Break Into Another World

Chapter 2105: Wolongtian Supreme

Xu Ming and Fang Ping came together with their own thoughts.

And Xu Ming also revealed a new identity he made up: Wolongtian Supreme.

Naturally, Fang Ping had never heard of the name "Wolongtian Supreme", but he didn't care either. After all, in the real universe, there are too many hidden powers; even the Great Venerable, he would not dare to say that he knows all the Supreme Beings in the real universe.

"Senior Wolong, I'm offended to ask..." Fang Ping said cautiously, "Dare to ask what your cultivation is...?"

Xu Ming's cultivation base now revealed to the outside world is "High Heaven Supreme", and Xu Ming himself does possess the strength of High Heaven Supreme. He did not deliberately hide this cultivation base, nor did he deliberately expose it; therefore, if the cultivation base is not the highest heavenly supreme, it is impossible to see Xu Ming's "accurate cultivation base". level.

"My cultivation base..." Xu Ming smiled without saying a word.

Fang Ping guessed in his heart: "This senior Wolong, I am afraid that he has reached the level of the median heaven; otherwise, after hearing the three words 'Lei Miege', he would not be so decisive to those three A high-ranking and supreme killer!"

Fang Ping didn't dare to guess at the "High Heaven Supreme". After all, he didn't think that if he met anyone casually, he would be the top powerhouse in the true universe. The median Heavenly Supreme was already the highest cultivation level he dared to imagine!

"Even if Senior Wolong is not the middle-ranked Heavenly Sovereign, it should be the lower-ranked Heavenly Sovereign, which is very close to the middle-ranked Heavenly Sovereign!" Fang Ping secretly said, "In any case, this time, I am a blessing in disguise! Not only did they lose three The helper of the high-ranking and supreme, and I also received the help of a supreme being of heaven!"

In Fang Ping's opinion, his luck is really good!

At this time, Xu Ming said, "Tell me about your assessment!"

Although Xu Ming had full confidence that he could help Fang Ping win this test; after all, Xu Ming did not even care about the entire Lei Mie Pavilion, not to mention that it was just a test for the direct disciples of Lei Mie Pavilion. However, Xu Ming still had to pretend to ask.

"Yes, senior!" Fang Ping continued, "We have ten direct disciples from Lei Mie Pavilion to participate in this assessment! At present, I am among the ten people, and I should be regarded as a top-middle grade!"

"Middle or top grades?" Xu Ming couldn't help but cast a suspicious look.

Before, Fang Ping had said that the assessment of Lei Mie Pavilion was to allow the disciples to develop their power; by the end of the assessment, whoever developed the strongest power would win. And when Fang Ping is talking about "high-middle grades", he naturally means that his power can be ranked in the top-middle among the ten direct disciples.

As for Fang Ping, he was hunted down and killed by the three Supreme Beings just now in a very abject situation - even in this situation, dare you say that he is "top-middle"? Are you **** kidding me?

This made Xu Ming have to wonder how bad the grades of other direct disciples must be! Of course, there is more doubt, is Fang Ping bragging!

"Cough! Senior Wolong!" Fang Ping naturally understood the meaning in Xu Ming's eyes, and said embarrassedly, "This time, it was because I was ambushed and attacked, otherwise, it would not have been possible for me to be chased and killed by the three Supreme Beings like this. The power I have developed is still good, there are four Heavenly Supreme Powerhouses in charge, and one of them is still the median Heavenly Supreme!"

"Oh?" Xu Ming glanced at Fang Ping in surprise, "They were all recruited during your assessment?"

"Of course!" Fang Ping said, "Furthermore, all the powerhouses recruited must have no contact with them before the assessment; otherwise, they will be sentenced to fail the assessment!"

"Yeah!" Xu Ming nodded silently. It is very simple to find out whether there has been contact before the assessment, as long as you pass the causal line, you can find out; after all, not everyone has a world-breaking magic weapon like Feng Zhou Ding like Xu Ming!

"But..." At this time, Fang Ping said again, "The middle-ranking Heavenly Supreme I recruited before has a very arrogant personality, and I hope that Senior Wolong will be able to take care of it at that time!"

"Arrogant?" Xu Ming didn't care - it didn't matter to Xu Ming whether the other party was arrogant or not. As long as he didn't come to provoke him, Xu Ming would not be idle to provoke the other party; however, if the other party did too much, then Xu Ming didn't need to say anything.

Brother Ming can't do anything else, but he is good at slapping the face.

call out-

call out-

Xu Ming and Fang Ping flew through endless distances and finally arrived at a huge divine city.

This Divine City was much larger than the Shenyu City that Xu Ming had been to before; after all, the Lord of Shenyu City was only the next Heavenly Supreme.

At the beginning, when Xu Ming went to Shenyu City, he still had a bit of awe; but now, Xu Ming has no awe in the face of the even bigger city of God - after all, Xu Ming's current strength is stronger than before. When it comes to the real universe, it will be too powerful! Xu Ming now, dare not say that he is arrogant to the entire real universe; however, under the Great Venerable, there is really nothing that can make Xu Ming jealous!

What's more, is it just a mere divine city?

"This is Yuwucheng!" Fang Ping introduced from the side, "The median Heavenly Sovereign I recruited earlier is the city lord of Yuwucheng—Yuwutian Sovereign! The other three Afternoon Heavenly Sovereigns, They are all his subordinates!"

"Haha!" Xu Ming suddenly understood why Fang Ping only had Earth Supreme cultivation level, but four Heavenly Supremes were willing to help him; it turned out that, after a long time, Fang Ping only hooked up with a desire Wutian Supreme, while the other three The Heavenly Sovereign is "included".

At the same time Xu Ming also understands why Fang Ping reminded him just now that the Supreme Desire would be arrogant; after all, Fang Ping put it bluntly, he was supported by the Supreme Desire. Can the Supreme Being not be arrogant?

Fang Ping couldn't help lowering his head in shame—he didn't say before that the three lower-ranking Heavenly Supremes were not recruited by himself.

"However, if you can convince Yuwutian Supreme to help you, it's a bit of a skill!" Xu Ming said with a smile.

Xu Ming guessed that the Supreme Being of Desire without Heaven should have no backing; that's why he was willing to help Fang Ping. After all, if Fang Ping won the assessment, then Yu Wutian Supreme would have established a good relationship with the elder Lei Miege, and it was a friendship between friends through adversity; moreover, Fang Ping would definitely give him a lot of rewards.

"I am Xu Yizhongli, so he is willing to help me!" Fang Ping said with a wry smile, "Senior Wolong, I don't have many treasures right now, so you definitely don't like it; however, if I can win the assessment, I will become a member of Lei Mie Pavilion. Elder candidate, I will never neglect you!"

Fang Ping is also making a promise to Xu Ming. After all, in his opinion, if there is no benefit, this "Wolongtian Supreme" may not be really willing to help him.

Xu Ming just smiled casually.

He didn't say that even if Fang Ping became the elder of Lei Mie Pavilion, he would not see the treasure of Fang Ping; but... the treasure house of Lei Mie Pavilion, maybe Xu Ming would be interested.


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