Break Into Another World

Chapter 2037: Kill Xu Ming!

Just when Xu Ming and the Moon Demon went to the "Yue Clan" clan together...

The news about Xu Ming finally reached the Eternal Hall.

Eternal Temple.

It exists beyond the realm of eternity, and it exists beyond the entire true universe.

The powerhouses of the Eternal Hall are very arrogant—for example, the Heavenly Sovereign of the Eternal Hall! Even the Great Seniors of other forces would not dare to kill the Heavenly Sovereign of the Eternal Hall at will! Because... Eternal Hall even has the means to kill the Great Venerable!

The development of the real universe to the present is already the fifth "cosmic age".

In these five cosmic eras, countless forces have risen and countless forces have perished! However, among the countless forces, only the Eternal Hall has been prosperous and never declined.

In addition to the Eternal Hall, even the "Kunpeng Clan" that almost unified the entire real universe in the "Fourth Cosmos Era" is now much weaker!

at this time.

Inside the Eternal Palace.

In a certain space, Qi Luck almost materialized and lingered in the space.

A simple palace, located right in the center of the haunting luck. The two beings in the "Heavenly Supreme" realm are sitting opposite each other in the palace drinking tea.

If Xu Ming was here, he would definitely recognize one of the Heavenly Sovereigns, it was... Jian Yi!

Jian Yi, Xu Yin's suitor!

At the beginning, when Xu Ming was in "Jiuzhongtian", Jianyi sent someone to deal with him because he inquired about Xu Yin; even, even if Xu Ming left Jiuzhongtian and returned to the second quadrant, he was still arranged by Jianyi. Killer hunts!

At that time, Jianyi was in the real universe, while Xu Ming was in the virtual universe; Xu Ming had nothing to do with Jianyi.


Xu Ming came to the real universe through the "vortex of time and space", which is already billions of years later. In this billions of epochs, Jian Yi has also transformed into Tian Zhizun, a high-ranking existence in the Eternal Hall!

"Brother Jianyi!" The Heavenly Sovereign opposite Jianyi, with a faint look of flattery on his face, "I heard that the Palace Master values ​​you very much, and even gives you a place to go to the 'Opening Heaven Realm'! I'm jealous!"

"Haha!" Jian Yi smiled proudly, but he said, "Opening Heaven Realm is full of crises! However, since the temple master has entrusted me with the important task, I will go to the 'Opening Heaven Realm' to fight anyway! Instead, I envy Brother Langya, you are relaxed, and there is no danger!"

The Supreme Lord of Langyatian, in the Eternal Hall, is responsible for the reception and introduction of new disciples. Any new disciple who joins the Eternal Hall, whether it is a registered disciple of the outer hall or a formal disciple of the inner hall, must pass through the Supreme Lord of Langyatian and nod his head.

However...Langyatian Supreme seems to have great power and great power, but in fact, to put it bluntly, in the Eternal Hall, he is only equivalent to "doing miscellaneous". This kind of chores of receiving and attracting new disciples is only done by Tian Zhizun who has exhausted his potential; it is impossible for Tian Zhizun, who has great potential like "Jian Yi Tian Zhizun", to do it. This kind of thing!

In addition, Lang Yatian Supreme's cultivation base is only "Lower Heavenly Supreme"; his status in the Eternal Palace is naturally much lower than Jianyi. Even when talking to Jian Yi, there will be a feeling of flattery.

Now, Jian Yi said that he was envious of the Supreme Being of Lang Yatian, but in fact he was just being polite; there was even a hint of sarcasm in it.

"Huh?" Suddenly, Supreme Venerable Lang Yatian frowned slightly.

"What's wrong?" Jian Yi continued to drink tea and asked indifferently.

"A little thing!" Supreme Lord Lang Yatian said, "Shenyu City has a genius, and the talent is very impressive! The people below are not sure, whether to recruit him as a named disciple or directly as a formal disciple, I need to decide! "

"The talent is amazing?" Jian Yi smiled disdainfully, "Have we seen very few geniuses with extraordinary talent? But how many geniuses can they grow into real powerhouses?"

"Haha!" Sovereign Lang Yatian accompanied him with a smile, "No matter what kind of genius, you and Brother Jianyi are naturally incomparable!"

Jian Yi smiled noncommittally.

Suddenly, Jian Yi asked in a strange way: "What's the name of that newly discovered genius?"

"Call..." There is nothing to hide, Lang Yatian Supreme said directly, "Xu Ming!"

Xu Ming!

"What!?" Jian Yi almost stood up when he heard these two words.

