Break Into Another World

Chapter 2110: Are you ready to die?

Before, when Fang Ping first met Xu Ming, Xu Ming said to him, "I've been in retreat for too long. This time, I just have nothing to do, so I'll play with you and give you a koi!"

At that time, Fang Ping did not understand this sentence, and now, he finally knows what the word "koi" means!

"Wolong Tianzun, it turned out to be the upper Tianzun!" Fang Ping was stunned, "I actually got the help of a higher Tianzun without knowing it! I... accidentally turned into a koi!"

Isn't Fang Ping a standard "koi"?

Happiness came too suddenly, and Fang Ping was at a loss.

As for Yuwutian Supreme, Lengyoutian Supreme, etc., they were both startled and scared - they were in Yuwucheng before, and now they came to Lei Mie Pavilion, they ridiculed Xu Ming a lot!

"What we have been mocking is actually a high-ranking Heavenly Sovereign..." Yu Wutian Sovereign's eyes were rounded, and his eyes were full of horror.

How can the Supreme Heavenly Sovereign be humiliated at will?

If Yu Wutian Supreme and the others were just frightened, then Ke Feng was really scared to death—in this short period of time, he threatened Xu Ming more than once, saying that he would "kill him".

Kill a high-ranking Heavenly Sovereign?

Even if Ke Feng is a direct disciple of Lei Mie Pavilion, he will become a deacon of Lei Mie Pavilion in the future, and he feels incomparably terrified.

Even Ke Feng smelled the breath of death—if a high-ranking Heavenly Sovereign really wanted to kill him, then even Lei Miege would not be able to keep him! After all, the strongest power of Lei Mie Pavilion is only the Supreme Heavenly Sovereign; and it is impossible for a power of that level to follow Ke Feng all the time to protect him, right?

"I..." Ke Feng looked at Xu Ming, as if he had seen a ghost, and murmured, "I don't believe it, I don't believe it..."

"Don't believe it?" Elder Lei Gu's face sank, "Could it be that this elder still sees it wrong?"

When Ke Feng said "don't believe it", he was actually questioning Elder Lei Gu; in this case, how could Elder Lei Gu give him a good look?

"Humph!" Xu Ming's expression sank even more, his aura instantly oppressed Ke Feng - after keeping a low profile for so long, it's time to show his strength a little.

You must know that Xu Ming's strength is at the level of the Supreme Heaven, and how tyrannical is his aura of oppression!


The weak Ke Feng, who only had the supreme cultivation base, was directly pressed to the ground by Xu Ming's aura.


"What a terrifying aura!"

"It's definitely the supreme heaven!"

It was only for this moment that no one in the audience questioned Xu Ming's cultivation level - such a tyrannical aura was definitely a genuine high-ranking heavenly supreme!

"Brother Wolong!" Elder Lei Gu said with a smile, "I made you laugh! Let's talk in another place!"

Elder Lei Gu didn't mention the matter of the direct disciple assessment again - Xu Ming's strength has already been placed here, who would have any opinion on the outcome of the direct disciple assessment?

"Alright!" Xu Ming laughed.

Since the cultivation base of the Supreme Heaven has been shown, it is natural to have the posture of the Supreme Heaven.

With that said, Xu Ming ignored the others and walked towards the Lei Mie Pavilion under the leadership of Elder Lei Gu.

But at this moment-

"Wait!" Among the Ten Demons of Yin Mountain, a one-armed black-clothed powerhouse suddenly said, "Elder Leigu, you, the direct disciple of Lei Mie Pavilion, didn't seem to say that the middle-ranked Heavenly Sovereign cannot challenge the upper Heavenly Sovereign. right?"

"Huh?" Elder Lei Gu's expression changed slightly, and he said solemnly, "What do you mean?"

The one-armed black-clothed powerhouse sneered: "We, the Ten Demons of Yinshan Mountain, have been dormant in a low-key manner for endless epochs, and we are fortunate to have our strength to break through! This Wolong Heaven Supreme Being, although he is a high-ranking Heavenly Supreme Being, but... our Yinshan Ten Demons also dare to challenge it. !"


When everyone heard the words, their expressions changed.

"The Ten Demons of Yin Mountain, dare to challenge the Supreme Heavenly Sovereign? Do they think that they can bridge the gap between the 'Middle Heavenly Sovereign' and the 'Upper Heavenly Sovereign'?"

"Where did the Ten Demons of Yin Mountain come from?"

"As far as I know, the Ten Demons of Yinshan have always acted cautiously! This time, why are you so bold?"

"It seems... the Yinshan Ten Demons really have some means!"

"Looking at the appearance of the Ten Demons of Yinshan Mountain, they are a bit aggressive. I am afraid they have long planned to challenge the Supreme Heavenly Sovereign, right? Maybe, they really have such strength!"

"If the Ten Demons of Yinshan join forces, they really have the strength of the Supreme Heavenly Sovereign! Then, their fame will definitely rise to a higher level!"

"Will Wolongtian Supreme be challenged?"

"Wolong Tianzun will definitely fight! Otherwise, it seems that he, the upper-level Tianzun, is afraid of the Ten Demons of Yin Mountain!"

Ke Feng, who had just stood up from the ground, was terrified at first, but now there was a glimmer of anticipation in his eyes - if the Ten Demons of Yinshan really defeated Wolongtian Supreme, then the winner of the personal disciple assessment would still be him! And he can also become the elder of Lei Mie Pavilion!

In Lei Mie Pavilion, the status of "elder status" and "deacon status" are completely different!

If Ke Feng can become an elder, even if his future cultivation cannot reach the level of the Supreme Heaven, then his status in Lei Mie Pavilion is still very high! Moreover, any almighty who dares to move the elders of Lei Mie Pavilion must be prepared for the crazy revenge of Lei Mie Pavilion!

In other words, as long as Ke Feng can become an elder, then even if he has offended Xu Ming before, and even threatened Xu Ming several times, it will not matter! - Ke Feng can't believe This Wolongtian Supreme, who appeared out of nowhere, dares to kill their elders of Lei Miege!

Of course, the premise of all this is that Ke Feng can successfully pass the assessment and become the elder of Lei Mie Pavilion.

Expectation rose in Ke Feng's eyes, but Fang Ping's eyes were a little more worried - just now, he thought he had become a koi; but now, the challenge of the Yinshan Ten Demons has undoubtedly caused some changes in the assessment!

Of course Fang Ping knew that the Ten Demons of Yin Mountain dared to challenge the Supreme Heavenly Sovereign, and he must have some confidence! If they really succeed in the challenge, then Fang Ping will no longer be a koi!

"Brother Wolong..." Elder Leigu looked at Xu Ming with some embarrassment, and at the same time he was a little embarrassed - before, Elder Leigu really didn't expect that the Ten Demons of Yinshan would dare to challenge the Supreme Heavenly Sovereign; therefore, Elder Leigu is in When he saw Xu Ming's cultivation, he directly announced the results of the assessment. But now, since the Ten Demons of Yinshan have launched a challenge, then, according to the rules of Lei Miege, Xu Ming must fight; otherwise, Fang Ping can only be sentenced to be defeated in the assessment.

"Challenge me?" Xu Ming smiled, "Have you never heard of my name and feel that I am a high-ranking celestial being easy to challenge? Challenge me, of course, no problem! But... Since you want to step on me to make a name for yourself, then, Be prepared to fail the challenge and be killed by me!"

Xu Ming sneered and looked at the Ten Demons of Yinshan Mountain: "You...are you ready to die?"


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