Break Into Another World

Chapter 1975: How did it fall?

"Otherwise... I will go to the future to kill you!" The Great Senior of the Three Realms snorted coldly, "I don't believe that there is no trace of you in the past, nor will there be any trace of you in the future!"

Hearing this, Xu Ming couldn't help laughing: "You can't kill me now, could it be that you can kill me in the future?"

"Humph!" The Great Venerable of the Three Realms smiled mysteriously, "How much do you know about the mystery of time? Of course... If it's not a last resort, I don't want to pay the price and kill you in the future! I hope you don't force me!"

"Then..." Xu Ming smiled, "Then I will force you again! For the remaining first and second quadrants, I will continue to work to clean up all the minions and forces! If you have the ability, you Just go to the future and kill me!"

call out-

Having said that, Xu Ming ignored the Great Venerable of the Three Realms.

Hundreds of millions of clones and hundreds of millions of Xu Ming flew directly towards the holy world in the first quadrant.

"Good! Very good!" The Great Venerable of the Three Realms laughed in anger, "Since that's the case...Xu Ming, I will kill the future you now! When I kill you, I will come and tell you when you will die! —How about it, isn’t it amazing to know when and how you will die?” The fastest-updated 72 Literature Network w~w~w.7~2~w~x.c~o ~m

"Humph!" said the Great Venerable of the Three Realms, and directly stepped on the waves in the long river of time, heading for the future. 72 Literature Network debut https://

"Ha!" Xu Ming sneered and continued to the Holy Realm.

in the Holy Realm.

The leaders of the emperor-level forces in the first quadrant couldn't help being a little surprised when they saw that Xu Ming came to the holy world: "Brother Xu Ming, are you all right?"

"What can I do?" Xu Ming said deliberately.

"No no, that's not what we meant!" Several leaders said quickly, "What we mean is... What about the Great Venerable of the Three Realms? Didn't he come to the virtual universe with his real body?"

"It's coming!" Xu Ming said lightly.

"Then...are you reconciled?" several leaders asked again.

"No reconciliation!" Xu Ming's tone was still flat.

No reconciliation! But Xu Ming is still standing here unharmed! - What does this mean?

It means that even the Great Venerable of the Three Realms can't help Xu Ming!

"Hey—" Thinking of this, the leaders all took a deep breath—even if the real body of the Great Senior came to the virtual universe, they couldn't help Xu Ming! This Xu Ming is too scary, right?

However, Xu Ming was a little puzzled - why the Great Senior of the Three Realms hasn't returned yet.

After all, the Great Master of the Three Realms went to the "future" to kill himself. No matter whether he succeeded in killing him or not, he should be able to return to the "now" in an instant. No matter how long the Great Master of the Three Realms has experienced in the long river of time, for Xu Ming, This time should be just a moment!

But why, the Great Venerable of the Three Realms has not returned yet?

With doubts in his heart, Xu Ming directly mobilized the army in the first quadrant - no matter what his future is like, now he will clean up the minions in the first quadrant first!

Under the mobilization of Xu Ming, the army of hundreds of millions of roads rushed to the hundreds of millions of "sky" in the first quadrant of hundreds of millions.


It wasn't until Xu Ming cloned into hundreds of millions, destroyed the microcosm of the billions of minions, and uprooted all the minions of the entire first quadrant... The Great Master of the Three Realms still did not come back!

"Isn't the Great Senior of the Three Realms lost in the long river of time?" Xu Ming couldn't help thinking.

Xu Ming was also unable to rely on his own strength to really travel in the long river of time; therefore, I don't know if anyone will get lost in the long river of time.

"time to go!"

Now that the minions in the first quadrant have been cleaned up, there is no need for Xu Ming to stay here. After leaving a space coordinate point in the holy world, he was ready to leave.

But at this moment, a voice transmission suddenly sounded in Xu Ming's mind: "Xu Ming, I am the fallen devil!"

Xu Ming stopped and was a little puzzled: "I have seen the devil! I don't know if the devil is looking for me..."

"I have something to tell you!" The Fallen Demon Lord's tone was a little solemn, "The Great Senior of the Three Realms... has fallen!"

"What!?" Xu Ming couldn't help but startled, "The Great Senior of the Three Realms... has fallen?"

The Great Senior of the Three Realms, didn't he vow to kill himself in the future?

Why did it fall?

"Yes!" The Fallen Demon Lord continued, "It didn't take long for him to enter the long river of time, and he should have fallen directly before he went very far into the future!"

"This..." Xu Ming was a little surprised, "Do you know how it fell?"

"I don't know!" The fallen devil shook his head and said, "I only know that the Great Senior of the Three Realms fell almost instantly, and he has no resistance at all! It seems that he has encountered something that cannot be resisted!"

An existence that even the Great Senior can't compete with! ?

After Xu Ming heard the words, he was silent for a while: "Lord of the Fallen Demon, you, and other Great Venerables, didn't you go to the future to see how the Great Venerable of the Three Realms fell?"

"Haha!" The Fallen Demon Lord laughed twice and said, "Don't dare to go!"

"Don't dare to go?" Xu Ming wondered.

In Xu Ming's view, the Great Senior is already standing at the peak of the entire universe. Is there anything else that can make them feel afraid?

"Xu Ming, you don't know something!" The Fallen Demon Lord said lightly, "The future... is full of infinite variables and endless crises! The future in the long river of time is even more dangerous than the real future!"

Xu Ming seems to understand but not understand.

The Fallen Demon Lord continued: "Even if we exist at the Great Senior level, we would not dare to travel to the future easily, because... in the future of time, I don't know what dangers will be encountered! Even, some dangers, in the 'normal' In the future, there is not much danger to us; but in the future of time, this danger may be magnified many times, and even fatal! So now... the Great Master of the Three Realms has fallen into the future of time, how dare we dare Let's find out..."

Every Great Senior knows that the Great Senior of the Three Realms has They are curious about how he fell, but...there is no Great Senior who dares to take risks and go to the future; after all, curiosity kills cat.


The fall of the Great Senior of the Three Realms has become a mystery.

"However..." The Fallen Demon Lord said again, "The Great Senior of the Three Realms seems to have fallen into the near future in the long river of time. As long as we wait a little longer, we should be able to know how the Great Senior of the Three Realms fell!"

"Yeah!" Xu Ming nodded secretly.

However, Xu Ming was actually not very curious about how the Great Senior of the Three Realms fell. Xu Ming's heart is more of coursing - he deserves it!

At this time, the fallen devil said again: "Xu Ming, you have traveled all over the seven abnormal quadrants, and you should be about to return to the second quadrant, right?"

"Yes!" Xu Ming said.

The Fallen Demon Lord said: "After returning to the sinking abyss in the second quadrant, go directly to the messenger of sinking, and he will bring you to see me! - The nightmare-level cosmic chain on your body, maybe I can break it!"

The Fallen Demon Lord just said "maybe".

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