Break Into Another World

Chapter 1935: big dragon?


The eyes of countless powerhouses in the abnormal quadrant were all staring at Xu Ming.

"With so many 'thirteenth-level' attacks, he didn't resist?"


"Not dying is also seriously injured!"

Xu Ming's mind was not on these attacks at all. Such a mere attack is not enough to tickle him.

At this time, in Xu Ming's mind, there was only the "level 23 hanging point" mentioned by Xiaohang.

"Go first!"

Xu Ming intends, not to entangle with these powerhouses in the abnormal quadrant, and to leave first.

Thinking of this, Xu Ming directly activated the "coordinate teleportation" link - in a place like the abyss battlefield, every time the "coordinate teleportation" link was activated, a terrifying number of hanging points would be consumed! However, Xu Ming's current hanging points below level 22 are almost inexhaustible, and naturally he will not feel distressed about such hanging points.

And at the same time when Xu Ming opened the "coordinate transfer", those "thirteenth-order" attacks also fell on Xu Ming.

boom! boom! boom! boom! …

Xu Ming didn't bother to resist at all, and in an instant, he was drowned in one after another attack.

The powerhouses in the abnormal quadrant all looked up.

"How about it?"

"do you died!?"

"It shouldn't be dead yet! I haven't gotten the battle honor yet!"

"Humph! Even if he doesn't die, it must be almost there!"

In the abyss battlefield, the nightmare-level cosmic chain has extraordinary meaning!

If Xu Ming is killed, then the entire eighth quadrant, as well as the powerhouses who came to help the eighth quadrant, will receive battle awards.

And now, no one has received the Battle Medal Award, which means that Xu Ming is not dead yet!



"Kill him while he is seriously injured!"

Hundreds of millions of powerhouses in the abnormal quadrant rushed to Xu Ming's position, wanting to "touch" Xu Ming before Xu Ming fell. After all, as long as the attack can fall on Xu Ming, the rewards will definitely be more!

Coming to the abyss battlefield, isn't it just for the battle?

Who wouldn't want to step on Xu Ming for the sake of Zhan Xun?


When the time and space area where Xu Ming was located gradually returned to calm, all the powerhouses were horrified to find that Xu Ming was gone!


Xu Ming is gone!

In this way, it disappeared out of thin air under the eyes of the billionaires!

"What about people!?"

The billionaires were all stunned.



How could such a clumsy method slip away from the eyes of the billionaires?

No one would have thought that Xu Ming had run away! "Coordinate Teleport" hangs up, you can ignore the time-space blockade and time-space barrier, which is many times more clever than "teleport" and other means!


While Xu Ming hung up with "coordinate teleportation", he didn't know... Beyond the endlessly distant time and space, there was a deep gaze watching his every move.

This is an indescribable mysterious time and space.

The whole piece of time and space is only ten thousand miles away. Through the distorted space-time film wall, you can see the endless galaxy—even if ordinary powerhouses come here, they will never think that this ethereal endless galaxy is actually the whole picture of the entire universe!

The real universe, as well as the eight big boundaries of the virtual universe, are all reflected on this space-time membrane wall, which is only ten thousand miles away!

If Xu Ming came here, he would never see anything special about the reflection on the space-time membrane wall. He would just look up at the starry sky like a mortal, and it would be impossible to understand the starry sky.

And the master of this mysterious time and space is... the fallen devil!

At this time, the eyes of the fallen demon master were passing through the barriers of endless time and space, and fell on Xu Ming in the abyss battlefield.

"This kid..." The Fallen Demon Lord looked at Xu Ming with interest, "It's interesting! Even I... can't see through him!"

What kind of existence is the fallen devil! ?

He is definitely the most peak existence in the entire universe!

Looking at the vast universe, whether it is the real universe or the eight big boundaries of the virtual universe... Only those who stand at the same height as the fallen demon master, there is absolutely no higher than the fallen demon master!

He, the Fallen Demon Lord, represents the limit of the universe!

"There is definitely a mysterious power hidden on Xu Ming's body! I don't know... Which Supreme has left him the inheritance?"

The supreme level also has strengths and weaknesses.

The lower-ranking supreme, the middle-ranking supreme, the upper-ranking supreme... This is just the division of the supreme level in the virtual universe.

But in the real universe, it is divided into: ordinary supreme, human supreme, earth supreme, heaven supreme!

The lower-ranking supreme, middle-ranking supreme, and upper-ranking supreme in the virtual universe, if placed in the real universe, all belong to the "ordinary supreme" level!

A weak Supreme, like the next Supreme, even Xu Ming can kill thousands with one move! And powerful Supremes, such as "Heaven Supreme", are not at the level of power that Xu Ming could imagine!

As for the fallen demon master, although he suspected that Xu Ming might have obtained the inheritance of which Heavenly Sovereign, he did not have the slightest greed—for an existence on his level, he would not be greedy for the opportunity of a junior. must know that even the abyss battlefield and the stone statue forests in each quadrant connected to the abyss battlefield were created by the fallen demon master! With the incredible level of the fallen demon master, what chance does he have to gain access to his magic eye?

There are very few!

Other opportunities left by Heavenly Sovereign are disdainful of the fallen demon master!

"Unless it's such a chance..." The fallen devil can't help but think of the world-shattering war before the endless distant era!

"That battle was really..." It was just a memory that made the Fallen Demon Lord couldn't help but look horrified, "In order to compete for that mysterious treasure that suddenly appeared in the universe, even Gu Hanmo, who is at the same level as me, is in Under the pursuit, I had to choose reincarnation... Fortunately, I did not participate in the competition! If I participate in the competition, I am afraid I will also be in danger of falling!"

The existence of the fallen demon master and Gu Hanmo is in danger of falling; it is conceivable, what a terrible opportunity that is!


What the Fallen Demon Lord doesn't know is that Xu Ming's chance is far more terrifying than he imagined!

It's not something he can touch at all!

"This Xu Ming, who could have harvested the war honors, suddenly left..." The Fallen Demon Lord secretly said, "It seems...the reason why he broke the tower was for 'it'!"

The eyes of the fallen demon master fell in another direction in the abyss battlefield.

It was a swamp of endless darkness.

Just as Xu Ming broke the tower, a black dragon-shaped monster suddenly stuck its head out in this endless swamp.

And the "mysterious power" that Xiaohang perceives comes from this "big dragon".

This big dragon is also the biggest opportunity in the abyss battlefield!

"Ambitious!" A smile appeared on the corner of the Fallen Demon Lord's mouth, "I have opened up the abyss battlefield, and it has been countless times; no one has ever been able to successfully challenge the dragon! But... this Xu Ming has hope of success!"

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