Break Into Another World

Chapter 2107: Dare to pit me?


Endless thunderstorms hovered over the vast land.

The scope of Thunderstorm is hundreds of millions of times wider than the "Endless Chaos" from which Xu Ming was born. Rao is not able to cover the entire thunderstorm with the divine sense of Xu Ming's superior heavenly supreme.

"This is where our Thunder Destruction Pavilion is located!" Fang Ping said with a hint of pride, "This thunder storm is a natural formation, it existed as early as the beginning of the universe, and it is the real Immemorial Divine Thunder! And our Thunder Destruction Pavilion is at the center of this thunderstorm!"

"It is indeed a dangerous place!" Xu Ming nodded silently.

Lei Mie Pavilion is in control of this thunderstorm, even the high-ranking Heavenly Supreme Powerhouse cannot forcefully enter;

"As expected of a top-level force with deep roots!" Xu Ming secretly said.

Among the many top forces in the true universe, Lei Mie Pavilion is definitely one of the most profound. Although there is no "Great Senior" level of existence in Lei Mie Pavilion; however, those superpowers with Da Zun may not have the same background as Lei Mie Pavilion.

After all, Lei Mie Pavilion once dominated the entire Lei Mie Domain!

call out-

Right at this moment, Xu Ming saw that a group of people rushed out from the thunderstorm.

There are hundreds of people in this team, and their cultivation is not high. Only one person is the lower heavenly supreme, and the rest are only the earthly supreme. They didn't pay much attention to Xu Ming and Fang Ping and left directly.

"Are they...?" At this time, the Supreme Venerable Yu Wutian asked thoughtfully.

"That's right!" Fang Ping said, "This team of soldiers is going to attack the Kunpeng clan!"

Attack the Kunpeng clan?

Xu Ming couldn't help being stunned for a moment, but he also had doubts: Just relying on Lei Miege, would he dare to attack the Kunpeng clan?

You must know that the Kunpeng family has a "great master", and there is more than one!

And what about Lei Mie Pavilion? There isn't even a single Great Venerable! Dare to attack the Kunpeng clan? Aren't you afraid of being slapped to death by the great master of the Kunpeng clan?

At this time, Fang Ping said again: "Our army of Lei Miege also killed a 'upper Heaven Supreme' of the Kunpeng family not long ago!"

"Oh?" Xu Ming couldn't help being a little surprised.

You must know that even if the lower-ranked Heavenly Supreme and the middle-ranked Heavenly Sovereign fall, they can be resurrected; however, the upper-ranked Heavenly Sovereign cannot be resurrected! For the Kunpeng family to lose a high-ranking Heavenly Sovereign, I am afraid they will feel distressed for a while.

Fang Ping continued: "Hey, speaking of it, it's thanks to our well-informed Lei Mie Pavilion that we know that the Kunpeng clan's high-ranking Heavenly Sovereign is going to the Eternal Realm to deal with a man called..."Xu Ming" 'Coming genius! So, we set up an ambush on his way home..."

Xu Ming was stunned and asked deliberately, "Go to the Eternal Domain to deal with a genius?"

"Wolongtian Supreme, you don't know about this!" Fang Ping looked at Xu Ming and smiled, "It is said that the genius named Xu Ming used the Boundary Spear in the Eternal Realm, and was killed by Kunyu of the Kunpeng clan. The Great Senior felt it, and passed the news to many Great Seniors in the real universe, and asked them to send people to the Eternal Domain together to compete for the Boundary-Breaking Gun..."

"Huh?" Xu Ming suddenly thought of something, and couldn't help frowning.

Originally, Xu Ming was wondering about a question—at that time, he just killed a Heavenly Supreme in the Eternal Palace, and it was known by the Eternal Palace, which was normal; but why, at the same moment, those great leaders who had hatred with Xu Ming Venerables, do you all know that Xu Ming appeared in the real universe?

Before, Xu Ming felt that it was impossible for the Eternal Palace to pass the news to the great masters of other forces - after all, in the eyes of the Eternal Palace, seeking revenge on Xu Ming was definitely an easy thing, and he could also get the boundary-breaking gun on Xu Ming's body. ; In this case, there is definitely no need to spread the news and let the great masters of other forces participate!

So, who passed the news of Xu Ming to the great respects and exposed Xu Ming to the eyes of the enemies?

Now, Xu Ming finally knew - it turned out to be Kunyu Dazun!

Knowing that it was the Great Senior Kunyu, Xu Ming thought about it carefully at this time, and soon he would understand why the Great Senior Kunyu did this!

"Master Kunyu definitely wants to get the treasures such as the Boundary-Breaking Spear on me!" Xu Ming chuckled, "But... the Eternal Domain is the site of the Eternal Palace! The Boundary-breaking Spear appears in the Eternal Domain, and is naturally regarded as a capsule by the Eternal Palace. What is in the middle, how can Dazun Kunyu be able to stab him?"

"And the Great Senior Kunyu must also be very clear that relying on the power of his Kunpeng clan alone is not qualified to rush to the Eternal Realm to **** the treasure! So... After the Great Senior Kunyu discovered the world-breaking gun in my hand, he Pass my news to those enemies of mine! In this way, all the great venerables will join hands to send the upper heavenly supreme lord into the eternal realm and **** food in front of the eternal hall!"

Suddenly, Xu Ming understood everything.

"After I came to the real universe, I have been trying to hide it, for fear of being discovered by the enemies! It turned out that it was exposed by the Great Venerable Kunyu!" Xu Ming felt anger in his heart, "If it wasn't for the fact that I had the hidden seal of Feng Zhou Ding A world-shattering weapon in disguise, I am afraid that at this time, I have already exposed the 'infinite resurrection' and hung up!"

After he figured it out, Xu Ming had a bit of hatred for Kunyu Dazun and even the Kunpeng family.

"Master Kunyu wants to get the treasure such as the Boundary-Breaking Spear?" Xu Ming knew that this was After all, the Boundary-Breaking Spear and other treasures were left by the Supreme Master Kunpeng, the great men of the Kunpeng family. No wonder you don't want to get it!

"But... Since the Great Senior Kunpeng is no longer there, why didn't he leave the treasures such as the Boundary-Breaking Spear to the Kunpeng family, but put it in the virtual universe until I got it? Besides, after I got the Boundary-breaking Spear, the Great Senior Kunpeng didn't either. Say, if I have the strength in the future, take care of the Kunpeng clan! This shows..." Xu Ming sneered in his heart, "This shows that the Kunpeng Dazun is the Kunpeng Dazun, the Kunpeng clan is the Kunpeng clan, and there are not many between the two. relation!"

Originally, because of the Kunpeng Dazun, Xu Ming still had a good impression of the Kunpeng clan; but now, knowing that "Kunyu Dazun" was cheating on him, and after understanding the cause and effect, Xu Ming's favorable impression of the Kunpeng clan, It disappeared all of a sudden!

"Dare to cheat on me?" Xu Ming's eyes had a cold look, "Am I so good at cheating? - Even if it is the Great Senior, so what? I will write down this hatred first!"

Now, Xu Ming does not have the strength to face Kunyu the Great. However, Xu Ming has already remembered this revenge; when he has the strength or the opportunity in the future, he will definitely avenge this revenge unceremoniously!

And now...

Xu Ming looked at the center of Thunder Storm: "This Thunder Destruction Pavilion, I don't know why, is attacking the Kunpeng family; then I'll see if there is a chance to calculate some interest with Kunyu Dazun first!"


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