Break Into Another World

Chapter 2075: Praise!

?The Eighth Palace of the Dragon Army.

After killing Wu Dian and obtaining the "Eighth Token", Xu Ming naturally occupied the Eighth Palace.

And the Ninth Palace was empty again - but this time, no one coveted the Ninth Palace anymore! The group of people who had the idea of ​​the ninth palace before, are now regretful.

"Killing Wu Dian in one shot should attract some attention, right?" Xu Ming thought secretly.

In fact, Xu Ming could have pretended to be weaker, for example, he would be on a par with Wu Dian and win with difficulty; in that case, the identity of "Man Dun" would not attract too much attention.

But... Xu Ming is actually deliberately making a high profile!

Yes, deliberately high profile!

Of course Xu Ming knew that the Heavenly Sovereigns who had sneaked in from the real universe were definitely looking for him; but on the other hand, why wasn't Xu Ming looking for those Heavenly Sovereigns? - If you find one, "report" one!

However, after Hengmo Tianzhizun was "reported" by Xu Ming, the other Tianzhizun who sneaked in must have become extremely low-key and careful; Xu Ming wanted to find them, what easier said than done?

Therefore, Xu Ming came up with such a trick - to lead the snake out of the hole!

"With the strength and talent I have shown, plus the fact that 'Man Dun' is from the barbarian king clan, it should be easy for the Supreme Beings to suspect that 'Man Dun' is actually me 'Xu Ming'!" Xu Ming secretly said, "If they suspect my identity, they will definitely want to shoot at me! Hehe, as long as they shoot at me, I will have the opportunity to find them and report them in turn!"

Xu Ming suddenly felt that "reporting" felt very cool!

"But don't worry, I want to lay a long line and catch big fish!" Xu Ming thought badly, "I want to catch a few more fish in this net!"

At this moment, Xu Ming's "eighth token" shook.

"Huh? Have the practitioners in Jiaolongtan finished their training?" Xu Ming got up immediately, "Go to Jiaolongtan first and improve your strength!"

Strength is the foundation of everything!

If Xu Ming has enough strength, why would he need to "report" such a trick to deal with those hostile Heavenly Sovereigns?

If Xu Ming had enough strength, he wouldn't even take refuge in the Three Realms Universe, and he would just go head-to-head with those hostile "great masters"!

However, Xu Ming does not have that kind of strength for the time being! Therefore, in the Three Realms Universe, Xu Ming will not miss any good opportunities to improve his strength - after all, Xu Ming cannot hide in the Three Realms Universe forever!

The real universe is Xu Ming's battlefield!

Xu Ming must face the "Great Master"! And it's not a Great Venerable, but a group!

"Go! Go to Jiaolongtan first!"

Xu Ming went straight out of the Eighth Palace.

However, as soon as Xu Ming walked out of the Eighth Palace, he saw more than a dozen strong men standing around the entrance of his palace.

"What's the situation?" Xu Ming was slightly startled.

"Brother Mandun..." A black-robed strong man shyly stepped forward, "I'm Long Sheng!"

"Long Sheng?" Xu Ming was a little puzzled, as if he couldn't remember the name.

Long Sheng continued: "Brother Mandun, I gave you a gauntlet..."

"Oh!" Xu Ming suddenly showed a look of surprise, "It's you! - And you guys, have you all given me a gauntlet?"

Xu Ming looked at the other strong men again.

Seeing everyone nod, Xu Ming said again: "What do you mean by surrounding my palace? Are you urging me to fight early?"

"No no no...No!" Long Sheng continued, "Brother Mandun! Blame us for being so ignorant and blind, I didn't know that Brother Mandun was so powerful! Uh... can we take back the gauntlet?"

"Return the gauntlet?"

"That's right, right!" Long Sheng continued, "Brother Mandun, you haven't opened the gauntlet yet, please return the gauntlet to us, and treat us like shit!"

Xu Ming suddenly laughed: "The tactics that were sent out, and the reason for taking them back? - Don't worry, I'm going to enter the Jiaolongtan to practice now! When I come out of the Jiaolongtan, I will disassemble all your battle books. !"

At this time, Xu Ming said intentionally or unintentionally: "And that Wu Dian... Originally, I didn't intend to challenge him! But, who asked him to sign up for Jiaolongtan's practice and join my team?" Doesn't this affect me entering Jiaolongtan to cultivate?"

Long Sheng and other powerhouses were trembling again—just because it prevented you from entering the Jiaolongtan for cultivation, you killed Wu Dian?

"By the way!" Xu Ming said again, "You stop me one by one, do you also want to influence me to enter Jiaolongtan to practice?"

"Don't dare! Don't dare!" Long Sheng and other strong men even made way for them—just joking! Even Wu Dian, the holder of the "eighth token", was slaughtered because he prevented you from entering the Jiaolongtan for cultivation; if we block the road again, aren't we courting death?

"It's fine if you don't dare!" Xu Ming smiled meaningfully, then walked away, heading straight for Jiaolongtan.

As soon as he entered Jiaolongtan, Xu Ming felt as if he was surrounded by the endless "source of the universe"!

There is the power of "the origin of the universe, the truth", and there is also the power of "the origin of the universe, the virtual" - these forces are endless and majestic, even Xu Ming, it is difficult to see the source of these forces.

"Such majestic and inexhaustible power is indeed the work of the Great Venerable!" Xu Ming couldn't help but sigh, "With this inexhaustible supply of energy, I can successfully open up the eight-elephant limit of the 'Heart Universe'!"

Xu Ming's "heart universe" is the virtual universe!

As long as Xu Ming successfully opened up the eight-big limit, then Xu Ming's "self-universe" will be exactly the same as the real universe!

Both are "real universe" and "virtual universe eight big limits"!

It's like a miniature version of the real universe!

Xu Ming sat cross-legged in the center of Jiaolongtan, where the energy is most concentrated; he secretly said in his heart, "If the Great Master of the Three Realms knows, his layout in the Three Realms universe will actually fulfill me, and I'm afraid I really want to live out of anger. !"

Of course, the Great Master of the Three Realms had already fallen under Xu Ming's "seckill" and had completely fallen into annihilation.

Xu Ming just wanted to say: This stepping is really comfortable!


"Hurry up and break through the cultivation base!" Xu Ming secretly said, "It's best to rush to the supreme level in one fell swoop!"

Now, Xu Ming's cultivation base is already "the supreme person".

And Xu Ming wants to open up the "heart universe" into the eight-big limit, and he needs to follow three steps: one is two, two is four, and four is eight!

After completing these three steps, the Eight Elephant Limits will be successfully opened! With Xu Ming's cultivation, he should be able to step into the "Earth Supreme" level logically!

Xu Ming slowly closed his eyes and adjusted his state to the peak: "Start breaking through!"


The vast and majestic power of the origin of the universe began to pour into Xu Ming's "divine universe" and "heart universe" at the same time.

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