Break Into Another World

Chapter 1911: Does it matter?

The words are divided into two parts.

"You have strength?"

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha…"

When Shen Yan Banzun heard Xu Ming's words, he was stunned at first, and then he couldn't help laughing: "Strength? In front of me, Shen Yan Banzun, you dare to improve your strength? You are also worthy of your strength!?"

boom! !

Shen Yan Banzun shot directly: "Boy, don't be ashamed! I'll show you what real strength is!"

Shen Yan Banzun's attack was mighty, terrifying, and imposing; wherever he passed, space was shattered, time was condensed, and heaven and earth were shocked.

Shen Yan Banzun even saw that Xu Ming did not move in the face of his attack.

"Are you frightened?" Shen Yan Banzun couldn't help sneering, "Is this frightening? How dare you come out and be arrogant even with this little guts?"


At this moment, Shen Yan Banzun felt that there was a tyrannical momentum behind him.

"Big brother shot!" Shen Yan Banzun was naturally familiar with Lei Qiong Banzun's aura; however, he didn't know that Lei Qiong Banzun's attack was not aimed at Xu Ming, but towards him. of!

Shen Yan Banzun was still thinking stupidly in his heart: "Big brother is really righteous, he will shoot if he doesn't agree! But... this kind of opponent doesn't need big brother to shoot himself at all, I'm more than enough!"


In the blink of an eye, Shen Yan Banzun's attack was already approaching Xu Ming. His expression was even more hideous, as if he had seen Xu Ming being easily suppressed by him.

And just then...

Shen Yan Banzun suddenly showed infinite horror.


Shen Yan Banzun finally discovered to his horror that his elder brother Lei Qiong Banzun's attack was actually aimed at him!

"Brother, you are..." Shen Yan Banzun shouted in horror.

However, Lei Qiong Banzun didn't seem to hear his terrified cry, and the infinitely huge palm shadow directly suppressed it.


Shen Yan Banzun and his mighty attack were directly pressed to the ground with a slap.

Shen Yan Banzun's face was full of confusion: "What the **** have I experienced!?"

Immediately afterwards, when Shen Yan Banzun raised his head, he was even more horrified to see that Lei Qiong Banzun, the existence who was about to challenge the fifth in the universe's arrogance list, stooped and walked carefully to Xu Ming. He shouted in a low voice and awe: "Senior!"


Lei Qiong Banzun's voice was very soft, as if he was afraid that it would disturb Xu Ming if it was too loud.

But to Shen Yan Banzun's hearing, this small voice was like a thunderbolt!


The word "senior" doesn't seem to be valuable, but it also depends on who said it from!

Who is Lei Qiong Banzun? - He is one of the few "eleventh-order" powerhouses in the sinking abyss, who can be worthy of the word "senior"? Even if it is the first-ranked existence on the Tianjiao list in the universe, it is not qualified for Lei Qiong Banzun to call "Senior", right?


This silent voice also sounded like a thunderbolt. It rang in the ears of Demon Venerable Wan Puppet, Banzun Shen Long, and Banzun Qingyao, causing the three of them to be unable to return to their senses. However, no matter how stupid Shen Long Banzun and Qing Yao Banzun are, they have already realized at this time - they kicked the iron plate!

wrong! It's a steel plate!

And Lei Qiong Banzun still lowered his head in front of Xu Ming, not daring to move, waiting for Xu Ming to speak.

"Oh? It's you!" Xu Ming looked at Lei Qiong Banzun and said lightly.

"Yes, yes, yes! Senior, it's me!" Lei Qiong Banzun said in a row, as if it was a great honor to be remembered by Xu Ming; but in fact, at their level, how could people who have met them forget it? ?

Xu Ming said again, "Are these people yours?"

"Yes!" Lei Qiong Banzun did not dare to hesitate, and even replied.

"That's good!" Xu Ming said lightly, "Since it's yours, I'll leave it to you to deal with it!"

"This..." Lei Qiong Banzun gritted his teeth, "Okay!"

Immediately, Lei Qiong Banzun's gaze swept indifferently towards the culprits - Qingyao Banzun and Shen Long Banzun.

When the two of them saw this, their faces turned pale.

Qingyao Banzun even begged for mercy: "It's none of my business, it's none of my business, I didn't offend this senior!"

Not offended?

When Lei Qiong Banzun heard the words, he couldn't help sneering in his heart - didn't he offend? Tell the ghosts!

With Xu Ming's strength, if the other party didn't offend him, would he surrender his status to care about it?

Besides... If nothing else, Banzun Qingyao and Banzun Shen Long dared to disrespect Xu Ming, this is already an offense, and the crime has already led to death!

Thinking of this, Lei Qiong Banzun jokingly looked at Qingyao Banzun: "Didn't you offend?"

"No! No!" Qingyao Banzun said repeatedly.

Lei Qiong Banzun sneered: "Is it important to be offended?"


Does it matter?

With Xu Ming's strength, it is almost "according to the law".

Xu Ming said that Lei Qiong Banzun would handle it, and Lei Qiong Banzun would definitely handle it without mercy! Whether an ant like Qingyao Banzun has offended Xu Ming or not, it doesn't matter at all!

Xu Ming said "deal with", she is dead!

"No—" Qingyao Banzun suddenly turned showed infinite horror, "I..."

However, Qing Yao Banzun didn't have time to say what he said, and the entire divine body was turned into ashes.

"Hi—" Shen Long Banzun on the side, his face suddenly turned pale, and even looked at Shen Yan Banzun for help, "Father..."

At this time, Lei Qiong Banzun said lightly: "Shen Yan, this is your son, you can handle it yourself!"

"Let my father deal with me?" Shen Long Banzun felt relieved immediately - when his father took action, he would definitely find a way to protect him; the so-called treatment is probably nothing more than thunder and rain.

But on the surface, Shen Long Banzun still wanted to act, showing a very frightened look.

"Humph!" Shen Yan Banzun glanced at his son, but his eyes were cold.


The next moment, Shen Yan Banzun shot directly, with a huge momentum - as Shen Long Banzun expected, the thunder was loud.

However, what Shen Long Banzun expected was... not only the "thunder" was loud, but also the "raindrops"!

"Father!?" Just as Shen Long Banzun widened his eyes in disbelief, he had already lost his breath of life.

Yes, Shen Yan Banzun directly killed his own son!

"Ha!" Seeing this scene, Xu Ming laughed, "It's really cruel!"

Tiger poison does not eat children!

And Shen Yan Banzun, in order to survive, directly killed his son to survive!

"Senior, what do you think?" Lei Qiong Banzun looked at Xu Ming cautiously, and said, "Is it appropriate to handle it like this?"

Xu Ming's eyes fell on Shen Yan Banzun, took a deep look, and finally said: "Forget it!"

Xu Ming couldn't be sure whether Shen Yan Banzun had the idea of ​​revenge; but it didn't matter, in the face of absolute strength, no matter what Shen Yan Banzun thought in his heart, did it matter?

:. :

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