Break Into Another World

Chapter 2043: offended those who should not be offended

call out-

call out-

Two figures with aloof aura swept across the sky unhurriedly.

Although it is not in a hurry, but if you look closely, you can find that these two figures are extremely fast! If it is an ordinary high-ranking supreme, even if it is to use the strength of feeding, it is impossible to catch up with these two figures!

And these two are the City Lord of Shenyu and the Supreme Being of Langyatian!

"Brother Shenyu, please come with me!" Lang Yatian said with a smile, "If it wasn't for your help, I want to find that Xu Ming, but I don't know how much effort it would take!"

The Supreme Lord of Langyatian only knew that Xu Ming was in Shenyu City. However, when he ran to Shenyu City to take a look, he found that Xu Ming was not here, but had already left Shenyu City.

Although the Supreme Being of Lang Yatian was powerful, it was impossible to calculate Xu Ming's position through cause and effect; therefore, he had to ask the City Lord Shenyu for help.

The Lord of Shenyu City naturally has a strong control over Shenyu City and its surrounding territories; with his intelligence network, it is naturally not difficult to know Xu Ming's location! —Unless Xu Ming deliberately concealed his whereabouts!

However, how could Xu Ming think that there would be a "Heavenly Supreme" powerhouse who would come to trouble him, and naturally he would not hide his whereabouts! Almost swaggeringly, he ran to Yuezhi!

Therefore, City Lord Shenyu checked where Xu Ming was, and accompanied Lang Yatian Supreme to find Xu Ming.

"Brother Langya said that, it's a shame!" City Lord Shenyu said with a smile, "It's just a trivial matter! Why bother?"

However, City Lord Shenyu felt a little sigh in his heart.

"Langyatian Supreme came to find Xu Ming, obviously it's not a good thing!" Shenyu City Lord secretly said, "After all, even if Xu Ming can be recruited as the official disciple of the Eternal Hall, it is impossible for Langyatian Supreme to condescend to come to him in person!"

If it's not a good thing, it's a bad thing!

"And..." Shenyu City Lord thought again, "I see the meaning in the voice of the Supreme Lord of Langyatian, Xu Ming must have offended the great power in the Eternal Palace for some reason! , so I came to kill Xu Ming!"

Thinking of this, Shenyu City Lord couldn't help sighing: "It's really an impermanent fate! Originally, Xu Ming became a genius of 'hundred victories' in the Shenyu battle stage, and he may enter the Eternal Hall. It should be the time of spring breeze! Who would have thought... Xu Ming Not only did he fail to enter the Eternal Hall, but he brought death! It's a pity that a genius came out of our Shenyu City!"

However, City Lord Shenyu just sighed casually!

after all…

In the real universe, there are too many geniuses! But how many geniuses are there who can eventually grow into the powerhouse of the Heavenly Supreme Realm?


Immortal Supremes are just ants! Shenyu City Lord naturally wouldn't sigh too much for Xu Ming, this "ant".

"The Yue clan's land is ahead!" said Shenyu City Lord, "Xu Ming should be there!"

However, when City Lord Shenyu spoke, he was also a little puzzled. Because... he felt a violent spatial shock in Yue's clan.

"It seems to be a fight at the high-ranking supreme level?" Shenyu City Lord secretly guessed, "Isn't the Yueshi in decline for a long time? Could it be that there are still hidden 'high-ranking supreme' level powerhouses in the clan?"

However, both City Lord Shenyu and Supreme Lord Lang Yatian were still a long way from the "Yue's" clan; and at this time, the Yue clan was still shrouded in formations. Therefore, it is not easy for the two of them to penetrate the formation to observe the situation inside the Yue Clan.

"Oh? The spatial vibration has subsided? It seems... the battle at the upper-level supreme level is over!" Soon, Shenyu City Lord felt again, "Xu Ming shouldn't have died in the battle just now, right?"

If Xu Ming is dead, then he and Lang Yatian Supreme will be running for nothing!

