Break Into Another World

Chapter 2018: Moon Demon

?The Qinghai City Lord looked at Xu Ming's reaction and said to himself: "Sure enough! No one can resist the temptation of the three words 'Eternal Hall'! Even if it's just a named disciple, even if it's just 'possible'!"

The Qinghai City Lord only told Xu Ming that he could become a named disciple of the Eternal Hall after winning 100 victories in the Shenyu Battle Stage;

For example, "likely", how likely is it?

For example, to challenge Shenyu to win 100 battles, you must fight for 100 consecutive battles; once you start, you can't admit defeat! Either successfully achieve a hundred victories, or fail the challenge and fall!

These, the Qinghai City Lord did not tell Xu Ming.

"Xu Ming, how is it? Do you want to challenge Shenyu to win a hundred battles?" the Qinghai City Lord asked.

"Okay!" Xu Ming answered directly without thinking much.

"Then let's go to the Shenyu Battle Stage now!" The Qinghai City Lord suppressed the excitement of the successful trick and couldn't wait to say.

God Feather Battle Stage.

Built in the most prosperous area of ​​Shenyu City.

In the Shenyu Battle Stage, there are millions of spectator seats. However, at this time, the battle in the Shenyu Battle Stage was just a battle between two ordinary lower-ranking supreme beings, and it did not attract much attention; therefore, the audience watching the battle was also sparse, and there were not many.

"You wait here for a while!" said the Qinghai City Lord, "I'll go help you sign up for the 'Hundred Victories' challenge!"

"Yeah!" Xu Ming did not suspect him, and stopped to watch the battle on the stage.

"Very ordinary talent!" Xu Ming looked at the battle between the two lower-ranking supreme beings on the battlefield, and couldn't help shaking his head frequently, "Even compared to those lower-ranking supreme beings in the virtual universe, it looks very ordinary!"

In fact... Compared with the powerhouses of the same level, the powerhouses of the real universe are no stronger than the powerhouses of the virtual universe!

However, there are more treasures in the real universe than in the virtual universe; with the help of treasures, the powerhouses in the real universe are slightly better. However, the strength is limited.

"I don't know... With the cultivation base I'm showing now, if I participate in the Hundred Victories, what level of strength will I encounter?" Xu Ming couldn't help but think.

Xu Ming's real cultivation base has reached the "peak of the supreme supreme". However, Xu Ming relied on Feng Zhou Ding to hide his cultivation, so the cultivation he showed was only a half-rank ninth.

Xu Ming was not worried at all, who in the Shenyu Battle Stage could see through his true cultivation. After all... Feng Zhou Ding's disguise, even if it is "High Heaven Supreme", may not be able to see through; in this small Shenyu battle stage, is there still a High Heaven Supreme?

As long as there is no Supreme Heavenly Sovereign, what kind of cultivation base Xu Ming shows, then others will think what kind of cultivation base it is!

at this time…

"Get out of the way!" A cold voice came from behind Xu Ming, "Don't stand in the middle of the road!"

"Huh?" Xu Ming couldn't help frowning slightly; when he looked back, it was a silver-haired female cultivator whose cultivation had already reached the upper-level supreme level. However, Xu Ming felt an extraordinary aura from this silver-haired female nun.

"I'm afraid her strength far exceeds her cultivation level!" Xu Ming was a little surprised - he finally saw a real genius in the real universe!

However, this genius was not very friendly and wanted to make way for him as soon as he came up.

"Don't let it!" Xu Ming said without thinking, "The road is so wide, you can walk from the side!"


The silver-haired girl sank suddenly: "I don't have the habit of walking by!"

In the spectator seats, many eyes were cast towards Xu Ming, all with a playful color.

"Where did this come from, and dare to block the way of the 'Moon Demon'?"

"It should be the first time to come to Shenyu Battle Stage! I have never seen this person before!"

"This kid's cultivation base is only half-respected and ninth-rank? Is it because he is too weak, so he is ignorant and fearless?"

"Look! The face of the Moon Demon has changed, this kid is going to be miserable!"

The Moon Demon was the silver-haired girl who called Xu Ming to make way.

"Don't have the habit of walking from the side?" Xu Ming glanced at the Moon Demon, "I'm sorry, I don't have the habit of giving way!"

Lu Mingming is so wide, the other party can clearly walk past him, but ask him to give way? —How could Xu Ming allow this kind of road?

Even if the other party is a female cultivator who looks like a girl!

"You want to die?" The Moon Demon's face was frosty in an instant—you must know that in the Shenyu Battle Arena, not many people dare to provoke her! Even if it is an ordinary person, if you see her, you have to walk around!

At this time, the city owner of Qinghai had already signed up Xu Ming for the "Hundred Victory Challenge"!

"Challenge Hundred Victory!?" The person in charge of the Shenyu Battle Stage is a subordinate supreme; when he saw that someone was going to challenge Hundred Victory, he couldn't help being slightly surprised, "Is that you?"

"It's not me!" Qinghai City Lord turned his gaze to Xu Ming and said, "It's him!"

"Oh? There is only a half-respected ninth-order cultivation base!" The head of Shenyu Battle Stage, "Supreme Killing Enemy", glanced at Xu Ming with his gloomy eyes, and said with a trace of disdain on his face.

The Supreme Being of Killing Vengeance has already guessed what the situation is - there are often strong players in the Shenyu Battle Stage, and they will challenge Hundred Victories with their hands. And this kind of challenge is almost impossible to succeed, and in the end, almost 100% will die on the Shenyu Battle Stage.

However, a strong person like Qinghai City Lord who brought people here can join the gambling game during the challenge and win treasures.

"Has he agreed to challenge Baisheng?" The Vengeful Land Supreme asked.

"Already agreed!" Qinghai City Lord said.

"Then...I'll stress it again with you!" The Vengeful Land Supreme said again, "Once the challenge of 100 Victory begins, it must continue to fight! If you win 100 games in a row, or you fall in the middle, you will never be able to withdraw from Hundred Victory— Do you understand?"

"Clear!" Qinghai City Lord said lightly - even if he died, it was Xu Ming who died, and it had nothing to do with him!

"If that's the case, I'll confirm it with him!" The Vengeful Land Supreme said, "If he does agree to challenge the 'Hundred Victory', then I will arrange it immediately!"

Some people challenge the "hundred victories", and it is also profitable for Shenyu Battle Stage! After all, Shenyu Battle Platform can be the dealer and make a profit from it!

"What's his name?" The Vengeful Land Supreme asked.

"Xu Ming!" Qinghai City Lord said, "That's right! I still want to bet, I'll bet that he can win at least fifty games!"

"Oh! It seems that you have quite a lot of confidence in him!" Killing Vengeance Supreme said with a joking To be able to win 50 games in a row out of 100 victories is already quite powerful. .

Immediately, the voice of the Supreme Being of Killing Enemy resounded in the entire Shenyu Battle Stage: "Xu Ming!!"

Xu Ming immediately looked in the direction from which the voice came.

The figure of the Supreme Being of Killing Enemy is hazy and erratic, but the murderous intention is looming. Clearly, he is an accomplished power in the slaughter.

"Xu Ming!" The Supreme Being asked, "Are you going to challenge the 'Hundred Victory'?"

"Yes!" Xu Ming said without hesitation.

"What!?" At this time, even the Moon Demon, who wanted Xu Ming to make way, was slightly shocked, "You want to challenge the 'Hundred Victory'?"


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