Break Into Another World

Chapter 1988: Hentai Avatar

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When Yuan Zun saw Xu Ming's gaze, he couldn't help shaking his body.

Xu Ming is too strong!

Stronger than Yuan Zun's imagination!

Even Yuan Zun was not even qualified to look up to Xu Ming!

But then, Yuan Zun gritted his teeth, put on a smashing stance, and said stubbornly: "Xu Ming! I admit that your strength is very strong, but so what? I will not go out in my own small universe, What can you do with me? The big deal, I will never step out of the small universe!"

The Supreme Realm powerhouse, hiding in the small universe, is almost invincible! Yuan Zun naively thought that as long as he was hiding in the small universe, even Xu Ming would have nothing to do with him!

"Ha ha…"

"Ha ha…"


"How ignorant!"

Xu Ming didn't say anything, but the great powers from the Holy Realm couldn't help but laugh.

The Supreme Realm powerhouse hides in the small universe. Although it is "almost invincible", it is only almost. As long as you are willing to pay enough price, even the small universe of the upper-ranking supreme can have a way to break it!

What's more... The small universes that Xu Ming destroyed, I don't know how many billions, and each of them is a microcosm of the upper-level supreme! And Yuan Zun, a mere low-ranking supreme, even provocatively said to Xu Ming: I will not go out in my own small universe, what can you do with me?

How ignorant is this?

How ridiculous?

"It's really ignorant and fearless!" Many strong people looked at Yuan Zun with full of jokes.

And Xu Ming, after listening to Yuan Zun's words, in addition to feeling ridiculous, it is more boring! -Only those who stand at the same level are qualified to be regarded as an opponent by Xu Ming! And someone like Yuan Zun is not worthy of Xu Ming as an opponent at all!

Just ants!

"Alas!" Xu Ming sighed softly and flicked his fingers.

call out-

An invisible attack swept through endless time and space; the target of the attack was Yuan Zun's small universe!

"Seckill" hang has been opened!

"Second day, second earth, second air" can only kill the sky, earth, and air in seconds; however, "seckill" can kill everything in one second!


Without much movement, Yuan Zun's small universe turned into nothingness and evaporated.

Countless creatures in the small universe, the weak are directly annihilated, and the powerful can support survival in the chaotic time and space of the disordered border.

"What!?" Yuan Zun looked bewildered—he thought that even if Xu Ming could destroy his small universe, he would definitely have to pay a big price, and the momentum would definitely be huge; he didn't expect that Xu Ming just casually With a swipe, in an understatement, he instantly annihilated his little universe.

Without the "tortoise shell" of the small universe, Yuan Zun seemed to be stripped all at once, and the rest was left to Xu Ming's kneading.

"You..." Yuan Zun calmed down after being frightened and stunned. Obviously, he had seen the situation clearly and knew that he would die today no matter what, but instead accepted the fate of his imminent death.

"Hahaha..." Suddenly, Yuan Zun laughed wildly, "Xu Ming, I admit that you are very powerful, but... you don't want to kill me!"


Saying that, Yuan Zun ignited the divine body and prepared to explode.

"You can't kill me!" Yuan Zun couldn't stop laughing, "My Yuan Zun, if I want to die, I will die in my own hands! And you, don't even think about killing me!"

"Can't kill you? Blow yourself up?" Xu Ming laughed.

In front of Brother Ming, is it possible to die if you want to die?


Xu Ming flexed his fingers, and an invisible force firmly bound Yuan Zun, making him unable to even explode himself!

"What!?" Yuan Zun was once again stunned - he did not expect that facing Xu Ming, he was not even qualified to die!

At the same time, Yuan Zun is more panic-death, not terrible! The scary thing is... I want to die, but I can't die, and I'm imprisoned to endure endless torture!

"Oh!" Xu Ming shook his head and smiled.

Torment Yuan Zun?

Xu Ming really wasn't interested!

"Forget it, let's end it like this!" Xu Ming sighed softly and waved his hand again.

In an instant, Yuan Zun disappeared silently, as if this world had never existed.

In this regard, the powers of the Holy Realm have no surprises - a mere low-ranking supreme, and it is a kind of pride to be able to die in the hands of the first powerhouse in the virtual universe!

"Brother Xu Ming!" At this time, the Supreme Lord of Song and Wine said again, "Is Brother Xu Ming going to destroy hundreds of millions of forces in the second quadrant?"

Before, Xu Ming destroyed hundreds of millions of forces in the seven abnormal quadrants; now he returns to the second quadrant, and I am afraid that hundreds of millions of forces will also be destroyed.

Sure enough, Xu Ming nodded slightly: "Not bad!"

"Haha!" Gejiu Zhizun laughed, "Dragon Gate Guard is ready to go, just waiting for Brother Xu Ming to make arrangements!"

Gejiu Zhizun heard from the powerful people in the visionary quadrant how Xu Ming acted in the visionary quadrant.

"Dragon Gate Guard?" Xu Ming was slightly startled.

Longmen is the only emperor-level force formed by all parties in the second quadrant.

Longmen guards are stationed in every piece of "sky" in the second quadrant, symbolizing the absolute power of the second quadrant!

"No need!" Xu Ming smiled lightly.

"No need?" Gejiu Zhizun was taken aback for a moment, "Brother Xu Ming, you don't need to dispatch Longmen guards?"

Xu Ming smiled and said, "I needed it before I broke through, but now... I don't need it anymore!"

Yes No need!

Because Xu Ming has the "endless incarnation" hang and the "everywhere" hang!

As soon as the "Endless Avatar" is hung up, Xu Ming can instantly have the Endless Avatar!

As soon as "Everywhere" is hung up, endless incarnations can appear anywhere in the virtual universe! Even ignoring all space barriers!

That is to say...

With just one thought, Xu Ming's endless incarnation will appear in every "sky" and even every corner of the second quadrant! In just an instant, Xu Ming was able to detect all the minions in the second quadrant!

Moreover, Xu Ming's avatar can also use the "Invincible" hang and "Seckill" hang!

Endless incarnations, each of which is even more terrifying than the peak powerhouse of the Three Realms!

That's right!

In the virtual universe, Xu Ming is so invincible!

Absolutely invincible!

It only takes Xu Ming an instant to clean up all the minions and forces! Not even the weakest residue will remain!

Xu Ming closed his eyes gently.

In an instant, the entire second quadrant seemed to be in his heart.

Every inch of space in the second quadrant is in Xu Ming's perception, vast, mysterious, ethereal...

In one thought, many incarnations of Xu Ming appeared in every piece of "sky" in the second quadrant. The endless incarnation seems to form a huge skynet, screening every force in the second quadrant.

In just an instant, Xu Ming has already determined which are the minions!

"More than nine trillion minions!"


More than nine trillion!

Like the "Death Temple" that Xu Ming once thought was a behemoth, it was just a very common one among the more than 9 trillion minions!


Xu Ming's heart was boiling with killing intent.

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