Break Into Another World

Chapter 2028: Kunpeng 1 family

? Retreat for ten years.

At Xu Ming's level of cultivation, ten years is too short! Almost just squinting, ten years have passed.

And just ten years is not enough for Xu Ming to break through from "superior supreme" to "human supreme".

However, Xu Ming changed his exposed cultivation from "half-rank" to "lower-ranked supreme"; in this way, others would think that Xu Ming had just broken through his cultivation in the past ten years.

"Xu Ming, you have broken through to the supreme realm!?" Moon Demon looked at Xu Ming in surprise; before, she and Xu Ming had agreed to go to the auction together, "Then after the auction is over, you can Come back to the clan with me!"

"Yes!" Xu Ming smiled lightly, tacitly acknowledging that he possessed the "Earth Supreme" level of strength. After all, Moon Demon had said before that as long as she touched the strength threshold of Earth Supreme, it would be enough to help her Hui clan sweep away the enemy.

When he came to the gate of the Shenyu auction house, Xu Ming met several acquaintances, such as Killing Enemy Land Supreme, Yanhong Land Supreme and so on. Several people couldn't help feeling emotional when they saw Xu Ming's "breakthrough" to the supreme realm.

"Xu Ming, I'm afraid your strength is about the same as mine, right?" The Supreme Being of Killing Vengeance couldn't help saying.

In fact, Supremacy of Killing Enemy is just touting Xu Ming casually and being polite; in his opinion, even if Xu Ming has made a breakthrough in his cultivation, he will definitely not be able to catch up with himself in a short while! But... How can the Supreme Being of Killing Enemy know that Xu Ming's strength is much stronger than him!

The Supreme Yan Hongdi also said: "Xu Ming, you have broken through the cultivation base so quickly, the possibility of becoming an official disciple of the Eternal Palace is even greater! If you enter the Eternal Palace in the future, don't forget me, brother! "

Supreme Yan Hongdi, although he is quite famous in Shenyu City, his strength is also the top among the Supreme Earth; but because of this, Supreme Yan Hongdi is more aware of how terrifying the geniuses of the "top forces" in the Eternal Domain are. !

What's more, Xu Ming is about to become a member of the Eternal Palace!

Therefore, Supreme Yan Hongdi also behaved very politely towards Xu Ming!

"Get out of the way!" At this moment, an arrogant and domineering voice came, "Don't get in my way!"


Xu Ming and the others couldn't help frowning.

The Supreme Yan Hongdi was even more furious—in Shenyu City, few people dared to speak to him like this.


When Yanhongdi Supreme turned around and saw the chest position of the black armor on the speaker, the three beating flames suddenly shocked the whole person!

"Vulcan Sect!" The Supreme Being of Yan Hong and the Supreme Being of Killing Enemy all shrank their pupils suddenly.

The Vulcan Cult is a top force in the Eternal Domain! Moreover, it is the top power closest to Shenyu City! - Of course, even if it is "recently", there are endless frontiers between Shenyu City and Vulcan Sect, as well as hundreds of large cities comparable to Shenyu City.

As for this black-clothed figure in front of him, although his cultivation base is not high, he is only at the level of "high-ranking person supreme", but...with the three flame marks on his chest, no one in Shenyu City would dare to provoke him!

These three beating flames represent the identity of the official disciples of the Vulcan Sect!

"What are you looking at? Why, do you have an opinion!?" The Vulcan Sect disciple sneered.

Immediately, his eyes fell on the Moon Demon, a lustful look flashed across his eyes, and he couldn't help exclaiming: "Hey—it smells! Not bad!"

The Moon Demon couldn't help shrinking and hid behind Xu Ming.

"Humph!" The Vulcan Sect disciple snorted coldly, "What are you hiding? It's a blessing for you to be seen by me! - However, I don't like being embarrassed by strong people. Before the auction ends, you take the initiative to come to my room to find it. I, I'll give you a chance! Otherwise... hum! I said, I don't like being tough, if you force me to be tough, don't blame me for being cruel!"

After the Vulcan Sect disciple finished speaking, without waiting for Xu Ming and others to react, they directly entered the Shenyu auction house.

"Too arrogant!" The Supreme Being of Killing Enemy was both angry and helpless—a disciple of the Vulcan Sect, he couldn't afford to offend him, and he didn't dare to offend him!

"People are under the low eaves and have to bow their heads!" Yan Hongdi also shook his head and sighed, "Moon Demon, right? I advise you to..."

When Yan Hongdi's words were halfway through, he did not continue, but he already understood what he meant, that is... persuade the Moon Demon to take the initiative to find a disciple of the Vulcan Sect.

"I..." The Moon Demon gritted his teeth, "Don't even think about it!"

"Xu Ming!" The Moon Demon said privately, "If I participate in the auction with you, it will definitely affect you! I'd better leave Shenyu City first!"

"No need!" Xu Ming said lightly, "Just follow me! If that Vulcan disciple dares to come to trouble, I will have my own countermeasures!"

Xu Ming is not even afraid of those great masters in the real universe, how can he be afraid of a small Vulcan sect?

Although the Vulcan Cult is a top power in the Eternal Domain, it is nothing compared to the "Great Senior"! Any Great Venerable in the real universe can overthrow the Fire Extinguishing Sect with a wave of his hand!

"Then..." Moon Demon hesitated, "Alright then!"

In fact, the Moon Demon couldn't think of what Xu Ming could do; but since Xu Ming said so, the Moon Demon decided to trust Xu Ming and participated in the auction with Xu Ming first.

"Let's go first!" Killing Enemy Land Supreme and Yanhong Land Supreme said, and then entered the auction room and went to their VIP rooms - neither of them knew the private voice transmission of Xu Ming and Moon Demon. , I don't even know that Xu Ming didn't care about the disciples of Vulcanism at all.

Not long after Xu Ming and the others entered, three thin, dark-skinned figures appeared at the entrance of the Shenyu auction house.

If you feel it carefully, you will find that The aura of these three figures is somewhat special; every particle in their divine body seems to contain an endless vast space!

These three people are a special ethnic group from the real universe - the Kunpeng family!

"In this Shenyu auction house, the top-level exercise "Kunpeng Nine Transformations" of our Kunpeng clan actually appeared!"

"In our Kunpeng clan, only high-level people are qualified to practice "Kunpeng Nine Transformations"! People from other ethnic groups have practiced "Kunpeng Nine Transformations", which is just equivalent to an ordinary Heavenly Supreme-level exercise; but for our Kunpeng clan Said, "Kunpeng Nine Changes" is comparable to a world-breaking exercise! - If we can film this exercise, it will be of great help to our clan!"

"Not bad! With this exercise, our clan can also become the top clan in the clan! So in any case, this time, we will get this exercise at all costs!"

The three Kunpeng clan members looked at each other and entered the auction resolutely.


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