Break Into Another World

Chapter 2000: Wrong, do you believe it?


In the time and space vortex opened up by Gu Hanmo, the time and space have been completely disturbed.

Xu Ming's real body is traversing rapidly in the vortex of time and space.

Every streamer he saw in the vortex of time and space was billions of years of time and the territory of countless "heaven".

"What a terrifying flow of time!"

Because the avatar was left in the virtual universe, Xu Ming could clearly feel the "time flow difference" between the real body and the avatar!

Every time the real body experiences a moment, the incarnation has gone through hundreds of millions of years!

"With such a terrifying flow of time, when I get to the real universe, what time will it be..." Xu Ming couldn't help thinking.

But Xu Ming had no choice.

This time-space vortex is actually a channel opened up between the "real universe" and the "virtual universe", and it no longer belongs to the scope of the virtual universe. Many of Xu Ming's plug-in functions could not be used here; therefore, he could not leave this vortex of time and space, so he could only bite the bullet and move forward.

"When I get out of the vortex of time and space, the real time may have passed hundreds of millions of epochs, right?"

Xu Ming guessed very accurately!

When he walked out of the vortex of time and space, it was indeed hundreds of millions of eras later!

However, in the outside world it is billions of epochs, and inside the time-space vortex, it didn't actually take a long time.

"This is... the suppression from time and space!" Soon, Xu Ming's expression changed slightly.

The suppression of this time and space is very, very heavy. It is as if the layers of time and space are rolling on him, as if he wants to press himself into a plane.

"It's almost time for the real universe!" Xu Ming naturally knew that the layers of suppression came from the space-time of the real universe - if you didn't have enough strength, but forcibly went to the real universe, you would be suppressed by the layers of space-time. Into a very thin very thin "pancake".

However, with Xu Ming's strength, he could easily resist this kind of oppression.

"This process of time and space oppression is actually the process of 'realization'!" Xu Ming secretly said.

In the eyes of the great powers of the real universe, all things in the virtual universe are illusory. It's like... an ordinary person in a technological society, seeing people on TV.

The people in the TV are equivalent to "people in the virtual universe".

Every time Xu Ming took a step forward, countless layers of time and space were oppressing him. It was as if there were countless Xu Mings, layered upon layer upon layer.

Xu Ming felt this kind of reborn mystery.

Finally, after experiencing countless time and space oppression, this process finally came to an end.

If before, Xu Ming felt that his body was a mass of air; then now, Xu Ming felt like a piece of extremely hard steel - Xu Ming's strength has not increased by a single cent! But after the "realization", Xu Ming felt that he... um, became real!

That's right, it's become real.


Suddenly, Xu Ming felt that the surrounding time and space had changed.

"Arrived in the real universe!" Xu Ming immediately realized, "It's just... I don't know which one of the eight major territories will appear? - No matter which territory, it doesn't matter! Just don't appear in too unfortunate places!"

What Xu Ming is most worried about is appearing in a dangerous place in the real universe, or appearing directly at the door of a great senior... that would be really embarrassing!

However, these are "extremely small" events, with the possibility infinitely approaching zero. Therefore, Xu Ming is not very worried.


Thinking about it, Xu Ming began to escape from the vortex of time and space.


In an instant, Xu Ming felt that he had entered a completely different time and space.

"What a strong space suppression!" This was Xu Ming's first reaction, "Under such a strong space suppression, my strength has been greatly reduced; even, even the range of Divine Sense has been suppressed hundreds of millions of times. !"

However, Xu Ming is not very worried.

After all, the space suppression of the real universe is strong, and it is not aimed at him alone, but is the same for everyone; since that is the case, then there is no difference.

In the next instant, Xu Ming could see the surrounding scene clearly.

"Uh..." Xu Ming couldn't help being stunned, "Why are there so many people? Who am I? Where am I?"

However, before Xu Ming could react, a thunderous voice sounded.

"Oh? Is there really a challenger!?"


Xu Ming was startled.

At this time, Xu Ming finally reacted - he was actually standing on a battle platform.

"Uh..." Xu Ming was speechless, "I walked into the vortex of time and space in the virtual universe, but when I came out of the real universe, it turned out to be... on a battle platform after billions of years..."

Immediately afterwards, Xu Ming looked at his opponent on the battlefield. Feeling the strength level of the other party, it should be just a very ordinary Supreme.

"The strength of the first entry into the supreme level!" Xu Ming judged in his heart.

Xu Ming just wanted to say - fate!

Xu Ming and this opponent on the battlefield are definitely very destined!

It's a pity that Xu Ming's opponents don't think so.

"Boy, I admire your courage!" Xu Ming's opponent was a strong swordsman with a cold and sternness. "If your cultivation is not at the Supreme Realm, you dare to step on the stage and challenge me 'Shi Heng'!"

"That..." Xu Ming said embarrassedly, "I said I went wrong, do you believe it?"

"Nonsense!" Shi Heng shouted angrily.

"Um... I admit defeat, I abstain!" Xu Ming said again.

"Humph!" Shi Heng snorted angrily, "I, Shi Heng, are you able to provoke if you want to? You provoke me, Shi Heng, now you want to leave? It's too late! - Open the seal of life and death for me!"

"Yes!" Outside the battlefield, a strong man responded immediately.

At the same time, a seal was raised above the battlefield. In this battle, unless the battle is divided between life and death, or both parties agree to end the battle; otherwise, this seal will always block the battle platform and prevent either party from leaving.

"Uh..." Xu Ming was speechless - the rules of the real universe are too barbaric! Life and death Shouldn't the consent of both parties be sought first? I haven't even agreed yet, just start the life-and-death battle like this?

And the point is...

Xu Ming has just arrived in the real universe for less than a second! He didn't even know where he was now, and he didn't know what was going on on this battlefield.

"As soon as we arrive in the real universe, we will fight to the death..." Xu Ming was really speechless.

"Suffer to death!" Shi Heng's murderous aura was so high that he had already killed him.

"Wait!" Xu Ming continued, "I just passed by this arena, I don't want to fight!"

"Die!" Shi Heng ignored Xu Ming's explanation at all, and his murderous aura came straight at him.


With Xu Ming's strength, it was naturally easy to block Shi Heng who had just stepped into the Supreme Realm.

"What!?" Shi Heng didn't expect that his opponent's cultivation base did not reach the Supreme Realm, and he was still unscathed after blocking his own move. "It turns out that he has some skills, no wonder he dares to step on the battlefield and shout!"


Xu Ming just wanted to say: When did I scream?

"I won't fight! I'll admit defeat!" Xu Ming shouted directly - he didn't want to fight and kill for a while inexplicably once he arrived in the real universe.

"Admit defeat?" Shi Heng sneered, "You know you're not my opponent, so you want to admit defeat?—Humph! Then take your life to admit defeat!"

:. :

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