Break Into Another World

Chapter 1913: Want to release pigeons?

Thirteenth order!

This news exploded directly on the liberation battle platform!

Xia Yang Banzun on the battlefield couldn't help but his legs were weak for a while, and he almost fell to his knees directly on the battlefield.

"Xu Ming? Thirteenth order!?" Xia Yang Banzun was about to vomit blood, "Are you kidding me!?"

"Thirteenth-order" powerhouse, before, the entire sinking abyss did not exist; but now, it was challenged by Xia Yang Banzun...

Also, the celestial arrogance list is really pitiful! An absolutely invincible "thirteenth-order" powerhouse was actually listed as "fifth"? - This is not what a pit is! ?


Xia Yang Banzun was unable to complain when he suddenly found out that the list of top talents in the universe had changed - Xu Ming's name was directly listed on the top of the list of top talents in the universe!

"Pfft!" Xia Yang Banzun vomited blood - what's the use of adjusting your ranking now? I have already challenged Xu Ming...

Challenge the "thirteenth-order" powerhouse...

Xia Yang Banzun felt that in the entire liberation battle platform, all the greats looked at him like a fool.

Xia Yang Banzun stood on the battlefield, as if he was standing on a hot pot; in addition to the pain in his heart, it was a pain in the eggs!


Xia Yang Banzun gritted his teeth and fled directly from the battlefield. As for those who lose face, it doesn't matter... If you continue to stay on the battlefield, you might lose your life! Still face?

Moreover, facing a "thirteenth-order" powerhouse and fleeing without a fight does not seem to be a loss of face.

When Xia Yang Banzun fled without a fight, Xu Ming also used the battle honors he got in the battle tower to exchange for the follow-up exercises.

Seeing the back of this practice method, Xu Ming could only helplessly smile.

"Tunyu Nine Casting... It seems that it is impossible to practice the ninth casting no matter what!"

Cultivation is actually the constant devouring of the chains of the universe to strengthen one's own inner world.

If you want to practice the "seventh casting", you have to swallow a lot of six-star universe chains.

And if you want to practice the "eighth casting", you have to swallow a lot of Seven Star Universe chains.

As for the "Ninth Casting", you must devour many cosmic chains that are stronger than the Seven Stars Cosmic Chains, but have not yet reached the "nightmare level".

So here comes the question - even if it is the seven-star cosmic chain, there are not many in the sinking abyss; let alone a stronger cosmic chain?

In other words... there are simply not so many powerful cosmic chains that Xu Ming can eat!

Not to mention the "ninth casting", even if it is the "eighth casting", Xu Ming may not be able to practice it!

And if you want to break the nightmare-level cosmic chain, you must cultivate to the "Ninth Cast".

"Forget it, let's take a step by step! Anyway, I can strengthen my inner world and improve my strength..."

Received legacy...

"It's time to fight!" Xu Ming didn't know yet that Xia Yang Banzun, who challenged him, had already fled without a fight.

"But... where is the liberation battle platform?"

Xu Ming had never been to the Battle of Liberation, nor did he know the location.

Just at this moment, Xu Ming saw a great master flying by him; Xu Ming asked, "Excuse me, how do I get to the liberation battle platform?"

What Xu Ming didn't know was that... the almighty he was questioning was exactly Xia Yang Banzun, who had just escaped from the battle of liberation.

Xia Yang Banzun was stunned for a moment and snorted coldly: "Freedom from the battlefield? - You don't have to go! The battle over there is over, and it's no use if you go!"

Xia Yang Banzun also wanted to save face, of course he wouldn't say that it was he who ran away; so he made up a lie, saying that the battle was over.

"It's over!?" Now it was Xu Ming's turn to be a little stunned - I haven't even gone yet, so why is it over?

"I said it's over, it's over! Why, you still don't believe it?" Xia Yang Banzun said displeased.

"It's not that I don't believe it..." Xu Ming said speechlessly, "It's that I can't believe it..."

Xu Ming is the protagonist of this battle! He hasn't even gone yet, how could it be over...

Xu Ming couldn't help but think, "Could it be that someone is impersonating me?"

But it can't be faked!

"I said it's over, how dare you question it!?" Xia Yang Banzun suddenly became angry.

He, Xia Yang Banzun, is also a person with a head and face! It was already very embarrassing to flee without a fight on the liberation platform just now; now being questioned by a "passer-by", Xia Yang Banzun felt that his face was dull.

"Humph!" Xia Yang Banzun snorted coldly, "What I say Xia Yang Banzun is something you can question!?"

boom! !

Xia Yang Banzun shot directly and decided to teach this passerby a lesson.

Xu Ming was taken aback: "You are Xia Yang Banzun!?"

"Huh?" Xia Yang Banzun, who had just shot, couldn't help but have some doubts - he felt that the other party's words were a bit strange, not like what a "serious passerby" should say; but for a while, Xia Yang Banzun couldn't think of where it was. Not normal anymore.

"Humph! What about him! Let's teach you a lesson first!" Xia Yang Banzun secretly said in his heart.

But at this moment, Xia Yang Banzun suddenly showed infinite horror - he saw that the slap of the "passer-by" in front of him suddenly lifted; in the slap, there was an endless power, much stronger than him~www Smack!

Xia Yang Banzun, who had just shot, was directly suppressed to the ground like a dog.

"I..." Xia Yang Banzun was completely stunned - he was once ranked fifth in the universe's talent list, and now ranks sixth! If you meet a passerby, you can suppress him?

"What's wrong with this world!?" Xia Yang Banzun couldn't come back to his senses for a long time.

At this time, Xu Ming said: "So you are Xia Yang Banzun!"

"Huh?" Xia Yang Banzun didn't understand what Xu Ming meant - I'm Xia Yang Banzun, is there any problem?

"Humph!" Xu Ming snorted softly, "Aren't you challenging me? Why don't you just stay on the platform of liberation, why are you here!?"

"I... challenge you?" Xia Yang Banzun looked at Xu Ming and suddenly said in horror, "You... you are Xu Ming!?"

Xia Yang Banzun finally reacted - only Xu Ming can suppress him so easily!

"Oh?" At this moment, Xu Ming also reacted, "You're not staying on the platform of liberation, and you lied to me that the battle is over... Are you trying to let me go?"

"I...I..." Xia Yang Banzun didn't know what to say.

"Humph! You can also let go of my pigeons!?" Xu Ming snorted coldly, "If you want to challenge, then challenge? If you want to not fight, then you won't fight? How is that possible!?"

Now that the challenge has been challenged, and Xu Ming is ready to fight, then Xia Yang Banzun must fight!

Want to release pigeons?


Saying that, Xu Ming directly picked up Xia Yang Banzun, like holding a chicken: "Tell me, where is the liberation battle platform!"

Xu Ming wanted to capture Xia Yang Banzunxin back to the battlefield.


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