Break Into Another World

Chapter 2077: Howl of the Universe

? Not much time.

Almost every infiltrated Tian Zhizun has already obtained the information of "Man Dun". Moreover, every infiltrating Tian Zhizun felt that "Man Dun is Xu Ming" is very likely!

Very big!

"Needless to say, Mandun must be Xu Ming! And the reason why he exposed his identity recklessly is because he feels that he is in the Jiaolong Army, and we can't do anything about him!" Youtian Zhizun guessed.

Most of the other Heavenly Sovereigns also have such guesses. After all, they knew very well that Xu Ming could "report" them, but they couldn't report Xu Ming—the purpose of many of them was to capture Xu Ming alive and capture the Divine Soldier; if they reported Xu Ming, then they could If you can't get the world-shattering magic weapon, you will be busy all the time!

"Humph! This Xu Ming is still too naive! - Thinking that we are in the Jiaolong Army, we have nothing to do with him? Ridiculous!"

Of course, there are also experts who suspect that Xu Ming is deliberately exposed, trying to lead them out of the hole - they guessed right, Xu Ming is deliberately exposed! However, everyone didn't know that Xu Ming had an "infinite resurrection" link, so they didn't know what the significance of Xu Ming's deliberate exposure could be; therefore, they didn't think about this aspect.

"Let's think of a way to force this Man Dun, who is extremely suspicious of Xu Ming, out of the Jiaolong Army!"

One by one, the Heavenly Sovereign who sneaked in began to plan.

Of course Xu Ming didn't know the plans of those hostile Heavenly Sovereign.

Of course, even if Xu Ming knew about it, he wouldn't care at all, because... this was exactly the effect he wanted!

At this time, Xu Ming is completely immersed in opening up the eight-elephant limit!

"Fourth and eight..."

Each of Xu Ming's "Four Great Limits of the Heart and Universe" has a subtle to extreme "dividing line".

However, at this time, Xu Ming's "Divine Body Universe" and "Heart Universe" also became extremely unstable, as if they were about to collapse at any time!

"How could this happen?" Xu Ming looked surprised—according to his expectations, as long as there was an unlimited supply of energy, the opening of the eight major boundaries should be smooth and stable! But why, now Xu Ming's body is extremely unstable inside and outside; if he is not careful, he may even collapse and annihilate completely!

"It seems... there is some invisible force that is preventing me from opening up the Eight Great Limits?" Xu Ming secretly said.


That's what it feels like!


Xu Ming didn't know that in the rules of the universe, exercises like "I am the universe" are never allowed! In particular, when this kind of cultivation method reaches a critical step—that is, when it opens up the “Eight Great Limits of the Virtual Universe”, it will cause a huge response from the “Universal Will”.

Although Xu Ming is now in the universe of the Three Realms, not in the universe of the mind; however, the universe of the Three Realms is actually not out of the control of the "big cosmic will". Cultivating the "I am the universe" exercise in the Three Realms Universe still cannot escape the perception of "the will of the universe".

However, because Xu Ming practiced "Breaking the World", even if he practiced "I am the universe", he would not be perceived by the "will of the universe" under normal circumstances.

But now, not "in general"! - Now, it is the critical moment for Xu Ming to open up the "Eight Great Limits of the Virtual Universe"! Even "Breaking the World" is a little bit unable to cover up such a crucial step!

Fortunately... "Breaking the World" still managed to cover it up!

"The Will of the Great Universe" can only perceive that in the entire universe, someone is opening up the "Eight Great Limits of the Virtual Universe"; but there is no way to know who is doing it!

If the "will of the universe" perceives that it is Xu Ming, then, I am afraid that it will directly obliterate Xu Ming! Unfortunately, the "will of the universe" cannot perceive it, so it can only drop invisible obstacles within the scope of the entire universe.

However, the power of this kind of obstacle scattered in the entire universe must be limited - although it affected Xu Ming for a while, but soon, Xu Ming got used to it.

"Continue to develop!"

After Xu Ming got used to this invisible obstacle, he felt that it was easier to open up the Eight Great Limits!


At exactly the same moment, the four "division lines" that divide time and space divide Xu Ming's "four big boundaries" of the universe into "eight big boundaries".

The real universe, and the eight great limits of the virtual universe! to make!

Xu Ming's "self-universe" has exactly the same layout as the entire real universe!

The third floor of "I am the universe", the practice is complete!


At the same time, Xu Ming's cultivation level also broke through a layer of shackles and directly stepped into the realm of "low-level supreme"!

Xu Ming's strength has soared at the same time!

"Median Heaven Supreme!"

This is the level of strength that Xu Ming can achieve without using the Boundary Breaker Spear!

However, Xu Ming couldn't be sure whether he could compete with the "High Heaven Supreme" if he used the Boundary Breaker Spear - after all, based on Xu Ming's current state, it was impossible to calculate what kind of power level the High Heaven Supreme had reached.


Xu Ming didn't know that at the moment when he successfully opened up the "Eight Great Limits", the entire real universe outside the Three Realms universe was completely turned upside down!




It's like howling!

It's like roaring!

This roaring sound, in the real universe, spreads to every corner of the real universe and the eight great boundaries of the virtual universe!

This is... the howl of the universe!

At this moment, whether it is as powerful as the Great Venerable, Heavenly Supreme, or as weak as ants and mayflies... Every creature has heard the roar of the universe!

Moreover, this roar sounded directly in the deepest part of every soul's soul! Whether covering your ears or practicing in seclusion, you can't avoid the roar of the universe!

Even a born deaf person understands the meaning of "voice" at this moment.

Of course, in the Three Realms universe and other universes opened up by the Great Venerable, there is no roar of the universe. After all, these universes still have some rules of operation of their own; although the will of the universe can penetrate into these universes, its influence After all, the force is much smaller.

this moment…

Countless powerhouses widened their terrified eyes!

The stronger you are, the more you can feel the endless terror contained in this howl!

One by one Great Venerable, it is even more shocking!

"What's wrong?"

"what happened?"

"It's the whole universe that is howling and roaring!"

"In five cosmic ages this is the third time this has happened, right?"

"Yes! The third time!—The first time was when the strength of the Eternal Great Venerable reached its peak; the second time was when the strength of the Great Venerable Kunpeng reached its peak! And this time... the roar of the universe, to Even more terrifying than the previous two!"

"Could it be... is there a super powerhouse who has rewritten the era of the universe?"

"Are more terrifying super existences than the two super-powerful superpowers of Eternal Great Venerable and Kunpeng Great Venerable?"

The Great Seniors speculated and communicated in horror as to what happened.

And the initiator of all this, Xu Ming, because he was in the universe of the Three Realms, had no idea that the universe was roaring with grief and anger!

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