Break Into Another World

Chapter 1932: Push Tower

"Senior Xu Ming, are you the master of the Valley of Gods and Demons?"

"What do you think?" Xu Ming asked back with a smile, "I don't want anyone to know about this!"

Once it is known that he is the "Master of the Valley of Gods and Demons", Xu Ming will definitely be annoyed to death! Xu Ming didn't want to be annoyed!

"Don't worry, Senior Xu Ming!" Lei Qiong Banzun vowed, "If I leak any information, you don't need to do it yourself, I will die!"

"Yeah!" Xu Ming nodded slightly. Since he is willing to help Lei Qiong Banzun, he naturally trusts him more.

Xu Ming said again: "Tell me about the situation in the abyss battlefield now!"

"Yes!" Lei Qiong Banzun began to speak.

Lei Qiong Banzun said in great detail, almost all the information he knew, as if he was afraid of missing something.

"Wait!" Xu Ming was suddenly surprised, "You just said... Through the gate of the abyss, you can go to other quadrants!?"

"That's right!" Lei Qiong Banzun said, "However, it is very difficult to enter the gate of the abyss in the abnormal quadrant! Not to mention, if you want to pass through the light towers and crystal stone pillars, you will be attacked by the abnormal quadrant. Even if there is no obstacle, if you want to break into the gate of the abyss in other quadrants, you will be rejected by the abnormal quadrant!"

The eight big limits of the universe are clearly distinguished. Except in the abyss battlefield, there is no intersection at all between the quadrants.

As a powerhouse in the second quadrant, if Xu Ming forcibly broke into other quadrants, it would be a violation of the rules of the universe. Even in other quadrants, the strength will probably be suppressed.


In the abyss battlefield, the outcome of the abyss war is actually to destroy the crystal stone pillars of the enemy's limit; if you want to cross the crystal stone pillars and enter the abyss gate of the abnormal quadrant, the difficulty of this operation... is definitely more difficult than directly destroying the crystal stone pillars!


For Xu Ming, as long as he wants to go, this difficulty is not difficult at all!

And Xu Ming really wants to go to the abnormal quadrant!

"I'm afraid... this is my only chance to go to the abnormal quadrant!" Xu Ming secretly said.

Except here, Xu Ming had never heard of it, and there was no other way to go to the abnormal quadrant. Rebirth of the rich and hot wife

Now that there is a chance, Xu Ming will definitely go to the Vision Quadrant! He has to go to the seven great quadrants, because according to Xu Ming's knowledge, Gu Hanmo's billions of incarnations are not only in the second quadrant, but all over the eight great quadrants! At the same time, the minions of Gu Hanmo's enemies, that is, forces similar to "The Temple of Despair", are not only in the second quadrant, but all over the eight quadrants!

If Xu Ming has no way to go to the abnormal quadrant, then he can only find a way to protect Gu Hanmo's incarnation in the second quadrant. And now, since Xu Ming has a way to go to the abnormal quadrant, then he must go to the eight quadrants!

All the "minion forces", Xu Ming has to clean up all of them!

"Now, my strength is almost at the peak of the virtual universe, sweeping invincible!" Xu Ming secretly said, "As long as I can go to the abnormal quadrant and clean up those minions, it's not difficult!"

Xu Ming instantly discovered that the greatest value of the abyss battlefield to himself is the passage to the abnormal quadrant!


Xu Ming can't wait, he wants to kill the abnormal quadrant!

After learning some information from Lei Qiong Banzun's mouth, Xu Ming directly sent Lei Qiong Banzun back.

Lei Qiong Banzun naturally left the abyss battlefield. The cosmic chain on his body has been broken by Xu Ming; he naturally does not need to continue to fight in the abyss battlefield.

Not long after Lei Qiong Banzun left the abyss battlefield.

A message shook the abyss battlefield! It turned out that in the stone statue forest in the second quadrant, a strong man entered the abyss of sinking in order to ask Xu Ming to help break the chains of the universe! As soon as they entered the abyss of sinking, they brought a message!

"Xu Ming is really a nightmare-level cosmic chain!"

Originally, the powerhouses in the abnormal quadrant were a little skeptical about whether Xu Ming was a nightmare-level cosmic chain; after all, if Xu Ming was really a nightmare-level cosmic chain, why wasn't there any conclusive evidence?

As time went by, many powerhouses in the abnormal quadrant had actually calmed down and started to give up besieging Xu Ming!

And now... the evidence is here!

The solid evidence brought from the stone statue forest in the second quadrant Xu Ming is really a nightmare-level cosmic chain!

Immediately, the powerhouses in the abnormal quadrant who had begun to give up besieging Xu Ming all started to move again!

Flurry of Dota

In the abyss battlefield, the "upsurge" of besieging and killing Xu Ming was once again set off!

But at this time, the powerhouses in the abnormal quadrant discovered a problem, and Xu Ming seemed to have disappeared again!

Without any eyeliner, I have seen Xu Ming appear.

"Why did Xu Ming disappear again?"

"Could it be that you were hiding on purpose?"

"I must have been scared. I hid on purpose and wanted to hide until the end of the abyss war! Humph! It's beautiful! Without killing Xu Ming, we will not destroy the crystal stone pillars in the second quadrant, and we will not end the abyss war!"


"Hurry up and find it! Where was the last time Xu Ming appeared!?"

The powerhouses in the seven abnormal quadrants are looking for Xu Ming's traces in the abyss battlefield, ignoring the existence of the second quadrant. Ignore the existence of the second quadrant!

And the powerhouses in the second quadrant did not dare to face the powerhouses in the seven abnormal quadrants. Can only be cowardly!

Many strong people in the second quadrant did not even dare to rush in the abyss battlefield, but huddled near the crystal stone pillar or the light tower, waiting for the abyss battle to end. In their hearts, they naturally scolded Xu Ming thousands of times. In their opinion, if it wasn't for Xu Ming, why would the second quadrant be so difficult this time around in the abyss?

Xu Ming had no idea about these.

At this time Xu Ming has crossed the many dangerous places in the abyss battlefield and appeared on the main road of the "middle road", near the outermost light tower in the eighth quadrant!

I don't know if it was a coincidence or something, but Xu Ming didn't encounter a strong man along the way. Therefore, he came to the "Middle Road Outer Tower" in the eighth quadrant. In the entire abyss battlefield, no one knew about it!

"Start... push the tower!"


Xu Ming is ready to single-handedly "push the tower"!

Xu Ming intends to start pushing from the "outer tower in the middle road" and push it all the way to the crystal stone pillar in the eighth quadrant; then, go straight to the gate of the abyss in the abnormal quadrant and enter the abnormal quadrant!


Xu Ming can't wait to go to the abnormal quadrant!

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