Break Into Another World

Chapter 1973: Standard 1 train

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How could the Great Senior of the Three Realms be provoked like this before, and he was so angry that he really wanted to come down with his real body immediately.

"Haha!" Xu Ming sneered, and passed directly by the Great Senior of the Three Realms, heading to his next stop - the fourth quadrant!

Xu Ming already knew that the Great Senior of the Three Realms in front of him was one of Gu Hanmo's enemies!

Since he was one of the enemies, how could Xu Ming give him a good look? If it weren't for the lack of strength, Xu Ming really wanted to kill the real universe immediately.


Xu Ming thought to himself.

"When the cosmic chains on my body are broken, it is time for me to go to the real universe!"

In the virtual universe, Xu Ming is already truly invincible! After cleaning up the minions, Xu Ming has nothing to do in the virtual universe; by then, he will definitely go to the real universe!

The real universe is Xu Ming's real battlefield!

Fourth quadrant! - Sweep!

The third quadrant! - Sweep!

After Xu Ming swept away, all the minions in the eight quadrants and the six quadrants were all uprooted; only the first quadrant and the second quadrant of Xu Ming's hometown were left!

There is no doubt that Xu Ming must go to the first quadrant first!

at the same time.

real universe.

The anger of the Great Seniors of the Three Realms and other Great Seniors is also getting more and more intense!

"This Xu Ming is really... I don't know whether to live or die!"

"I can't let him go like this anymore! This Xu Ming must be removed immediately! Otherwise, the hard work we have arranged in the virtual universe will not be left at all!"

"Yes! We must get rid of Xu Ming! Since the fallen devil is unwilling to help, then we have no choice but to descend into the virtual universe!"

"Who's going?"

Soon, the eyes of several great masters focused on the great master of the Three Realms: "Great Master of the Three Realms, this time together to encircle and suppress Gu Hanmo, you contributed the least and went to the virtual universe the least number of times; now, it is your turn to go to the virtual world. Universe?"

The Great Senior of the Three Realms gritted his teeth: "Okay!"

He also knew that in this case, a great senior must go to the virtual universe to kill Xu Ming. Then, the Great Senior who went there is probably him—as those Great Seniors said, in the past, he contributed the least and went to the virtual universe the least times!

"Although there are only two quadrants of the forces we have deployed in the virtual universe! However, as long as there are forces in one quadrant, it will be enough to deal with Gu Hanmo!"

The reason why all the minions have been deployed in the eight-elephant limit is also to improve efficiency.

Now, there are only two quadrants left in the eight quadrants, and the efficiency will undoubtedly be greatly reduced.

"I'm going to the real universe now!" The Great Senior of the Three Realms said in a gloomy voice - he really didn't want to go to the virtual universe. For the existence of the Great Senior level, every time he went to the real universe, he had to collide with the will of the universe. There is a price to pay. But now, the Great Senior of the Three Realms was forced by Xu Ming to go to the real universe.

"Humph! When I arrive in the real universe, it will be time for you to regret it!"

first quadrant.

Holy realm.

The leaders of several imperial forces were very enthusiastic.

"Brother Xu Ming, you have finally come to our first quadrant! You are a guest from afar, we have prepared a banquet, and have dispatched the army - Brother Xu Ming, while tasting the specialties of our first quadrant, dispatched hundreds of millions Lu Dajun, how are you?"

"Haha! We not only prepared a banquet, but also prepared stunning beauties from all frontiers for Brother Xu Ming to play with—Brother Xu Ming is a rare visit to our first quadrant, so we must have a good time and go home!"

Facing this situation, Xu Ming was dumbfounded: "This..."

After walking down so many quadrants, Xu Ming has also seen the enthusiastic quadrant. But like the first quadrant, not only the banquet was arranged, but also the stunning beauties were arranged, and it was really the first time I saw each other! This is simply... a woman who is covered with food!

What a standard one-stop!

Xu Ming just wanted to say—the big brother in the first quadrant is too sincere and enthusiastic!

"Thank you for your kindness!" Xu Ming smiled embarrassedly, "I will attend the banquet. As for the stunning beauties, forget it and dismiss them!"

"Haha... Brother Xu Ming is really a gentleman!"

"Go to the banquet first, drink and chat!"

The leaders of the emperor-level forces in the first quadrant are very enthusiastic.

But at this moment, Xu Ming's face suddenly changed, and his figure stopped.

"Brother Xu Ming, what's wrong?" Several leaders were puzzled.

Xu Ming's voice transmission said: "You go over first, I have to stay away from the holy realm first, so as not to cause harm to you! - The Great Master of the Three Realms, the real body is about to descend into the virtual universe!"

The real body of Da Zun has come to the virtual universe! ?

When several leaders heard the words, their expressions suddenly changed.

Great Master, what a lofty existence! ? In the entire universe, the number of Great Seniors is only a handful!

Moreover, as the leaders of the emperor-level forces, these few know that the real body of the Great Senior comes to the virtual universe, and there is a price to pay!

Immediately, several leaders couldn't help but look at Xu Ming in horror—Xu Ming was able to provoke Da Zun to come down to the virtual universe and kill him at all costs!

"Brother Xu Ming, I'll stop here, be careful!"

Several leaders said goodbye and left one after for fear of causing trouble—these beings whose strength has reached the peak of the three realms of shackles and have reached the absolute limit of the virtual universe, although they are not afraid at ordinary times, they are still Will be afraid of the arrival of the real body!

After all, when the real body of the Great Senior comes to the virtual universe, there is a way to kill the peak of the Three Realms of Shackles!

Xu Ming watched the leaders leave and didn't say anything - after all, he and these leaders just met by chance! The other party can help him arrange a "standard one-stop", but it is impossible for him to risk himself.

Xu Ming still understands this in his heart.


What made Xu Ming puzzled was: "It was the Fallen Demon Lord who reminded me through a voice transmission that the Great Master of the Three Realms was about to descend into the virtual universe... The Fallen Demon Lord, why did you remind me?"

There is no friendship between Xu Ming and the Fallen Demon Lord.

Since the Fallen Demon Lord kindly reminded him, Xu Ming could not help but be on guard!

"Three Realms Great Venerable!"

Xu Ming is about to face the peak existence of the Great Senior level! And this time, the Great Venerable of the Three Realms came with killing intent!

"Hmph! Then I'll feel it, what means does the existence of the Great Venerable level have!" Xu Ming secretly said, "Even if you fall, it's a big deal to use the 'immortal mark' to revive!"

In the face of the existence of the Great Venerable, the "immortal mark" is Xu Ming's last trump card!

Xu Ming has already confirmed with Xiaohang, even if it is the Great Senior, it is difficult to get rid of Xu Ming's "immortal imprint" trick!


It's hard to break, but that doesn't mean it can't be broken!


Suddenly, the space-time became completely silent.

Wan Lai was silent, as if waiting for the arrival of the master of heaven and earth!

A dark figure like a shadow rolled over time and space and came—it was the true body of the Great Venerable of the Three Realms!

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