The Supreme Being of Lang Yatian also said, "Hurry up and take a look! If Xu Ming was affected by the battle and died, if he rushes over now, and can still see the traces, I might as well go back for business!"

"it is good!"

Shenyu City Lord said, and the two of them speeded up and rushed towards the Yue clan angrily.

In the "Yue's" clan.

The Moon Demon looked at Yue Qun with cold eyes - Xu Ming had already told her that it would be her decision to deal with Yue Qun; so now, Yue Qun's life and death were completely in her hands.

"Niece of the Moon Demon! I know I was wrong!" Yue Qun begged for mercy again and again, "I'm your uncle anyway! For the sake of blood, and for the sake of the clan, please let me go..."

"Ha!" Moon Demon smiled coldly, "You still know that you are my uncle? Then... when you killed my parents, did you forget about it?"

"I... I'm doing this for the clan too!" Yue Qun continued, "Our Yue clan has declined to such an extent, but your parents still refuse to listen to me and open up the treasure of the Great Venerable! Although I do something to your parents, But that's also for clan tyranny, isn't this also wrong?"

Yue Qun was talking, and there was even a sense of righteousness surging on his body!

"For the clan?" The Moon Demon laughed.

For the sake of the clan, can we kill each other?

Besides... the Moon Demon is not a child, so how could he be coaxed so easily?

Is Yue Qun really for the clan, or for her own selfishness, how could she not have her own judgment?

"Xu Ming, please help me kill him!" There was no sympathy on the Moon Demon's face.

"Okay!" Xu Ming said lightly.

For him, killing a seriously injured "low-level supreme" is also a piece of cake.

Moreover, even if it wasn't to help the Moon Demon, Xu Ming had to kill Yue Qun.

"No—" Yue Qun was terrified.

However, the time and space of the entire clan was already under Xu Ming's control. Yue Qun struggled hard, but it was difficult to even move.

"Then...die!" Xu Ming was about to start.

But at this moment-

boom! !

An unstoppable force rolled down from the sky!

Under this terrifying power, Yuezhi's great formation shattered almost in an instant!

At the same time, two tall figures stood in the sky like a red sun.

"This is…"

In the entire Yue Clan, everyone could not help but hold their breath. Even Xu Ming couldn't help but stop the killer.

"One of them is the Lord of Shenyu City!"

Someone soon recognized it.

"The other person who is on a par with City Lord Shenyu should also be the Supreme Being of Heaven!"

However, Yue Qun recognized the Supreme Lord of Lang Yatian and couldn't help exclaiming: "That is the Supreme Lord of Lang Yatian from the Eternal Palace! He is in the Eternal Palace and is in charge of the reception of new disciples!"

When everyone heard this, they couldn't help but turn their eyes to Xu Ming, and they all looked shocked - could it be that Xu Ming's talent is so terrifying? Even let the Heavenly Sovereign of the Eternal Hall come to receive him in person?

Even Xu Ming himself was a little surprised - he did not expect that the Eternal Palace would send the Heavenly Supreme to find him.

"I have already hidden most of my talents. Is it still of such great value in the eyes of the Eternal Palace? Is it worthy of the Heavenly Sovereign's personal presence?" Xu Ming felt that something was wrong.


Xu Ming felt a trace of unkindness in the body of the Supreme Being of Langyatian!

"Bad comers?"

Xu Ming suddenly became vigilant.

"Xu Ming?" With everyone's gaze, Supreme Lord Lang Yatian guessed instantly which one was Xu Ming; he turned his gaze to Xu Ming and said indifferently, "But don't be too happy, I'm not here to pick you up. Yours, but to... kill you!"

"What!?" Xu Ming was shocked.

"Hahahaha..." Seeing Xu Ming's shock, the Supreme Being of Langyatian couldn't help but grinned, "Don't blame me! If you want to blame... just blame you for offending someone who shouldn't be offended!"


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