Break Into Another World

Chapter 1924: spread rumors

In the Valley of Gods and Demons.

Hundreds of millions of strong people gathered here, but no one dared to cross the golden line.

To be precise, no one wants to be the "top 100". After all, the first 100 will surely die and make wedding gowns for others; none of the powerful people present would do such a thing foolishly.

Everyone is not stupid, so everyone chooses to wait and see, and no one chooses to shoot.

"It's not as good as us..." Suddenly, a strong person suggested, "All of us, stand by the golden line, and then rush in together!"

Hundreds of millions of powerhouses rushed in together, wouldn't there be no concept of "top 100"?

"Good idea!"

This idea immediately aroused the approval of the powerhouses!

Let's rush in together and see what else the owner of the Gods and Demons Valley can do?

Just do it!

Soon, the golden thread representing death was filled with power. Moreover, the great powers standing here are basically suppressed by the six-star and seven-star cosmic chains, and their strength is not weak.

"Everyone is ready! Everyone rush in together!"

A strong man is gearing up.


But at this moment, before the powerful people could shout the word "kill", an indifferent voice suddenly came out—

"Next, the six-star universe chain! Throw the treasure in!"


Xu Ming is about to start breaking the chains of the six-star universe!

Most of the powerhouses who are about to enter are all six-star universe chains; hearing Xu Ming say this, many people's actions suddenly stopped! -Why do they want to go in? Isn't it because Xu Ming can only break the five-star cosmic chain, but cannot break the six-star cosmic chain, so they want to go in and fight for some merit? Now, Xu Ming seems to be able to break the chain of the six-star universe, so what are you going to do?

Wouldn't it be nice to directly present the treasure, break the six-star universe chain, and leave the abyss battlefield happily?

Immediately, there were many powerhouses in the six-star universe chain, all retreating a certain distance. The quick response has already thrown the treasure in, waiting to be broken off the cosmic chain on his body.

Sure enough, they were not disappointed, the six-star universe chain was also broken!

"Can break the six-star universe chain?!"

"Can break the six-star universe chain!?"

"That's killing shit! Just line up and wait for it to be eliminated!"

The powerhouses of the six-star universe chain have all withdrawn directly.

The remaining powerhouses who are still standing by the golden thread are mostly chained by the Seven Star Universe. Although they are stronger, but without the help of the powerhouses of the six-star universe chain, they have no courage to attack the dangerous land that is suspected to be the thirteenth order.

In this way, the attack on the Valley of Gods and Demons can only end without a hitch.

"Hope... this God and Demon Valley master can break the Seven-Star Universe Chain!" The powerhouses of the Seven-Star Universe Chain are also looking forward to it - they still feel hopeful! After all, this mysterious God and Demon Valley owner only broke the four-star cosmic chains at first, but later broke the five-star and six-star cosmic chains!

"Wait and see!"

At this moment, the powerhouses had lost their determination to attack the Valley of Gods and Demons, and they all honestly expected that the cosmic chains on their bodies could be broken.

Abyssal battlefield.

Somewhere in dark time.

There is a figure, sneaking carefully in the darkness, it is Shen Yan Banzun.

Shen Yan Banzun is also one of the top 100 existences on the Tianjiao list in the universe, and his strength is not weak! Because of this, his son Shen Long Banzun dared to run rampant in the sinking abyss until he kicked the iron plate of Xu Ming.

"God and Demon Valley?"

Shen Yan Banzun also heard about the Valley of Gods and Demons, but he sneered: "Can you break the chains of the universe? How could there be such a place in the abyss battlefield?"

Obviously, Shen Yan Banzun did not believe in the legends about the Valley of Gods and Demons. What he cares more about is this abyss battle.

"In this abyss battle, among the powerhouses in our second quadrant, there is actually a nightmare-level cosmic chain..." Shen Yan Banzun thought to himself, "That's why, almost all of the powerhouses in the other six quadrants are Standing on the side of the eighth quadrant, to deal with our second quadrant... Seventh quadrant, to deal with our one quadrant; this abyss war is simply too unfair!"

As one of the top 100 powerhouses on the Heaven's Chosen Ranking in the Universe, Shen Yanbanzun is naturally the top level of strength in the abyss battlefield! In the previous abyss battles, Shen Yan Banzun often acted alone to attack the powerhouses in the abnormal quadrant; but this time, he did not dare to be too rude... There is no way, there are too many powerhouses in the abnormal quadrant! If it is too rough, if you are accidentally surrounded by people, it will be a tragedy!

"Nightmare-level cosmic chain... Who will it be?!"

Shen Yan Banzun didn't have a clue.

It's not just that he doesn't have a clue, the powerhouses in the sinking abyss probably don't have a clue! After all, Xu Ming is a nightmare-level cosmic chain. Many people in the Stone Statue Forest knew about this news, but in the sinking abyss, no one knew about it, except Xu Ming himself.

"This nightmare-level cosmic chain is so deeply hidden that I have no news at all!" Shen Yan Banzun secretly said.

Suddenly, Shen Yan Banzun's eyes suddenly lit up.

"Even if I don't know, it means that in the entire sinking abyss, the vast majority of people don't know it! Even... it's very likely that no one knows!" Shen Yan Banzun suddenly thought, "No one knows, then That is to say... as long as I spread some rumors out, it is easy to be believed!"


Shen Yan Banzun is ready to spread rumors!

As for who the rumour is about...

In the eyes of Shen Yan Banzun, there is a ferocious light flashing The revenge of killing a child, I have never forgotten it! "His son Shen Long Banzun was killed by his own hands; however, this hatred, Shen Yan Banzun was counted on Xu Ming's head!

"I don't have the ability to seek revenge for Xu Ming! But..." Shen Yanbanzun's eyes were filled with the pleasure of revenge, "If I spread it out and say that Xu Ming is a nightmare-level cosmic chain, then... Xu Ming will probably be arrested. The powerhouses of the Seven Elephants are chasing them down!"

The more Shen Yan Banzun thought about it, the more feasible he felt!

In his opinion, Xu Ming is a "thirteenth-order" strength! Saying that he is a nightmare-level cosmic chain, I am afraid it is easy for others to believe it!

"It doesn't matter if he is a nightmare-level cosmic chain! Anyway, I'll say he is!" Shen Yan Banzun sneered in his heart - this rumor, he made it! Moreover, it is absolutely necessary to create a model!

"The pursuit of the seven elephants..." Shen Yan Banzun felt excited when he thought about it, "Even if you have the strength of the thirteenth rank, I'm afraid you will still suffer from the pursuit and killing! But... I must hide myself well, I can't Let others know that it's my rumor!"

(End of this chapter)

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