Break Into Another World

Chapter 1917: Gods and Demons Valley Master

The abyss battlefield, darkness shrouded endlessly.

Outside the light tower's illumination range, the time and space are pitch black.

This kind of darkness does not only affect the line of sight; even Divine Sense can hardly extend far in this endless darkness.

call out-

gallop all the way.

Not long after, Xu Ming saw an inscription that was over a hundred realms high.

There are only three words on the inscription. Every big character is as huge as dozens of worlds.

"Valley of Gods and Demons!" Xu Ming murmured while looking at the inscription.

The valley is foggy.

The further you go inside, the thicker the fog becomes. If it weren't for Xu Ming's tyrannical strength, I'm afraid it would be difficult for the divine sense to penetrate the fog; if another strong man came to the Valley of Gods and Demons, it would basically be equivalent to a black eye.

"Go in and have a look!" With curiosity, Xu Ming entered the valley directly.


Xu Ming just stepped into the valley. A stone in the valley suddenly came to life, turning into a figure and rushing towards Xu Ming.

"Lower Supreme!" Xu Ming instantly judged the strength of the sneak attacker.

This sneak attack is a **** and demon with a dark body; it has endless and complicated time and space patterns on its body.

"Go away!" Xu Ming slapped his palm lightly, and instantly wiped it away.

The weak and low-ranking Supreme had no chance to resist in front of Xu Ming.

At the same time, an ethereal voice resounded deep in Xu Ming's mind: "Get some honors!"

"Oh?" Xu Ming didn't have many surprises - in the abyss battlefield, if you kill such an ordinary low-level monster with supreme strength, you will get some points of battle.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! …

As Xu Ming continued to go deep into the Valley of Gods and Demons, more and more monsters rushed towards him and their strength became stronger and stronger.

boom! boom! boom! boom! …

Xu Ming continued to kill with one move, advancing all the way with a destructive attitude.

"Get some honors!"

"Get 3 Battle Medals!"

"Get 0 points of battle!"

Before he knew it, Xu Ming had already penetrated deep into the valley; all the gods and demons he encountered had reached the strength of the mid-level supreme.

"Should we be approaching the center of the Valley of Gods and Demons, right?" Xu Ming secretly said, "What is there in this Valley of Gods and Demons? Is it just to kill some gods and demons and gain some honors?"

If that's the case, this Valley of Gods and Demons is too boring! The battle credits obtained by killing gods and demons are far too few, far less than killing a strong man of a hostile force!

boom! boom! boom! …

"Huh?" Xu Ming, who was advancing all the way, was suddenly startled.

He saw that a golden line was drawn on the ground ahead, dividing the core and periphery of the Valley of Gods and Demons into a clear line. A will, passed from the other side of the golden line: "Those who cross this line, die!"

Those who cross this line, die?

It goes without saying that Xu Ming definitely wants to go over and take a look!

Without any hesitation, Xu Ming directly went over. I took a few steps and didn't see any danger.


Xu Ming continued to walk in, already holding the spear in his hand.


Suddenly, an incomparably huge black arm smashed towards Xu Ming angrily! Obviously, this is a huge **** and demon!

Xu Ming's eyes narrowed slightly: "The upper-level supreme level?"

The upper-level supreme level, in the abyss battlefield, is almost an invincible existence!

After all, the strongest genius in the abyss battlefield is only at the "eleventh-order" level! And among the high-ranking supreme rank, even the weakest, the strength is equivalent to "thirteenth rank"!

If another genius stepped into the core of the Valley of Gods and Demons, he would surely die!

However, to Xu Ming, it wasn't much of a danger!

After all, the strength of the same "thirteenth order" level is also divided into strong and weak. Like Xu Ming, it is the top of the "thirteenth order", close to the strength of the fourteenth order; and the **** and demon at the core of the Valley of Gods and Demons, just look at the threshold of stepping into the "thirteenth order".


This **** and demon dared to attack Xu Ming, but he was just courting death!


Without any hesitation, Xu Ming directly crushed the demon. In a short time, the **** and demon were beheaded under the horse.

"Get 00,000 Battle Points!"

One hundred thousand battle honors!

not bad!


At this time, a will sounded directly in Xu Ming's mind: "Congratulations, you have become the master of the Valley of Gods and Demons!"

God and Demon Valley master?

Xu Ming is wondering, what is the role of this identity; suddenly, he found that he has the authority to control the Valley of Gods and Demons - in the Valley of Gods and Demons, he can control the fog. As long as he is not willing, no matter how many strong people come, it will be difficult to find him in the Valley of Gods and Demons!

"So that's the case... Then this Valley of Gods and Demons is equivalent to my territory!" Xu Ming secretly said, "Even, I can directly make other strong people get lost in the Valley of Gods and Demons!"

However, Xu Ming could not feel the aura of other gods and demons in the Valley of Gods and Demons. Obviously, after he became the owner of the Gods and Demons Valley, the original Gods and Demons in the Gods and Demons Valley disappeared.


Xu Ming looked at Taniguchi's inscription, suddenly had an idea, and had an idea in his heart.

"I need to swallow a lot of cosmic chains to practice 'Swallowing the Universe and Nine Casts'! Why not... just pretend to be a ghost in this Gods and Demons Valley and attract other strong people to come?"

Xu Ming thought about it and thought this was definitely a good idea!

As the owner of the Valley of Gods and Demons, he has a unique advantage in pretending to be a ghost in the Valley of Gods and Demons!

"Then... revise Taniguchi's inscription!"

As the owner of the Valley of Gods and Demons, modifying the inscription is naturally just a matter of thought.

Xu Ming's heart moved, and the words "God and Demon Valley" on Taniguchi's inscription immediately became smaller. At the same time, a line of smaller words appeared on the inscription: "Carrying treasures into the valley can break the chains of the universe!"

The powerhouses in each quadrant entered the abyss battlefield and worked hard to obtain battle honors. Why?

The purpose is to break the cosmic chain after collecting enough battle merits?

And Xu Ming wrote directly here, "It can break the chains of the universe"; one can imagine how attractive it will be to other powerhouses in the abyss battlefield! As long as someone passes by and sees the inscription in the Valley of Gods and I am afraid they will walk into the Valley of Gods and Demons and try it out.

"I'll stay here and wait for the rabbits!" Xu Ming secretly said, "This place is not far from the main road of the abyss battlefield, and there should be strong people passing by here soon! Waiting for a few 'rabbits', it shouldn't be difficult!"

As long as there are a few rabbits, Xu Ming will be able to get word of mouth out. One pass ten, ten pass a hundred, will naturally attract more powerhouses to enter the Valley of Gods and Demons.

At that time, Xu Ming directly took the treasures from those strong men, and he could also use their cosmic chains to practice "Swallowing the Universe and Nine Castings"; it was really killing two birds with one stone.

"Then here, first cultivate 'Tunyu Nine Cast' to the seventh cast!" Xu Ming secretly said.

It shouldn't be difficult to cultivate to the "seventh casting"; as for the "eighth casting", Xu Ming is not sure about it! After all... If you want to cultivate to the "eighth casting", you need to devour a large number of seven-star cosmic chains; and in the entire abyss battlefield, there are probably not many strong seven-star cosmic chains!

"Take one step at a time! It's definitely right to improve your strength first!"

(End of this chapter)

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