Break Into Another World

Chapter 2117: reintroduce 1

The base camp of Lei Miege gave Xu Ming a grand welcome.

Although, for the sake of confidentiality, only a few strong people in the Lei Mie Pavilion know Xu Ming's strength, and everyone else thinks that Xu Ming is just an ordinary high-level heavenly supreme; however, even if it is just an ordinary high-level heavenly supreme to join the battlefield, it is worth Lei Extermination Court welcomes you well.

Many powerhouses in Lei Mie Pavilion are fighting in the depths of the Kunpeng battlefield; there are only eight high-ranking Heavenly Sovereigns left in the base camp, including Xu Ming.

Pavilion Master Lei Mie introduced Xu Ming:

"This is the Golden Marrow Heaven Supreme!"

"This is Bai Huatian Supreme!"

"This is Feng Etian Supreme..."

After introducing everyone, Pavilion Master Lei Mie said again: "Wolongtian Supreme, in the future you will form a team with Feng'e Tian Supreme! Both of you are high-ranking Heavenly Supreme, together, in the Kunpeng battlefield. Not a weak fighting force!"

When Pavilion Master Lei Mie introduced Xu Ming before, he made everyone think that Xu Ming was just an ordinary high-ranking Heavenly Supreme; that's why he said this now.

"Yes! Pavilion Master!" Feng'e Tian Zhizun is a female high-ranking Tian Zhizun. She looks weak, but her strength is not weak! Of course, compared to the other high-ranking Heavenly Supremes in the Kunpeng battlefield, she is not that strong.

However, Feng Etian Supreme has an excellent temperament and has never had a Taoist companion; so in the alliance, there are not a few strong people who pursue Feng Etian Supreme.

Even... even the Kunpeng clan wanted to capture Feng Etian Supreme Being alive. Of course, the purpose of capturing alive can be imagined.

For the sake of safety, Feng'e Tian Zhizun didn't actually go deep into the Kunpeng battlefield; even if he wanted to go deep into the Kunpeng battlefield, there was usually a powerful superior Tianzun with her, which was equivalent to protecting her.

So now, although Supreme Feng Etian has already taken orders, he is actually a little puzzled, wondering why the pavilion master has arranged her with this "Wolong Tian Supreme" who has just come to the Kunpeng battlefield - after all, once Feng Etian Supreme has left Base camp, enter the Kunpeng battlefield; then, the Kunpeng clan really want to find a chance to capture her alive!

Feng'e Tian Supreme was actually thinking: With this Wolong Tian Supreme, can Wolong Tian Supreme protect her?

However, Feng Etian Supreme Venerable just thought about these words in his heart and did not say it.

On the other hand, Xu Ming had already understood the meaning of Pavilion Master Lei Mie—on the way before, Pavilion Master Lei Mie kept saying that he had a special weapon! Now it seems that this is what the pavilion master Lei Mie called the strange soldier; this Supreme Feng Etian seems to be the "bait" that pavilion master Lei Mie came up with.

Xu Ming suddenly felt some pressure. After all, he is not the real "Top High Heaven Supreme" strength; moreover, Xu Ming didn't want to expose the secret of "countercurrent of time". Therefore, if he really encounters a formidable opponent, Xu Ming has to find a way to hide his "countercurrent of time" hanging.

"At that time, in order to hide the secret of 'countercurrent of time', maybe I will feel wronged for this Feng'etian Supreme!" Xu Ming said in his heart, "just feel wronged", for example, let Feng'etian Supreme be beaten by the enemy first; After Feng'e Tian Supreme was beaten away, Xu Ming turned on the "Time Reverse Flow" while no one would see it, and killed the enemy in one fell swoop! - During the whole process, Feng Etian Supreme Venerable will not have any danger to her life, but she will inevitably be beaten...

Thinking that Feng Etian Supreme, who had a great temperament and a beautiful appearance, would probably get a lot of beatings when he followed him, Xu Ming couldn't help but cast a pitying look.

Feng Etian Supreme was chilled for a while by Xu Ming's gaze, and suddenly had a bad feeling.

At this time, other uninformed powerhouses in Lei Mie Pavilion actually questioned the pavilion master's arrangement - in their opinion, the pavilion owner's arrangement seems to be a little dangerous to the Supreme Feng'etian! After all, without the protection of a powerful superior Heavenly Sovereign, Feng'e Heavenly Sovereign could easily be targeted by the Kunpeng clan's powerhouses!

