Break Into Another World

Chapter 1977: wait

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"Help you?" The Fallen Demon Lord smiled, "Is there?—For me, it's just a matter of convenience! Do whatever you want!"


At this moment, what the fallen devil thought in his heart was: Helping you, you are actually helping me!


In the eyes of the fallen devil, helping Xu Ming is actually helping himself. Because... he has higher expectations for Xu Ming!

"Any other questions?" The Fallen Demon Lord asked again.

"No more!" Xu Ming said.

"Then...Tell me about the nightmare-level cosmic chains on you!" said the fallen demon master.

Xu Ming's color suddenly turned serious - he entered the abyss of sinking, and met the sinking demon master. The most important thing was to break the cosmic chains on his body! If the cosmic chains cannot be broken, Xu Ming's cultivation will not be able to enter the domain master realm, and his strength will not be able to continue to improve.

Whether or not the cosmic chains can be broken is very important to Xu Ming!

"I do have a way to break the nightmare-level cosmic chain! But..." Speaking of which, the fallen demon master suddenly changed the subject and asked, "Xu Ming, do you know why I want to build a stone statue forest and abyss battlefield in the virtual universe? ?"

"This..." Of course Xu Ming didn't know. But now listening to the Fallen Demon Lord saying this, Xu Ming suddenly became puzzled—yes! Why did the Fallen Lord build the stone forest and the abyss battlefield? What's in it for him?

"Because..." The Fallen Demon Lord asked and answered himself, "I'm collecting cosmic chains!"

Collect Cosmic Chains! ?

Xu Ming became more and more puzzled - what's the use of collecting cosmic chains?

"I'm cultivating a practice method, and I need a lot of cosmic chains!" The Fallen Demon Lord continued, "Whether it's a one-star, two-star cosmic chain, a seven-star cosmic chain, or even a nightmare-level cosmic chain, I need it all! So ...I built a forest of stone statues!"

"As long as it is within the range of the Stone Statue Forest, the Sinking Abyss, and the Abyssal Battlefield, whether it falls, or the cosmic chains on the body are broken... These cosmic chains will eventually come to my hands!"

"In order to attract more powerhouses to come, I have left behind all kinds of opportunities! Since I came to the virtual universe... the eight major boundaries of the virtual universe, more than 80% of the chains of the universe are under my control! It's almost time to practice the success method, but there is still a nightmare-level cosmic chain missing, fortunately, there is a monster like you in the second quadrant!"

The nightmare-level cosmic chain on Xu Ming's body is exactly the last nightmare-level cosmic chain that the fallen devil needs!

The fallen devil continued: "I have a way to break the nightmare-level cosmic chain, but... at the same time as I break the nightmare-level cosmic chain, you will also fall immediately!"


Xu Ming was stunned.

"Of course, it's not a complete fall!" The fallen devil continued, "If you have practiced the method of rebirth before, then as long as you are reborn after falling, you will no longer be entangled by the chains of the universe! But if... you haven't practiced before. If you want to practice the method of rebirth, it will be too late!"

"The geniuses who were suppressed by the nightmare-level cosmic chains before were precisely because they did not practice the method of rebirth, so... after the cosmic chains were broken, they could only go to reincarnation with my help! Originally, the virtual universe They are not qualified to be reincarnated; they are suppressed by nightmare-level cosmic chains, and they are fortunate to have the opportunity to be reincarnated!"

Xu Ming secretly communicated with Xiaohang.

"Xiao Hang, is what the fallen devil said believable?"

Xiaohang said: "If there is any problem, I will remind you that you can just self-destruct at that time! With your strength, this place belongs to the scope of the virtual universe, as long as you choose to self-destruct, the Fallen Demon Lord can't stop you! After self-destruction, it can still be resurrected with the 'immortal mark'!"

"Okay!" Xu Ming made a decision in his heart.

Being suppressed by the cosmic chains is really not the way! Now may be the only chance to break the nightmare-level cosmic chain, Xu Ming certainly will not let it go!

Xu Ming looked at the fallen demon master: "I have the method of rebirth!"

"Oh?" The fallen demon master couldn't help but be surprised, "Did you cultivate before being suppressed by the nightmare-level cosmic chains?"

"Yes!" Xu Ming nodded.

"Then it couldn't be better!" The Fallen Demon Lord continued, "I am afraid you are the only one in the entire universe who can survive after being suppressed by the Nightmare-level universe chain!"

"Haha!" Xu Ming couldn't help laughing.

"If there is nothing else, just prepare, I will help you break the nightmare-level cosmic chain!" The fallen devil said.

"Okay!" Xu Ming sat cross-legged, closed his eyes, and adjusted his state to the best.

The fallen demon master has also been brewing for a long time: "Get ready! It may be very painful to break the chains of the universe!"


Xu Ming smiled disdainfully.

In such a state, what kind of pain is unbearable?


Seeing that Xu Ming was ready, the Fallen Demon Lord stretched out his right hand and bent a finger.


Immediately, a group of red flames appeared around Xu Ming, directly burning Xu Ming's divine body.

Whoa! Whoa!

The red flames burned more and more and even turned into a fiery snake and got into the depths of Xu Ming's divine body.

Xu Ming couldn't help frowning slightly - this kind of pain is much more painful than burning the divine body!

However, Xu Ming only frowned slightly, and did not say a word.


Under the burning of the special red flame, the nightmare-level cosmic chains that suppressed Xu Ming began to slowly appear.

"Xu Ming!" The voice of the fallen devil sounded, "If you have a method of rebirth that needs to be operated, it can be operated now! Next, don't resist, I will directly burn out your divine body! At that time, Even your inner world will be burned to the ground!"

Xu Ming said indifferently: "My method of rebirth does not need to be operated!"

"Oh?" The fallen demon master was a little surprised - the method of rebirth that does not require operation, even in the real universe, is top-notch!

As a result, the fallen demon master is more and more certain that Xu Ming's fate is extraordinary!

"I came to the virtual universe, and all the preparations I have made are to wait..." The fallen demon master's eyes flickered with expectation, "Maybe... Xu Ming will be..."

boom! !

Chi Yan suddenly soared, completely devouring every part of Xu Ming's divine body, and even more domineeringly bound the nightmare-level cosmic chain on Xu Ming's body!


Because Xu Ming didn't resist, his divine body was completely annihilated under the red flames in just an instant.

That nightmare-level cosmic chain, still trying to escape into the depths of time and space, was caught by the fallen demon master.

"Don't resist!" The Fallen Demon Lord grabbed the Nightmare-level Cosmic Chain and devoured it with one mouthful, "With this last Nightmare-level Cosmic Chain, my cultivation technique is about to be completed! In the future, I will be the only one. All you have to do is wait..."


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