Break Into Another World

Chapter 1951: living surrounded by enemies

"There is an enemy to invade my Jiuxiao Holy Land!?"

call out! call out! call out! call out! …

Immediately, a strong man rose into the sky and went straight to the enemy.

You must know that in Jiuxiao Holy Land, those who can rank as elders are all "superior and supreme" existences; other high-levels are also at the upper and supreme level! For a time, there are dozens of high-ranking supreme extremes and tens of thousands of high-ranking supreme powerhouses, murderous and monstrous.

The ones flying at the forefront were naturally Xu Ming and Holy Master Jiuxiao.


The guardian formation of Jiuxiao Holy Land tore open a huge dark crack. At both ends of the crack, the strong man of Jiuxiao Holy Land is far away from the enemy.

"Destroy the Sky Sect!" Holy Master Jiuxiao snorted coldly. His gaze fell directly on the two sect masters of the Sect of Destruction of the Sky.

These two sect masters are the strength of the "shackled realm"!

Immediately afterwards, Holy Master Jiuxiao's gaze moved to a figure next to the two sect masters - this figure was the rebellious Elder Yan Lang.

"The two sect masters of the Destroyer of the Sky!" The voice of the Holy Master Jiuxiao resounded through the heavens and the earth, and he asked knowingly, "I don't know why you all come to my Holy Land of Jiuxiao with great fanfare, what are you doing?"

"Holy Master Jiuxiao!" The chief leader of the Sect of Slayers is a fat old man in a red robe; his eyes are stern, but his aura is very warm, "We are here because there are two things we need to discuss with you!"


Is there such a murderous person to discuss things?

Holy Master Jiuxiao couldn't help laughing, but still asked, "What's the matter?"

"The first thing..." The sect master said with a smile, "I think your Jiuxiao Holy Land's territory is good, and your luck is prosperous. We want to destroy the sky!"



"court death!"

As soon as the Great Sect Master of the Red Robe said these words, the Jiuxiao Holy Land side scolded constantly.

The territory and the nest of one power, do you mean you can get it if you want? Saying this is not just a provocation, but a direct challenge.

However, the Great Sect Master Hongpao did not seem to see the anger of the powerful people in Jiuxiao Holy Land, and continued to say unhurriedly: "The second thing... Holy Master Jiuxiao, you also know that in the Holy Realm, emperor-level, emperor-level The number of rank, king, and Hou-level forces are all fixed! When a new Hou-level force is born, there must be an old Hou-level force to give way. I think—we are more qualified to take the place of the gods of the sky. Liehou-level forces! Therefore, Holy Master Jiuxiao, please give up your seat!"

Asking for the territory of Jiuxiao Holy Land, asking for the quota of Hou-level forces...

The practice of destroying the sky gods is not even as simple as "going to war", but contempt for Chiguoguo in Jiuxiao Holy Land!

The anger of the powerhouses in Jiuxiao Holy Land can be imagined.

However, Xu Ming just watched indifferently, and his emotions did not fluctuate. It's just the clamor of a group of ants, what's there to be angry about? If you are not happy, you can just step on it with one foot!

Holy Master Jiuxiao was silent for a long time.

"Hahahahaha..." Finally, Holy Master Jiuxiao couldn't help laughing, "Two things, give up the territory and give up the quota of the Hou-level forces? Hahahaha... It's just that you destroy the rabble crowd of the Sky God Sect, and still Is there a traitor like Yan Lang!?"

At this time, the power of the Sect of Destruction of the Sky is indeed far inferior to that of Jiuxiao Holy Land.

In addition to the number of shackles, it seems that it is the same as Jiuxiao Holy Land, and it is also two; the other, the number of high-ranking supreme and ordinary high-ranking supreme powerhouses, are even less than half of Jiuxiao Holy Land!

It can be said that if you look at it casually, you can't see any chance of victory for the Sect of Destruction of the Sky.

However, on the one hand of the Sect of Destroying the Sky, from the leader to the ordinary powerhouses, their postures are extremely arrogant, as if they are in a position to win!

"Of course it's not just me!" Yan Lang laughed loudly, with the face of a villain.

"I know!" Holy Master Jiuxiao sneered, "Besides you, there are other elders and high-level leaders in the Holy Land who have betrayed; it's just that I have no conclusive evidence to prove who is a traitor! If anyone is a traitor, he can stand opposite now, I Never stop! But…”

The Holy Master of Jiuxiao paused for a while, with a look of disdain on his face: "You exterminate the gods of the sky, do you want to deal with our Jiuxiao Holy Land just by relying on a few traitors dug up in our Jiuxiao Holy Land? Haha... It's too naive, isn't it? "

Even Xu Ming couldn't help but smile a little—yes! Just relying on a few traitors, how much wind and waves can be tossed?

Unexpectedly, Yan Lang sneered and said, "That's right! It's just a few of us traitors!"

At the same time, the second black-robed sect master of the Sect of Extinguishing God, who had been silent for a while, raised his arms and ordered, "Come here!"

"Haha..." Holy Master Jiuxiao sneered disdainfully, looked at with a calm smile, there would be a few traitors.

Can be followed by…

The smile of Holy Master Jiuxiao froze directly on his face. He was horrified to see that more than 70% of the elders and high-level leaders of Jiuxiao Holy Land set off together and flew to the side of the Sect of Destruction.

That is to say...

Among the top powerhouses in Jiuxiao Holy Land, more than 70% are traitors!

"Pfft!" Holy Master Jiuxiao almost vomited blood - he thought that even if there were traitors in the Holy Land, they were only a few or a few; even if the number of traitors exceeded his imagination, only 10% of them would be against the sky!

Unexpectedly, among the top powerhouses in the entire Holy Land, the number of traitors exceeded... 70%!

Seventy percent! ?

What is this concept?

After a long time, Holy Master Jiuxiao has been living under the siege of the enemy! What's even more tragic is... he didn't even know about it before!

The powerhouses in Jiuxiao Holy Land who have not been betrayed are equally embarrassed at the moment - who can imagine that among the forces of one party, more than 70% are traitors, and only less than 30% are their own... This is no longer a force, this is simply It has become the nest of the enemy forces!

Even Xu Ming was stunned - see you soon! See you soon!

Xu Ming couldn't help but say: "Holy Master Jiuxiao, how did you act as a leader of the power... The people below are about to betray, you don't even know?"

"I..." In addition to being stunned, Holy Master Jiuxiao was still stunned.

"Hahahaha..." Yan Lang laughed at this laughed especially arrogantly, "Holy Master Jiuxiao, I didn't expect it! Hahahaha..."

"It's really sad!" The Second Sect Master Mie Kong sneered.

At this time, the Holy Master Jiuxiao had already reacted a little: "What kind of power are you? It is absolutely impossible to have such a large amount of energy if it is just to destroy the sky, and it is absolutely impossible for me to betray so many powerful people in Jiuxiao Holy Land. of!"

It was only at this time that Holy Master Jiuxiao realized that there was definitely a superpower standing behind the Sect of Destruction of the Sky!

It's just that Holy Master Jiuxiao still has some doubts - like those superpowers, it should be easy to crush the Holy Land of Jiuxiao, why bother to let the Sect of Destruction stage such a show?

However, Xu Ming saw some clues and asked, "Holy Master Jiuxiao, did you offend anyone?"

(End of this chapter)

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