Break Into Another World

Chapter 2071: dare to fight

The Jiaolong Army has only a few thousand soldiers.

Every soldier of the Jiaolong Army is an elite of the elite!

And the "ninth token" in Xu Ming's hands means that he ranks ninth in the Jiaolong Army!


Ranked ninth!

Just entered the Flood Dragon Army, but ranked ninth! If you think about it with your toes, you know that Xu Ming's ranking will definitely arouse countless jealousies!

"Although I entered the Flood Dragon Army without the test, I'm afraid this is the test given to me by the Azure Dragon emissary, right?" Xu Ming secretly said, "Give me the 'Ninth Token' directly as a reward. If I don't have enough strength, I will definitely not be able to keep the ninth token, the ranking will continue to drop, and it will even fall out of the Dragon Army!"

"But..." Xu Ming chuckled, "I just have enough strength!"

Xu Ming took a good look at the situation of the Jiaolong Army in his own ninth palace.

"Jiaolongtan? A treasured place for cultivation?" Xu Ming was startled slightly, his face showing surprise, "Cultivation in Jiaolongtan will have an unlimited supply of energy?"

You must know that Xu Ming wants to cultivate the third level of "I am the universe", that is, to divide his "heart universe" into eight big boundaries, which requires a massive energy supply! If only relying on the energy of heaven and earth, it is not enough!

Xu Ming had calculated that if he wanted to open up his "heart universe" into eight big boundaries, he would probably have to consume hundreds of "cosmic origin · truth"!

Xu Ming now has more than 300 "Origin of the Universe · Truth" in his hands, which is not necessarily enough for him to open up the Eight Great Limits!

And now, Xu Ming discovered the place "Jiaolongtan", and his eyes lit up!

"Nice place!"

Without any hesitation, Xu Ming directly signed up for Jiaolongtan's practice.

You must know that every member of the Jiaolong Army wants to enter the Jiaolongtan for cultivation; however, only one person can enter the Jiaolongtan at a time! So, whoever goes to practice first - very simple, those with higher rankings will enter first.

For example, now, before Xu Ming, there were hundreds of strong people who had already signed up to practice in Jiaolongtan; however, as soon as Xu Ming signed up, he was immediately ranked in front of hundreds of strong people—just wait for the people in Jiaolongtan now. After the powerhouse's cultivation is over, Xu Ming can immediately enter to practice!

Xu Ming couldn't help but look forward to it: "In the Flood Dragon Pond, there will be an unlimited supply of energy? - If you can open up the limit of eight giants in one fell swoop in the Flood Dragon Pond, and break through the cultivation base to the Supreme Earth, that would be great!"

Although Xu Ming's exposed cultivation base is "the supreme being of the lower position", it is only his disguised cultivation base; his real cultivation base is only "the supreme being of the upper position"!

"If I can successfully break through to the 'Lower Earth Supreme', then, even if I don't use the Boundary Breaker Spear, I can fight against the 'Middle Heaven Supreme'!" Xu Ming secretly said, "With the 'Infinite Resurrection' hanging, I can simply Walk sideways in the Three Realms Universe!"

Xu Ming is now a little bit closer to "walking sideways".

Jiaolong Army Barracks.

In the tenth palace, more than ten soldiers of the Jiaolong Army gathered.

These more than ten powerhouses were all surrounded by a stone table; and beside the stone table, a black-robed powerhouse was sitting, his eyes were extremely cold.

boom! !

The black-robed powerhouse suddenly slammed the stone table.

The entire stone table suddenly burst open, not even a trace of powder was left.

"Damn it!" The black-robed powerhouse looked gloomy, "I've been begging for so long, but the Azure Dragon messenger didn't give me the ninth palace, but gave me a new one instead?"

The tenth palace and the ninth palace seem to be only one place apart, but in fact they are very different!

Because...the first to ninth palaces have only one; and the tenth palace has ten! - That is to say, like the black-robed powerhouse, there are nine people living in the "Tenth Palace" and holding the "Tenth Token"!

As for the ninth palace, only Xu Ming owns it!

This is the difference!

"I heard... this newcomer has not participated in the assessment of the Qinglong Army, so he directly entered the Flood Dragon Army!" The black-robed powerhouse became more and more angry, "What qualifications does he have to enter the Flood Dragon Army? What strength does he have? Holding the 'Ninth Token'?"

The black robe powerhouse is very dissatisfied! - He didn't know that Xu Ming entered the Jiaolong Army directly because of his great deeds and held the ninth token. He also thought that this new "Man Dun" was a descendant of a certain Heavenly Sovereign, and he was the Jiaolong Army who entered through relationships.

And in a place like the Jiaolong Army where the strong are respected, the "connected households" are the most despised!

"Senior Brother Long, why don't you challenge that Man Dun?"

"Yeah! Senior Brother Long! Our Jiaolong Army has always respected strength! Even if that Man Dun is a descendant of a certain Heavenly Supreme, but if he can't keep the ninth token and the ninth palace, he can only say his own strength. Too weak, no wonder we!"

"That's right! This is the Flood Dragon Army! It's the place to see strength!"

Beside the black-robed powerhouse, more than a dozen powerhouses couldn't help but persuade him.

The black-robed powerhouse "Long Sheng" couldn't help but wonder if he should challenge "Man Dun"; but at the same time, he was afraid of offending the Supreme Heavenly Venerate behind Man Dun - after all, in his opinion, Man Dun was definitely someone Descendants of the Heavenly Sovereign; otherwise, how could it be possible to directly enter the Flood Dragon Army without an assessment?

"In case, the Heavenly Supreme powerhouse behind Man Dun has a stingy personality and loves to hold revenge..." Long Sheng couldn't make up his mind for a while. After all, he hasn't figured out the origin of Mandun yet; it would be embarrassing if he accidentally offended a certain Heavenly Sovereign!

Heavenly Supreme, he can't afford to offend him!

But at this moment, Long Sheng's "tenth token" shook.

"What's the matter?" Long Sheng couldn't help but take out the tenth token—if there was no situation, the tenth token would not vibrate.

The younger brothers around saw the "Tenth Token in Long Sheng's hands and couldn't help but envy - this token represents strength! It means that Long Sheng has the top 20 of the Jiaolong Army. strength!

"Huh?" However, after seeing the message on the "Tenth Token", Long Sheng's expression changed slightly, "Damn! It's so deceiving!"

"What's the matter, Senior Brother Long?" the surrounding boys asked one after another.

Long Sheng looked grim and said, "Didn't I sign up for the practice of Jiaolongtan? That Man Dun, he actually signed up for Jiaolongtan as soon as he came, and pushed me to the back! I won't be able to enter Jiaolong until he finishes his practice. Longtan Cultivation!—Isn’t that deceiving people too much?”

Long Sheng was originally hesitating whether to challenge "Man Dun"; now, he can't bear it!

"Help me find out, what is the origin of this Mandun!" Long Sheng said coldly, "I want to see how big his origins are, how dare he be so arrogant!"

Long Sheng still has some connections.

Soon, he found out that "Mandun" was not the descendant of the Heavenly Supreme, but because of his merits, he got the "Ninth Token".

"It turned out to be just good luck and a little credit!" Long Sheng suddenly felt no fear at all, "I thought he was a great source! - Help me with the gauntlet! I want to see, this 'mandun' Dare to fight!"


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