Break Into Another World

Chapter 2062: god universe

?Conservation of energy!

After seeing this clearly, in Xu Ming's eyes, the operation of the entire Three Realms universe is extremely clear.

If there is no mutual expedition between the four major legions, then it will be difficult for the powerhouses in the Three Realms universe to grow after a certain number! After all... the energy of the entire Three Realms universe is no longer enough to breed more powerhouses!

Only when the old powerhouses continue to fall, can new powerhouses continue to be born!

"It's no wonder that the Supreme Being of the Three Realms did not hesitate to let countless Earth Supreme Beings, even the Supreme Beings of Heaven, die in battle! It turns out... no matter how much power is lost, there is no loss to the Supreme Being of the Three Realms or the universe of the Three Realms! "

To be precise, not only will there be no losses, but it will make the group of powerhouses who form the "Four Elephants Tianchen Array" become stronger and stronger!

I'm afraid... The Great Master of the Three Realms saw this as early as when he opened up the universe and laid out the "Four Signs of Heaven and Chen Formation"; therefore, he ordered the four major legions to fight each other endlessly!

With endless killing, sharpen stronger warriors!

"But..." Soon, Xu Ming saw another point, "However, the powerhouses born in the Three Realms Universe must fall into the Three Realms Universe, so that the entire Three Realms Universe can maintain 'energy conservation'! And if, yes If you fall outside the Three Realms Universe, then the entire Three Realms Universe will lose some energy!"

At the same time, Xu Ming couldn't help but think of another question - what if the powerhouse of the true universe fell into the Three Realms universe? Will the Three Realms universe become stronger?

Xu Ming just thought about it for a while, and then he had the answer in his heart. That is - yes!

You must know that the "Three Realms Universe" and the "True Universe" are actually two separated universes! If the powerhouse of the true universe perished in the Three Realms Universe; then, the Three Realms Universe would be equivalent to getting one point of energy!

Thinking of this, Xu Ming seems to have found the answer to some things!

"No wonder..."

"It's no wonder that it is a very dangerous thing for the powerhouses of the true universe to enter the Three Realms Universe! I'm afraid, once the powerhouses in the Three Realms Universe discover outsiders, they will kill them at all costs. After all... the powerhouses in the Three Realms Cosmos fall, there is no loss for the Three Realms Cosmos; and if the outsiders fall here, then for the Three Realms Cosmos, it is a gain!"

Killing "outsiders" is definitely a profitable business for the Three Realms Universe!

If the beheading is successful, the Three Realms Universe will gain a point of energy; if the beheading fails, there is no loss!

"It's no wonder that the mysterious female Great Venerable said before that the Supreme Heavenly Supreme would never dare to enter the Three Realms Universe! I'm afraid, once the High Heavenly Supreme comes in, the will of the Three Realms Universe will directly issue an alarm; at that time, the powerhouses in the entire Three Realms Universe will Besiege the Supreme Heavenly Sovereign like crazy!"

"And the words of the median heaven... Although after entering the Three Realms Universe, there will definitely be no small risks; but at least, it will not let the will of the Three Realms Universe issue an alarm!"

These are just Xu Ming's own guesses.

What Xu Ming didn't know was that his guess was completely correct!

What he guessed was the essence of the operation of the entire Three Realms universe!

"Can I, like the Great Senior of the Three Realms, open up a universe to improve my strength?" Xu Ming couldn't help thinking.

The Great Master of the Three Realms can open up the universe and set up the "Four Signs of Heaven and Chen Formation", why can't Xu Ming?

It's nothing more than that Xu Ming's current strength is not very strong; the universe that has been opened up cannot be as huge as the "Three Realms Universe".

But it doesn't matter, Xu Ming can open up a smaller universe first; when his own strength is strong in the future, he will find a way to expand his universe!

"I didn't expect that when I came to this Three Realms universe, I would have such a harvest!" Xu Ming smiled secretly, "It's not bad! It's also a way to improve your strength!"

Xu Ming was thinking about it, and suddenly, his expression changed again!


Xu Ming's eyes suddenly brightened.

In his eyes, a substantive light burst out!

"The Great Master of the Three Realms just opened up an external universe, it's not a rare method! Why should I learn from him!?"

In an instant, Xu Ming abandoned the idea of ​​opening up an "external universe" like the Great Master of the Three Realms.

"Why don't I... directly use my divine body as the foundation, and directly open up my divine body into a universe!?"

Divine Universe!

The divine body is the universe!

You are a moving universe!

This bold idea in Xu Ming's mind became clearer and clearer!

" divine body is a universe, then as long as I make this universe stronger, my strength will be stronger! At that time, as long as I continue to grow the universe, I can continue to improve my cultivation!"

In theory, the "divine universe" that Xu Ming thought of had infinite development potential!

Because... the stronger Xu Ming's "divine body universe" is, the stronger his will is bound to be; and the stronger the will, the stronger the control, and the more powerful the **** body universe can be!

"If the creation of this practice is successful, then... can I make the 'divine universe' continue to become stronger, stronger than the universe of the Three Realms, or even... become as strong as the entire 'real universe'!?"

Just imagine—

If Xu Ming's "divine body universe" is really as powerful as the entire real universe, who else can be Xu Ming's opponent?

However, Xu Ming also has some doubts.

"It doesn't seem that difficult to create a 'divine body universe'! With my current state, it shouldn't take long to create such a practice!" Xu Ming secretly said, "And grow the 'divine body universe'. ', then it's even simpler - simply put, it is to constantly devour all kinds of energy and all kinds of substances, so that the 'divine universe' will naturally become stronger!"

It is not difficult to create the "divine body universe" exercises; it is not difficult to expand the "divine body universe" Then the question comes - why Xu Ming has never heard of it, and who is practicing like this?

It stands to reason that someone should have thought of a practice method similar to the "divine universe"! But why, Xu Ming had never heard of it, he had never heard of such a practice!

At most, it is just like the Great Venerable of the Three Realms, opening up an "external universe".

I have never heard of an almighty who opened up the "divine universe".

Is there any problem in this? Therefore, there is no great power to take such a cultivation path?

"Humph!" Xu Ming snorted suddenly, "I don't care if there is something wrong with him! Since no one has practiced like this before, then... let me be the first!"

Divine Universe!

At this moment, Xu Ming suddenly became very clear about his cultivation direction!

However... what Xu Ming didn't know was that his idea had already committed the biggest taboo in the entire universe!

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