Break Into Another World

Chapter 2031: no one i can't provoke

?Auction starts!

However, Xu Ming's attention was still on what the auctioneer said before.

"Great Venerable Kunpeng?"

"The first powerhouse in the fourth universe era?"

In fact, Xu Ming is still a little confused. What is the concept of "cosmos age"?

The fourth cosmic era has the first powerhouse, so, are there "first powerhouses" in other cosmic ages?

"But in any case, since Kunpeng is the first powerhouse in the fourth universe era, it can be seen that he is also one of the most peak existences in the history of the real universe! I am afraid that his strength is stronger than Han Mo!" Xu Ming secretly said.

Xu Ming only heard that Gu Hanmo is the pinnacle powerhouse of the true universe, and he is an existence at the level of Great Senior! However, I have never heard that Gu Hanmo is the number one powerhouse in the era of the universe!

It can be seen that there should be a slight gap between Gu Hanmo and Kunpeng Great Senior!

"Then... Is the owner of the inheritance that I got on the battlefield of Eternal Kunpeng the same as the Great Venerable Kunpeng? I'll take a closer look at it later!"

At this time, Xu Ming paid attention to the "starting price".

"What!? Thirty 'Origin of the Universe, True'!?"

Xu Ming didn't know how many "Origin of the Universe · Truth" could be auctioned for this exercise; only now did he find out that the starting price was actually "Thirty Dao"!

You must know that the price of a piece of Heavenly Sovereign Weapon is only three or five pieces of "Origin of the Universe·True"!

Thirty "Origin of the Universe · Truth", that's a 30-point 24-level hanging point! It can be exchanged for "300,000 points" level 23 hanging points!

That is to say... even if "Kunpeng Nine Changes" is only sold at the starting price, then Xu Ming can open the "Infinite Resurrection" without hesitation in the future! Can be resurrected more than 300,000 times...

How terrifying!

Even now, this "Kunpeng Nine Changes" has not been sold, Xu Ming has a kind of heroic "no one I can't afford"!


It can be resurrected more than 300,000 times!

Who is Xu Ming afraid of?

Even if there was a great senior standing in front of Xu Ming now, Xu Ming would dare to slap him directly - he would commit suicide when he slapped him! After that Great Senior left, Xu Ming came back to life again, and he was a hero again!

"Thirty ways 'the origin of the universe, true'!" Furious Blood directly bid, "This exercise, our Vulcan Sect has to decide, please give us the Vulcan Sect..."

However, before the angry voice could be heard, it was interrupted.

"The 31st 'Origin of the Universe: True'!" The bidders were the three Kunpeng clan members.

"I..." Anxie was really annoyed - he has only made his second bid now, but every bid has been interrupted!

"Haha! Rage blood, right? If it's a small thing, someone will let you; but, like "Kunpeng Nine Transformations", no one will let you. Dao 'the origin of the universe is true'!" The bidder this time was a Heavenly Supreme Powerhouse!

This time, the angry blood did not dare to speak.

Before, the reason why he dared to be arrogant at the auction was because of his arrogance, he was arrogant to show those who are supreme or even lower-level powerhouses! If you are facing the Heavenly Supreme Powerhouse, you will not be able to be arrogant with anger, and you will even have to bow your head!

Heaven Supreme and Earth Supreme are two completely different levels!

Like those geniuses in the top powers, many of them can use the cultivation level of "Supreme Humanity" to challenge the supreme powerhouse of the earth. Supreme Power!

Because... the one who can become the Supreme Being is a genius among geniuses! Moreover, between the Supreme Being and the Supreme Being, it is like a gap between the sky and a gap! - Heavenly Supreme Powerhouse, how can he be challenged by the Earth Supreme genius leapfrog?

Even if there is, it is very rare!

At the very least, even if the blood of anger has reached the cultivation level of the "high-level supreme peak", it is impossible to challenge the "lower-level heavenly supreme"!

In fact, the future achievements of Angry Blood can basically only reach the level of "Lower Heaven Supreme"! It's just because he is a disciple of the top forces, so his status is more noble!

And now, anger and blood is only a "human supreme" cultivation level - when the supreme powerhouse ignores him, he can still be arrogant; but, when the supreme powerhouse really speaks that day, how dare he be arrogant?

"Yes! Then bid according to your ability!" Anger said loudly, "Forty ways of 'the origin of the universe, true'!"

"Okay! Bid according to your ability! Auction, shouldn't it be like this? - Forty-five!"


"Sixty Ways!"

Auction prices keep skyrocketing.

The more Xu Ming looked at it, the more excited he became: "I didn't expect that this "Kunpeng Nine Changes" could fetch such a high price!"

Xu Ming originally thought that "Kunpeng Nine Changes" was just an ordinary Heavenly Supreme Cultivation Technique, and it would be good to be able to auction an ordinary Heavenly Supreme Divine Weapon for the price! Now it seems that he has far underestimated the value of this exercise!

Soon, the auction price exceeded 100 "Origin of the Universe · Truth", and it continued to climb!

"One hundred and five ways!"

"One hundred and ten!"

"One hundred and fifty!" Suddenly, a decisive voice shouted, it was the three Kunpeng clan members. When bidding, their divine bodies were shaking—this was all their "cosmic origin, true"!

Because it was suddenly learned that there was an auction of "Kunpeng Nine Changes", it came too quickly, so in a while, the three of them did not get more "Origin of the Universe·True"!

"One hundred and fifty courses?" Xu Ming was already overjoyed—he was very satisfied with this price!

This represents "1.5 million" resurrection opportunities!

"One hundred and fifty stories... It's beyond my psychological expectations! Forget it, I won't shoot!" It was the Heavenly Sovereign who scolded angry blood before.

"I'm not taking pictures anymore! Although this exercise is a bit special, the price is too high!" Another Heavenly Supreme also said.

The three Kunpeng clan members suddenly let out a long sigh of relief—it looks like they got the shot as they wished!

"We will be the heroes of the clan!" The three Kunpeng people couldn't help but think In the Kunpeng clan, only high-level people are qualified to practice "Kunpeng Nine Transformations", that's because... this skill The number of Fa is too small to satisfy all the Kunpeng clan's clansmen to practice at the same time!

And if it is a clan of the Kunpeng clan, if he finds a way to get this exercise, naturally there will be no restrictions on cultivation! After all, the top executives of the Kunpeng clan also wish that more top powerhouses could emerge from the clan!

However, before the three Kunpeng clan members had time to be happy, a loud laugh suddenly sounded throughout the auction hall.

"Hahahahaha..." Furious Blood laughed loudly, "One hundred and fifty ways? Do you have a lot of 'Cosmic Origin, True'? - Hmph! Two hundred ways! If you have the ability, you can follow!"

The price of the angry blood directly raised the price of "Kunpeng Nine Changes" to 200 "Origin of the Universe·True"!


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