Break Into Another World

Chapter 1941: Breaking into the 8th quadrant

Xu Ming is here again!

This news instantly spread among the powerhouses in the abnormal quadrant.

"Is Xu Ming coming to push the tower again!?"

"Hurry up to the 'Middle Road Second Tower' and guard the tower!"

"Yes! Let's go! It's too late, and the second tower will be gone!"

There are, however, some sober heads.

"Guard the tower? Can you keep it?"

"Yeah! Even the big dragon was easily beheaded by Xu Ming; even if all the powerhouses in the Eight Elephants join forces, it's not enough for Xu Ming to slaughter! Besides, there are many powerhouses who have already left the abyss battlefield! "

Since seeing Xu Ming ravaging the dragon, many powerhouses in the abnormal quadrant have chosen to leave the abyss battlefield.

After all... the strength of the seventeenth rank is not something that the "Half-Prince" cultivation base can provoke; even the most enchanting Half-Prince in the entire universe is useless!

"Don't talk about the light tower... If nothing unexpected, Xu Ming will probably push it all the way, and directly push down our crystal stone pillar, ending this abyss war! And we can't protect the crystal stone pillar at all!"

"Damn it!"

Many powerhouses in the abnormal quadrant are embarrassed and angry - Xu Ming crushed their billions of powerhouses by himself, this is simply a shame!


Even if it is a shame, these powerhouses in the abnormal quadrant can only bear it honestly!

Although the powerhouses in the various regions have given up their resistance, there are still many people who choose to go to the "Second Tower in the Middle Road" - even if they can't resist, they have to see how Xu Ming pushes the tower!

"After this battle, Xu Ming's reputation will probably spread throughout the Eight Elephants of the Virtual Universe!"

"Xu Ming...he is the most heaven-defying genius in the endless time of the entire universe!"

"Xu Ming is here!"

Countless powerhouses saw with grief and indignation that Xu Ming had reached their "Second Tower in the Middle Road". When they thought that Xu Ming was about to push the tower, and their countless powerhouses could only watch without daring to resist; all of them suddenly felt extremely humiliated!

So humiliating!

So bullying!

"Light Tower?"

Xu Ming glanced at the light tower in front of him, and a disdainful smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

With Xu Ming's strength, demolishing the tower is only a matter of three or two; however, Xu Ming is too lazy to demolish it! -He didn't come to demolish the tower, he was going to the gate of the abyss!

As for here...

pass by!

Just passing by!

call out-

Xu Ming's body turned into electricity, and he swept past the light tower directly, ignoring the light tower.



The visionary powerhouses on the sidelines felt a little stunned—they were already prepared to watch Xu Ming push the tower with incomparable humiliation; this kind of feeling was like watching Xu Mingqiang their lover, and They are powerless!

Um! That's pretty much what it feels like!

Can result...

Xu Ming told them directly with his actions - your "lover", Brother Ming disdains it! Brother Ming disdainfully pushes your tower!

What could be more humiliating than "ignoring"?

At this moment, the feeling of the powerhouses in the Vision Quadrant is that they are not even qualified to be humiliated by Xu Ming!


Not even qualified to be humiliated!

"Too deceiving!"

"It's really deceiving!"

Countless powerhouses in the abnormal quadrant are filled with righteous indignation,'s useless!

Brother Ming just ignores you! Just bullying you!

so what?

"I understand—" Suddenly, a strong man in the visionary quadrant shouted loudly, "Xu Ming is going to cross the light tower and push our crystal stone pillar directly!"

Killing people by crossing the tower, I have heard of this kind of thing!

However, demolition of crystal stone pillars after crossing the tower... Since the existence of the abyss battlefield, it has been unheard of throughout the ages!

I have to say, Xu Ming is in the abyss battlefield and has reached a new height!


Being "played" by Xu Ming like this, the powerhouses in the abnormal quadrant only felt even more humiliated!

Even some of the "backbone" powerhouses in the visionary quadrant have already returned to the vicinity of the crystal stone pillars - don't get me wrong, they are not here to resist desperately, they just want to struggle symbolically when Xu Ming forcibly demolishes the crystal stone pillars to prove They still have to face!

call out-

Xu Ming's figure shuttled through the abyss battlefield at a terrifying speed.

"The front is the crystal stone pillar in the eighth quadrant!" Xu Ming's gaze, however, fell directly on the seven abyss gates behind the crystal stone pillar.

The seven abyss gates lead to the seven abnormal quadrants!

And the one in the middle leads to the eighth quadrant!

"Let's go to the eighth quadrant first!" Xu Ming flew straight towards the gate of the abyss in the eighth quadrant.

At this time, the visionary powerhouses who were guarding near the gate of the abyss also noticed Xu Ming's arrival and were on guard!

"Everyone!" the strong man with command shouted, "When Xu Ming gets closer to the crystal stone pillar, we will join hands to launch a volley at him! Let Xu Ming know that the strong men of our elephants are still Dare to fight!"

"What about after that salvo?" a voice asked.

"That's needless to say!" the commander said, "Of course... flee to their respective abyss gates! Otherwise, if Xu Ming starts killing people, we will suffer!"

Just struggling symbolically!

Not really dare to resist Xu Ming!

"Attention! It's close! He should be diving down! Get ready for a salvo!" shouted the commander.

At this moment, the powerhouses in the abnormal quadrant were shocked to see that Xu Ming flew directly from the top of the crystal stone pillar!


The powerhouses in the abnormal quadrant are a bit stunned - didn't Xu Ming come to the crystal stone pillar? What is he here for! ?

Under the doubtful gazes of countless powerhouses in the abnormal quadrant, Xu Ming rushed directly into the gate of the abyss in the eighth quadrant!



"How dare he go to our eighth quadrant!?"

"Too arrogant! Too arrogant! Do you really think that we have no one in the eighth quadrant!?"

"Humph! He can never come back alive from the eighth quadrant!"

Naturally, Xu Ming did not know the complaints of these powerhouses in the abnormal Of course, even if he knew about it, he wouldn't care—does the ants' complaints deserve to be cared by Xu Ming?


"Is this the gate of the abyss in the abnormal quadrant?"

As soon as he entered the gate of the abyss, Xu Ming felt that the surrounding time and space were cut like a knife. Of course, this bit of cutting power is like a tickling to Xu Ming, and there is no threat at all, let alone hindering Xu Ming's progress!

And just when Xu Ming forced his way into the visionary quadrant, the will of the universe was also angry, trying to oppress Xu Ming. However... Xu Ming himself is a nightmare-level cosmic chain, and has already endured the "strongest oppression" of the cosmic will; therefore, no matter how angry the cosmic will is, it cannot suppress Xu Ming any more!

At such a time, Xu Ming couldn't help feeling—it seemed that there was nothing wrong with the nightmare-level cosmic chains!


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