Break Into Another World

Chapter 2022: The most awesome show off

?"how is this possible…"

On the spectator seat.

The Qinghai City Lord looked at one after another of the median supreme, stepping onto the battlefield and calling Xu Ming "Dad", stunned.

To know…

The group of top median supremes raised by the Shenyu Battle Stage are by no means comparable to the ordinary median supremes of other forces! All of them have the strength of leapfrog fighting, and some of them have even touched the threshold of "human supremacy"!


People are supreme!

In other words, Xu Ming seems to be ravaging only the Supreme Being, but in fact it is equivalent to ravaging the "Supreme Human"!

A half-respect, but has the strength to ravage the Supreme Being, it is terrifying to think about it! - This is exactly what all the almighties were horrified at the scene! Xu Ming is definitely a peerless genius who combines great talent, great luck, and great opportunity!

Without great talent, great luck, and great opportunity, it is impossible to achieve this step!

Now, Xu Ming is about to finish listening to the 60 "Dad" and complete a 60-game winning streak; and the Qinghai City Lord is betting that Xu Ming "wins at least fifty games in a row", which means that the Qinghai City Lord has already won him 's gambling.

But... the Qinghai City Lord was not happy at all.

You must know that the Qinghai City Lord thought that Xu Ming would be the limit of winning 60 games in a row; but now, he found out that for Xu Ming, winning 60 games in a row might not even count as a warm-up!

"Should Xu Ming really be able to complete the '100 Victories'?" Qinghai City Lord couldn't help but thought in horror.

If Xu Ming really completes the "hundred victory", it will definitely attract the attention of the great forces in the Eternal Domain, and I am afraid that he will leap into the dragon gate and soar into the sky! And Qinghai City Lord's plan of Xu Ming, I am afraid it will also be turned out!


"If Xu Ming can really achieve a hundred defeats, then even his current strength is not much weaker than me, right?" The more the Qinghai City Lord thought about it, the more terrifying he felt. Victory"!


"You must die on the Shenyu Battle Stage!"

The other powerhouses in the spectator seats did not have the complicated mood of the Qinghai City Lord; their mood was nothing but shock or shock!

"The top beings in the mid-rank supreme, in the hands of Xu Ming, the half-honor, actually have no resistance at all?"

"Genius! Peerless genius!"

"Hey - is this a real genius? With a half-exalted cultivation level, it can even crush the strength of the 'human supreme threshold'!"

"too strong!"

"It's terrifying!"

And the name "Xu Ming" swept through Shenyu City at a terrifying speed.

Sixty-first battle...

Xu Ming finally ushered in an opponent at the upper and supreme level!

"The top middle-ranking supreme of the Shenyu Battle Stage has already touched the threshold of 'human supreme'; then, their top-ranking supreme, their strength may have reached the level of 'median supreme'!" Xu Ming pondered.

The median person is supreme, in fact, it is not very strong.

You must know that the "high-ranking person supreme" in the real universe is only equivalent to the "ordinary shackles three realms" and "ordinary eighteenth order" in the virtual universe. Then, the Supreme Being of the median person is actually the "Second Realm of Fetters" and "Tier Seventeen" of the virtual universe.

The upper-ranking supreme, with the strength of "Second Realm of Fetters" and "Tier Seventeen", is indeed relatively strong, but it is not very strong! After all... in the virtual universe, the top-ranking supreme beings all possess the strength of "Three Realms of Fetters" and "Eighteenth Order"!

Even... the controllers of the various quadrants of the virtual universe have the strength of "the peak of the three realms of shackles"—that is, the strength to touch the threshold of the Supreme Being!

"However... my opponent is only the top-ranking Supreme Being of the Shenyu Battle Stage, not the top-ranking Supreme Being of the entire True Universe!" Xu Ming speculated, "If it is the highest-ranking Supreme Being of the entire True Universe, I'm afraid it can also be powerful. Reaching the level of 'high-ranking supreme', you can even touch the threshold of the supreme being of the earth!"

Xu Ming estimated that the "top" level geniuses in the real universe and the virtual universe should have similar strength limits. However... in the real universe, the density of "sub-top" geniuses is much higher!

For example, there are not many geniuses in the virtual universe who have reached the "seventeenth rank" combat power with the highest cultivation level. In the real universe, it is only a city in a continent, and a lot of them can be caught.

Of course, this is also related to the cultivation environment of the real universe! The cultivation environment is good, and the probability of being born a genius is naturally high!

"After all... the real universe is the core area of ​​the universe!" Xu Ming couldn't help but sigh, "Being in the core area of ​​the universe naturally has more opportunities and possibilities!"

Immediately, Xu Ming thought again: "However, starting from the 61st battle, I have to be more low-key!"

Don't forget, Xu Ming's current cultivation level is only a "half-honor" level! If Xu Ming showed a strength comparable to the "Highest Supreme Peak", or even "Earth Supreme", I am afraid it will not only cause shock, but also doubts and troubles!

"In the next battle, I will be a little harder!" Xu Ming secretly said, "Especially in the last battle, the opponent should be a genius with the cultivation level of 'Supreme Supreme', and his strength is estimated to barely touch the level of 'Supreme Supreme'; At that time, I will just show a difficult victory! Moreover, the estimate of my strength by the Supreme Being of Killing Vengeance should be about that level!"

Low key!

Only low-key is the best show off!

In the first sixty battles, Xu Ming came all the way arrogantly; in the next forty battles, Xu Ming planned to "play" all the way.


At this moment, a silver-haired figure appeared on the battlefield in a flash.

"Huh?" Xu Ming couldn't help but startled slightly, "It's you!?"

The opponent in the 61st battle was the female cultivator "Moon Demon" who called Xu Ming to make way.

"I didn't expect you have the right to meet me on the Shenyu Battle Stage!" Moon Demon said with emotion.

Before, Moon Demon never imagined that Xu Ming's strength would be so tyrannical; he also never expected that Xu Ming's strength was even stronger than hers!

"My strength is indeed not as good as yours!" Moon Demon said again.

"Then should you take back what you said before?" Xu Ming suddenly teased and said.

Previously, the Moon Demon had ridiculed Xu Ming, saying that "challenging a hundred victories" was an act of courting death.

"Take it back? No!" said the Moon Demon, "Even now, I still have to say, to challenge the '100 victory', you are courting death! - Even if you can defeat me, from the 61st to the 99th battle, Thirty-eight battles, your opponents will all be at the same level as me! Can you survive the thirty-eight wheel battles in a row? What's more, in the final battle of the challenge, you have to face the real 'human supreme' cultivation For the opponent!"


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