Thinking of this, Supreme Jin Sui Tian couldn't help but question: "Pavilion Master, will this arrangement..."

When the depressed Feng Etian Supreme heard the words, he couldn't help but cast a grateful look at Jin Sui Tian Supreme.

"It's okay! That's the arrangement! I know it!" Pavilion Master Lei Mie interrupted directly.

"Okay..." Jin Sui Tian Supreme did not dare to refute the decision of the pavilion owner after all. Since the pavilion owner said it so clearly, of course he could only silently shut his mouth.

And the grateful gaze that Feng Etian Supreme had just lit up could only dim.

This arrangement of Pavilion Master Lei Mie is not a big deal; after all, this is just a very ordinary arrangement of "combat partners".

However, because Feng Etian Supreme was involved, this partnership arrangement quickly spread throughout the "third eye".

"The Wolongtian Supreme, who just came to the Kunpeng battlefield, was actually arranged by the pavilion master Lei Mie in the same team with Feng'etian Supreme! Moreover, it was a team of two!"

"Two-person team? Kunpeng family, there are many strong people who are fighting Feng'etian Supreme's idea? - This Wolongtian Supreme is very strong? Can it protect Feng'etian Supreme in the Kunpeng battlefield?"

"do not know!"

"I've seen that Wolong Heavenly Sovereign. His aura is very general, and he can't feel the unique temperament of a super-powerful person! It should be a very ordinary high-ranking Heavenly Sovereign, right?"

"Very ordinary high-ranking Heavenly Sovereign? Is Pavilion Master Lei Mie confused? To put him together with Feng'e Heavenly Sovereign?"

"Could it be that the pavilion master Lei Mie saw that there were dragons and phoenixes in their names, so they put together a dragon and a phoenix? - Oh! How dangerous is the Kunpeng battlefield! What kind of child's play is this arrangement!"

"Who went to Lei Mie Pavilion Master and said it?"

There were a lot of people talking about it, but there was no one who really asked Lei Mie Pavilion Master to talk about it.

After all, no matter how weak Lei Mie Pavilion is in the Kunpeng battlefield, it is still a top force with a profound background; the owner of Lei Mie Pavilion is also a top-ranked Heaven Supreme! In the base camp, the people who were chatting and talking were just ordinary high-ranking Heavenly Supremes—they dared to talk a few times, but if they really wanted to talk to the pavilion master Lei Mie, they were not qualified; Question the decision of Lei Mie Pavilion Master.

And these comments made Feng Etian even more depressed - she really couldn't understand why the pavilion master arranged her with the newly arrived Wolongtian Supreme? Doesn't Feng'e Tian Supreme think that Wolongtian Supreme can protect her; is it possible that she is expected to protect Wolongtian Supreme in turn?

Just when she was depressed, Feng'e Tian Zhizun received a message from the pavilion owner: "Feng' Come and see me! It's about Wolong Tian Zhizun!"

Feng Etian's eyes suddenly lit up, and she secretly said, "The pavilion has changed his mind?"

Feng'e Tian Zhizun even walked towards the residence of Pavilion Master Lei Mie.

It just so happened that at this moment, Supreme Venerable Feng E Tian happened to meet Xu Ming, and was walking towards the residence of Pavilion Master Lei Mie just like her.

"Wolongtian Supreme!" Feng'etian Supreme shouted.

"Huh?" Xu Ming slowed down and walked side by side with Supreme Feng Etian.

"The pavilion master just sent a message, let me go over, and said he wanted to say something about you!" Supreme Feng'etian whispered, "It seems... we may not be able to fight the Kunpeng battlefield together!"

"Oh?" Xu Ming smiled and said, "Don't you really want to be on the same team with me?"

Feng'e Tian Supreme was slightly embarrassed and said: "No! It's just... my strength is relatively weak among the upper Tian Supreme, and you have just arrived on the Kunpeng battlefield; I am worried that it will be more dangerous for us to be together. ."

"Haha!" Xu Ming smiled and said nothing.

Soon, Xu Ming and Supreme Feng Etian walked into the residence of Pavilion Master Lei Mie together.

"You guys are here!" Pavilion Master Lei Mie laughed, "Feng Etian Supreme, I'll introduce you to Brother Wolong again!"


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