"What's the matter, Brother Jianyi?" Supreme Lord Lang Yatian didn't expect that Jianyi's reaction would be so big when he just reported a name casually.

"Xu Ming?" Jian Yi's eyes were cold - he naturally couldn't forget the name! The name that brought him endless humiliation!

However, Jian Yi also thought: "How many are the real cosmos powerhouses with the same name and surname! It shouldn't be so coincidental, it should just happen to have the same name and surname!"

"But..." Jian Yi's eyes were still filled with murderous intent, "Humph! Even if it's just the same name and surname, and I just happened to meet him by this name... I'll have to die!"

"Brother Langya, can you show me the information about Xu Ming?" Jian Yi asked.

"What's the harm?" Supreme Lord Lang Yatian handed over a jade slip without even thinking about it; it recorded Xu Ming's achievements in Shenyu City.

"Huh?" Jian Yi's complexion changed as soon as his thoughts sank into the jade slip.

"It's really him!?"

"Does he really dare to come to the real universe? And... If I didn't happen to meet him today, I would probably have met him in the Eternal Hall!"

Jian Yi couldn't stop sneering in his heart: "You're really brave! An ant from the virtual universe actually dares to come to the Eternal Palace... Moreover, his strength is so weak! Hahahaha...I really don't know how to write the word 'death'! "

At this time, Supreme Lord Lang Yatian also saw some clues: "Brother Jian Yi, could it be... what kind of grievance do you have with this Xu Ming?"

"Grievance?" Jian Yi said disdainfully, "Is he worthy too?"

"Yes! Yes! Yes!" Supreme Venerable Lang Yatian nodded again and again, "How can this kind of ants have any grievances with you? But... if Brother Jianyi wants to clean up him, it is very simple! I will recruit him directly. Enter the outer hall and let him become a named disciple, and then, when you want to deal with him, deal with him how you want!"

Xu Ming is not yet a disciple of the Eternal Palace!

Moreover, as the Supreme Being of Lang Yatian, it is really easy to clean up a disciple of the outer hall!

Jian Yi thought about it for a while, but shook his head and said in his heart: "This Xu Ming, the real universe should come to find Xu Yin! If you let him come to the Eternal Hall, maybe he will meet Xu Yin; When I meet Xu Yin, I want to deal with him again, but it will not be so easy! - The best way is to prevent him from coming to the Eternal Palace! And he will die directly outside, so that there will be no more long nights!"

Jian Yi's methods are very ruthless and decisive!

In the blink of an eye, he had already decided - to kill Xu Ming!

"Brother Langya?" Jian Yi sneered, "Can I trouble you with one thing?"

The Supreme Being of Lang Yatian had already vaguely guessed what was going on: "Brother Jian Yi, please tell me!"

"Actually, it's not a big deal!" Jian Yi said with a smile, "I just want to trouble you to go to Shenyu City in person and take this Xu Ming..."

Langyatian Supreme said knowingly: "It's just a small matter! I'll set off immediately and go to Shenyu City! From now on, there will never be such a person in the real universe!"

The Supreme Being of Langyatian is worried that he won't have the chance to have a good relationship with Jian Yipan! And now, the opportunity is in front of him. He only needs to kill a weak genius like an ant to make Jian Yi owe him a favor; such a good thing, why not do it?

"Then thank you in advance!" Jian Yi said with a smile, "I have written down this favor!"

"Xu Ming!?"

The depths of Jian Yi's eyes have a haze color, and the coldness in his heart keeps pouring out.

"Humph! I pursued Xu Yin Hundreds of Thousands of Era, but I got no response at all. It must be because of him!"

For hundreds of millions of epochs, Jian Yi has made Xu Ming a rival in love.


How could Jian Yi know that Xu Ming is not a rival in love at all, but... Xu Yin's biological father!

If Jian Yi knew the truth, he really didn't know what expression he would have on his face now.

"But..." Jian Yi's eyes became more and more cold, "I pursued Xu Yin hard, but I got no response at all! Humph! In that case, Xu Yin, don't blame me for being rude! - Before, I didn't The opportunity is on you, but now, the opportunity is coming soon!"

The "opportunity" in Jian Yi's heart is... Open Heaven Realm!

"I won't believe it when I reach the Kaitian realm. I can't take you down! If you don't give me face again, I'll..." Jian Yi's eyes flickered fiercely, "Hahahahaha...what I want There's nothing you can't get!"

At this time, the Supreme Being of Lang Yatian had also set off to go to Shenyu City to kill Xu Ming!

"I exist in a dignified and dignified existence, and I actually shot myself to deal with an ant? It's really a bull's knife to kill a chicken!"


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