of the universe are invisible and invisible..."

However, Xu Ming could feel that the rules of the universe's operation were like the rain moistening the earth, infiltrating every inch of space. No matter who it is, no matter how subtle a movement, no matter how small a particle, it actually resonates with the rules of the universe all the time.

The entire universe, from "endless macro" to "extreme micro", has a perfect "grand unity"!

The vibration of even the smallest particle affects the operation of the entire universe.

"If something, no matter how small, is not at the same frequency as the vibration of the universe's operating rules, then it will be corrected!" Xu Ming suddenly understood.

How to correct?

If it is a weak existence, it will be directly forcibly corrected by the operating rules of the universe and return to the same resonance frequency.

And if it is a relatively strong existence, it will be suppressed by the cosmic chains - such as Xu Ming.

Comprehension of this picture scroll, Xu Ming's heart continued to emerge enlightenment.

Although Xu Ming's strength has not been improved in any way for the time being, this understanding of the rules of the universe's operation is a kind of background, which will be of great benefit to Xu Ming's future cultivation or breaking the chains of the universe.

Suddenly, Xu Ming's eyes widened without warning, with a hint of epiphany and a hint of panic in his eyes.

"The universe is like..."

Xu Ming vaguely realized something, but he felt that it was a little bit worse, as if there was a layer of fog that prevented him from seeing the "truth of the universe".

At this moment, Xu Ming suddenly felt that there was a will on the picture scroll: "Forty-nine steps forward, enter the 'Boundary Breaking Map'!"

Forty-nine steps forward?

Boundary map?

"This picture is called the Boundary Breaking Picture?" Xu Ming seemed to be slightly touched.

This picture, which is as huge as millions of God's Domains, is indeed called the "Breakthrough Picture".

At this time, in the center of the liberation realm, Xu Ming would not be the only one watching this boundary-breaking map. There are hundreds of semi-respected powerhouses, all staring at the world-breaking map, thinking hard.

A pair of fanatical eyes, sometimes confused, sometimes epiphany...

A female half-zun with a delicate body and a stern look in the corners of her eyes, her aura became more and more crazy: "No! No! No! It's not that the universe is the truth in the world-breaking map, as long as you comprehend a little bit, you can benefit endlessly. Why? Why can't I comprehend it all the time!"


The female half-zun instantly withdrew from the artistic conception of the world-breaking map, with a trace of blood on the corner of her mouth.

"Failed again!"

"I didn't realize it again!"

The female half-zun is completely unwilling.

At this moment, the female Banzun received a message, and her face suddenly changed, becoming flattering: "Shen Long Banzun!"

"Qingyao Banzun, where are you now?" During the communication, Shen Long Banzun's voice sounded.

"Breaking the boundary map!" Qing Yao Banzun said respectfully.

"Oh? Just right, I'm also in the liberation domain, and I'm coming to find you now!"

When Qingyao Banzun heard the words, he couldn't help showing a look of joy, and secretly said in his heart: "Shen Long Banzun, but a person with a big background! Once I have made a good relationship with him, and I have a good relationship with him, my hope of breaking the chains of the universe has greatly improved. !"

Of course, there must be a price to befriend with a character like Shen Long Banzun! It is almost self-evident what kind of price needs to be paid for a beautiful female half-zun like Qingyao Banzun.


Does Qingyao Banzun seem to care about these costs?

As long as the cosmic chains can be broken, what is the price?

Thinking of this, Qing Yao Banzun couldn't help but evoke a charming smile.

"Huh?" Suddenly, Qingyao Banzun noticed Xu Ming, "This is...?"

She saw that Xu Ming was walking towards the Boundary Breaking Map step by step.

"It's an epiphany! He has an epiphany!" Qingyao Banzun was shocked and angry when he saw this scene, "Why!? I didn't have an epiphany! Why did he have an epiphany!?"

Qingyao Banzun's eyes suddenly became extremely sinister and jealous: "Humph! It's a pity... Although you have an epiphany, you didn't get the fate of the chance!"

Didn't get the chance to die?



Qingyao Banzun shot directly. In an instant, thousands of poisonous needles shot directly at Xu Ming.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! …

When these thousands of poisonous needles approached, Xu Ming suddenly became alert.

"who is it!?"

Qingyao Banzun's strength is not very at best, it is only an ordinary low-level supreme level; Xu Ming just waved his hand at will, and blasted thousands of poisonous needles to the side.

However, because of Qingyao Banzun's interference, Xu Ming's epiphany state was also interrupted. When he looked at the Boundary-breaking map again, Xu Ming no longer had that epiphany, nor could he perceive the "invitation" from the Boundary-breaking map.

"This..." Xu Ming was stunned for a while, and suddenly became angry.

The state of epiphany can be said to be unattainable.

Even for Xu Ming, the epiphany is much easier than other powerhouses, but there is no guarantee when he can enter the state of epiphany!

And now, the epiphany state has been broken like this, how can Xu Ming not be angry! ?

"Huh!?" Seeing that Xu Ming broke his attack with a wave of his hand, Qingyao Banzun couldn't help but stunned, "So strong!? With such strength, I am afraid they are already at the peak of the lower-ranking supreme, right?"

Qingyao Banzun himself is an ordinary lower-ranking supreme rank. In her opinion, if Xu Ming can wave his hand to break her attack, his strength must have reached the peak of lower-ranking supreme!


Qingyao Banzun would never have imagined that Xu Ming's strength far exceeded the peak of the next supreme! Even beyond the median supreme! Reached the upper-level supreme level!

Qingyao Banzun would never have thought that her sneak attack this time directly attacked the only "thirteenth-order" powerhouse in the entire sinking abyss!

Qingyao Banzun would never have imagined how hard an iron plate she had kicked!

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